0 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The phrase "free speech platform" sounds like a giant, enormous dog whistle. Which is a damn shame, because I used to enjoy that place, and now I'm not sure I will anymore... Don't want to jump to conclusions, but is there ANY self-described "bastion of free speech on the internet" that is not a cesspool full of awful people? Just one?

I'm a white, heterosexual cis male in my 40s not living in the US, so this does not affect me in any way, shape or form directly, but it still feels just icky, unnecessary and tone-deaf. Guess I'll post photos of my succulents and my goofy dog just on Lemmy from now on, bummer...

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The solution here would be to mandate full symmetry: if you require muliple steps and confirmations to UNsubscribe or cancel, you must have the exact same steps to subscribe too. I think it would fix this problem very quickly

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The wildest part is that he's surprised that Mastodon peeps would react negatively to their posts being scrapped without consent or even notification and fed into an AI model. Like, are you for real dude? Have you spent more than 4 seconds on Mastodon and noticed their (our?) general attitude towards AI? Come the hell on...

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If teachers could brainwash kids to the point of changing their sexual orientation, wouldn't all schoolchildren become well-read, polite and clean well before they turn trans or gay?

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Another revolution in battery tech? Man, is it Friday already? Look how time flies...

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This seems to be the reason for the change (jayclees is the creator and admin of the site):

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Wow. Also, the obsession of morons with Punisher is just baffling. It's not a very complicated story at all, and yet all these idiots just completely misunderstand it and proudly wear this mark because Frank Castle is cool and kills people...

Screw the star of david, having a Punisher skull symbol anywere on or close to your damn uniform should be a fireable offense.

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I don't even do NG+ in these huge games, but now I'm going to skip this one on principle, even though I do like the series. Nope, not going to allow a company to treat me this way.

There will of course be a lot of people who bend over and take it (or even defend it), but I'd rather replay an older title than encourage this shit.

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Shouldn't this joke be treated like joking about bombs at an airport? At minimum adding a couple of zeroes to the bond?

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Not sure if I agree with him (or rather, pretty sure I disagree). The protest was very successful for me - it got me off the site, and I have no plans of going back, even if it fully opens and goes back to "normal". In my case, reddit is not winning, it completely lost. I see more people like me around here every day and it makes me happy. Can't remember lat time reddit made me happy, so I'm enjoying the change, even if it comes with a fair bit of jank.

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Funny how god never tells them to do something they don't actually want to do in the first place or that doesn't benefit them, innit?

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Eating out of stress or boredom instead of when I'm actually hungry. I am getting better, but still, sometimes work pisses me off so much it's back to angrily stuffing whatever food I have on hand into my gaping maw...

Open your fridge once per day before the door locks with our SmartHome Basic tier. You can enjoy up to five door openings per day with SmartHome Premium, or choose SmartHome Ultimate for unlimited door openings, ability to adjust the temperature AND the light turning on automatically when you open the door! Act now to get a 10% discount for the first three months!

Classic late stage capitalism, where humans' sole reason for existence is being advertised to. Soon we'll start putting ads in incubators too, and invalidate this Onion article:

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Or, it should be exactly as difficult/complicated to cancel as to sign in. Want a 15-step cancellation process involving phones, faxes and a blood offering? Gotta require all that to sign up too!

The Bethesda of old is long dead. After the disappointment that was Starfield, it will take multiple rave reviews and watching a few streamers playing on Twitch for me to even consider giving them any money. And I sure as hell will not be paying for goddamned mods, not now and not ever. Eff that and eff the greedy assholes that now run Bethesda.

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A safety can opener that doesn't create any sharp edges, like this one: (a LONG video, but quite an interesting one IMHO).

It's nor even funny how much this thing is better than any other opener I've ever used, it's just so bloody amazing!

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Unbridled capitalism is destroying the internet everything it touches.

When the ONLY motive of doing (or not doing) something is profit, things go to sit sooner or later. The example I often use is that we actually have enough food in the planet to feed everyone. We just throw a large portion of it away or destroy it, because in so many cases food is not made/grown to feed people, but to generate profits... Sad reality of late stage capitalism.

Greedy rent-seeking garbage humans would make breathing a subscription if they could. And the sad and scary part is that for some reason there are people ready and willing to pay for the Premium Oxygen Subscription Plus with unlimited breaths per day and the Gold Blinking Packaage added for free for the first month ($99.95 after that)...

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Even Apple's damn screen polishing cloth is not cheap - why would anyone hope for Apple branded ANYTHING to ever be cheap?

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So they're saying that a very similar fake video calling Mark Zuckerberg a pedophile would be fine too, right?

Riiiight. And, pray tell Adobe, why in the everloving fuck woul you ever need to "review" private content that's not posted anywhere? Stop acting like you're the goddamned pre-crime agency from Minority Report and keep your dirty paws off stuff people are creating privately.

You are providing tools, and that's it. I can do horrible, illegal shit with my drill, but it doesn't give Black&Decker any right to break into my house to do random checks and see if I'm drilling through kneecaps instead of wooden planks...

Yes, betrayal - because the US devolved so much into tribalism, that any critique of "their own", no matter if justified or not, is a betrayal and taboo.

You see, our side can do no wrong and is perfect. It's their side that's wrong, always. We're the good guys, and they're the bad guys - how could Jon betray the only side that's good, noble and completely faultless? That clearly means he's with them and not with us, because nuance is a foreign loan word that we don't need, and everything is black and white!

Fucking sad and depressing - glad I get to look at it from the outside, but still...

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Samsung lost me as a customer when they removed the audio jack and SD card slot - I'm typing this on a S10+ that I've loved for years, but my next phone is going to be made by someone else, so they can shove the whole AI crap and yet another damn subscription so deep that it tickles their tonsils from the other side.

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Sigh, and here I was, thinking Microsoft trying to shove its useless (to me) AI down my throat at every opportunity was annoying... Quo vadis Mozilla, what are you guys doing... :(

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Maybe not ALL technology, but I wouldn't be surprised if we get "AI free" labels similar to the "GMO free" ones we have for food...

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SearXNG - it's a meta-engine that serves results from a combination of other ones (you can set up which ones you want to use). I like it a lot. Here's a list of public instances:

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Sorting by anything seems pretty buggy now - growing pains, I guess. I tend to sort by "New comments" and from time to time I'll get threads with zero comments on top of my feed...

I'm sure it's going to get better with time - right now we're all basically taking part in an extended load test for Lemmy and federation mechanisms :)

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Wanna try some super entertaining pills, or would you prefer a syringe so you can pump entertainment straight into your veins? First round is free, don't you want to be entertained?

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Going to sleep. Every night we lie down, close our eyes and fake sleeping until we actually make it and fall asleep for real.

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Cool, fortunately you can just use Chrome if you like it so much - nobody is forcing you to suffer with Firefox - just uninstall it and move on!

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It's simple - you're paying for 2 or 4 screens, but you could be paying for 2 or 4 screens AND multiple accounts! That would give them more of your money, so it's their preferred option.

Love might be sharing a password, but profit is paying multiple times for the same thing, so here we are...

LibreTube is another YouTube alternative - this one can also use Piped API

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Last Lemmy version had federation issues - the current one (0.19.2) supposedly fixed them. New threads should be populating correctly now, maybe give it a couple of days and check again?

If you do want to switch, the instance I'm on only blocks,, and

We cannot debate each other well because everyone tends to be very friendly when you join a Zoom call.

Translation: "I want to be a dick to people face to face, so they can't just turn the camera off and flip a bird towards the screen".

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I'm not hiding anything - I'm just one of those weird people that uninstall apps I think are garbage and don't continue to use them. These issues are clearly important to you, and it seems Chrome ticks every single box for you, while Firefox does not. Fortunately you have a choice, and you can use your preferred browser - nothing wrong about that. I prefer Firefox and uninstalled Chrome, you can do the opposite and we'll both be happy.

"Cracking the whip is no fun if we can't see the fear in our wage slaves' eyes as we do it, and besides, we want you to experience workplace culture crunch directly and fully, in a crowded office and not a comfort of your own home." - Rockstar executives, probably.

Why do I have a feeling that "conspicuous and neutral" was added there only because pharma companies would otherwise misinterpret "clear" as "see-through"?

Removng vovls s col nd trndy!

Microsoft, probably: "StartAllBack? Nope, ya little twit, you will use our start menu AND YOU WILL LIKE IT! No installing any of that crap on your our computer!"

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