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Teixeira worked for nearly 14 years at Microsoft in areas including developer tools and technologies, before serving as Facebook’s director of program management and design, and Twitter’s vice president of product.

According to the suit, Teixeira joined Mozilla in August 2022 with the understanding that he would ultimately be positioned to succeed Baker as Mozilla CEO.


Teixeira, 52, was diagnosed in October 2023 with ocular melanoma, a rare but treatable form of cancer. He took an approved 90-day medical leave through early February under the Family Medical Leave Act, the suit says.

Shortly before Teixeira returned, in early February, Baker stepped down as CEO, returning to the role of executive chairman. Chambers, a Mozilla board member, was named to serve as CEO for the remainder of the year.

So he's basically fine, he just missed his chance to become CEO.

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The hell is with all these comments?

Mozilla is far from perfect but god damn the degree of hatred and mirth some people have is entirely disproportionate to anything they've actually done, and completely irrespective of the good they actually do.

It's got the same energy as leftist purity testing, where there is no "net good", only perfection and villains to be spat on.

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The fact that an entire generation thinks the only proper way to install software is through an app store is absolutely terrible. Talk about a boon for the gatekeepers, Apple and Google did a bang up job training them to trust no one else.

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I'm seeing a lot more of these MSN, "Microsoft Start" links lately. You can't even get to the original article through this trashy page or read the whole thing without downloading an app. It's like AMP links but significantly worse.

I don't know where people are getting these, but please stop giving Microsoft clicks by sharing them. Link directly to the article.

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I'd 100% donate to them if they accepted donations.

If they accepted donations, you wouldn't want to.

The reason uBlock Origins surpasses all the others is because of who the lead dev is, what they believe, and why they do it. They are absolute hardline and believe in what they made. It's not a job.

You don't need to be that kind of person to be a good developer, but when it comes to something like an adblocker and privacy protection, you want people like him who won't falter or sell out. You want those true believers.

If he accepted donations, then he wouldn't be the kind of person that made uBlock Origins what it is.

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There aren't any good search engines anymore, because there isn't a good internet anymore. SOE has buried the internet's wealth of information and centralization starved out all the spaces where information used to be. Hell half the forums that used to appear in search results aren't even online anymore, and live only in the way back machine (which doesn't come up in results).

There's so little to find anymore compared to the halcyon days of search engines we remember.

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Not only does it still exist, newgrounds is unique in that it is a long-running website from the early days that is still being run by the same person (never bought out or sold), still has no ads (despite funding issues), still has the same basic focus, still hosting the same content, and is still more or less exactly the same despite some UI changes.

Granted part of that is there hasn't been any real pressure on it, but still.

Genuinely, it is the kind of thing that I would want to put behind glass, because it is an abnormality in this wasteland we call the internet. It's this beautiful little corner that has been allowed to remain as it is, unmolested by the terrible bullshit around it.

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If it's a romhacking site, it wont have the actual ROMs, just the patches. It never would have survived 20 years if it had been hosting ROMs.

You're lying, because uBlock Origins refuses donations. They are adamant about the purity of the project.

Only issue with alternativeto is the comments and reviews are all dated, some by over 10 years, and often don't reflect the current state of the software.

A lot of the information on the site just feels very stale in general.

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Admins only. Letting mods see it just invites them to share it on a discord channel or some shit. The point is the number of people that can actually see the votes needs to be very small and trusted, and preferably tied to a internal standard for when those things need acted upon.

The inherent issue is public votes allow countless methods of interpreting that information, which can be acted on with impunity by bad actors of all kinds, from outside and within. Either by harassment or undue bans. It's especially bad for the instances that fuck with vote counts. Both are problems.

after some further research, it became apparent that Discord staff could save a significant amount of money by changing S3 providers. The new bucket was set up, but when the time came to make the change NC refused to do it, even though he was not the one footing the bill.

There's a conspicuous absence of explaining why they wouldn't do it. What were their actual concerns? Did they not voice them or are they just being withheld?

NC refused to join the Discord to talk about solutions in real-time.

Why was this a requirement?

Did we vent in private? Sure.

And what did you say?

Did we dox or threaten? Fucking hell, no! And frankly I'm LIVID at even the suggestion that we did.

Well something clearly happened if his family was brought into it, so if you're going to skimp on the details, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to believe that.

The whole thing just comes back to the larger issue with discord: the record vanishes.

Seems weird to include Grindr with all the others, given Grindr is an actual radar. The whole point is that you're supposed to be able to see who's near. At about a thousand feet, the distance starts getting murky and obfuscated, but still, you're supposed to be able to know when somebody is close, down to a couple hundred feet.

In that case, at least, the user base knows what they're getting into when they use the app.

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People seriously need to start pushing back on the word "secure" being used as a blanket excuse for every restriction.

It feels like every time that word is used, no one is willing to call out the fact that user freedom is equally as important and it's a lazy, disrespectful developer who won't take that into account by finding ways to maintain both.

At this point, even that would be preferable.

Your right, any open platform will be bastardized eventually, but that doesn't mean there isn't still a need for "resets".

There is no perfect platform for escaping it, because the market forces will always adapt and assimilate. The only true escape is to keep moving.

That's why it's important for users to be hermit crabs, and move to the next thing, no matter how janky, because they will at least be able to influence it positively and have a relatively open platform for a number of years. Then the cycle repeats.

If propping up Linux phones will get us the open platform we need, even if only temporarily, we should do it.

The issue I think is that the current trends in all consumer software are increasingly user hostile, and the major platforms are creating ecosystems to support this. It's become the norm now to be able to directly control the usage of the software on consumer devices. Apple has normalized this, Google and Microsoft followed.

At what point will developers refuse to even create software for a system that doesn't allow them that control?

Look at how many developers out there absolutely jerk themselves raw at the idea they should be able to compel users to update to continue using their software. Look at how many believe the modern security culture fallacy that handcuffing users and throwing away the key is the only way to protect them.

It's a development culture issue. Respecting user control of their own device is no longer in vogue.

This is more or less how it worked on Reddit. The admins handled vote spam or abuse, there was absolutely no expectation for moderators to have that information because the admins were dealing with the abuse cases. Moderators only concerned themselves with content and comments, the voting was the heart of how the whole thing works, and therefore only admins could see and affect them. Least privilege, basically.

I think a side effect of this, though, is that it increases the responsibility on admins to only federate with instances that have active and cooperative admins. It increases their responsibilities and demands active monitoring, which isn't a bad thing, but I worry about how the instances that federates openly by default will continue to operate.

If you have to trust the admins, how do you handle new admins, or increasingly absent ones? What if their standards for what constitutes "harassment" don't match yours? Does the whole instances get defederated? What if it's a large instance, where communities will be cut off?

I don't ask any of this as a way to put down this effort because I very, very much want to see this change, but there's gonna be hurtles that have to be overcome

Ultimately I think the best solution would need assistance from the devs but I'm lieu of that, we have to make due.

Problem with Tuta for me is its too closed off.

Proton at least offers an IMAP bridge, Tuta utterly refuses to let you use your email outside their apps, which makes it more of a messaging app. And the fact there's no way to export everything easily or even forward messages rubs me the wrong way. I tried them and have been using them for about 2 years but I'd definitely love to get away from it.

I'm tired of these walled gardens. I don't give a damn how secure it is, if I can't leave it with my shit, then no thanks.

We all keep saying this but can anybody point me to which one is better?

I invariably end up having to go back to them because the other search engines all have their own problems.

The issue is the internet is polluted with SEO and all the useful things that used to be spread out are now condensed onto places like Reddit, or places that aren't even being indexed.

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And let's be real, you at least need a degree of tech savvy to deal with the inevitable issues that will come up. Even on the simplest distro.

It's mostly that it's just an older site and the voting/review system goes back by over a decade. Much of the information you're gonna get on there is just dated, pure and simple, and that reflects in the rankings.

And as you said, the categories aren't curated well enough. Too many unrelated suggestions.

I was banned from /r/grindr for suggesting it's ok for trans people to use it. It's legitimately one of the most blatantly, unapologetically terrible mods I've ever seen, and it's just him.

Did you turn off Play Protect?

And yeah, when we set these barcode scanners up, unfortunately it made me appreciate Intune's Android management tools. I despise Microsoft and Google, but Microsoft won that round of "Who do I hate the least right now?"

Sure, but by the same token, mods are just as capable of manipulation and targeted harassment when they can curate the voting and react based on votes.

On reddit, votes are only visible to the admins, and the admins would take care of this type of thing when they saw it (or it tripped some kind of automated something or other). But they still had the foresight not to let moderators or users see those votes.

Complete anonymity across the board won't work but they're definitely needs to be something better than it is now.

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It could be, but combine the color looking very much like Apple's space grey, the slimness of it, particularly how slim the lid is versus the body, and what looks like the MacBook's classic black, rounded rubber stoppers on the bottom, I think it's safe to say that's meant to be an MacBook.

Also certain MacBook models tried to go to a single USB C port about a decade ago, and it was on the corner like that.

Downvotes are part of the whole curation aspect of the site, and it's a valid part of the democratic system. For all the whining about being "censored" because you got downvoted, there's countless cases where downvotes influence the sorting algorithm positively.

Garbage shouldn't sit on the same level as fluff comments no one bothered to vote on.

The notion of "summer reddit" went hand in hand with notion of "mom's basement" and even "touch grass" in a way.

Namely, all are dated ideas from millennials that are still thinking the person on the other end of the comment is sitting in front of a computer, as the default. It ignores the simple fact we all have the internet in our pockets and can be chronically online AND actually out in the world doing things at the same time.

Fair enough.

Does that include the IMAP bridge and multiple addresses?

Posting an article about something and then using it plug something else alongside it is the kind of deliberate spam mods should be removing, no matter what software they're plugging.

Why does removing them from the site also mean cutting their user count from Active Users though?

I'd take that bet.

I would love to believe the situation is as you believe it is, but I just don't see it.

As others have said, the usage on old reddit appears to be exceedingly low, around 1-2% if developers are seeing it accurately.

We know that the vast majority of all usage nowadays is mobile, or at least hybrid. And at least half of those mobile users are on iphones, where they have no choice. The only thing that keeps old.reddit working on my phone is Firefox extensions.

The unfortunate truth is the reason reddit and so many other platforms get away with rampant enshitification is that the overwhelming majority of users are either incapable or unwilling to find ways around it if it requires a modicum of effort or results in a slightly less polished experience. They just accept it and become increasingly angry and frustrated with the platform, but refusing to do anything else except continue to use it.

Developers see these numbers and they plan for it. They getting extremely condescending about it, too. Why listen to the "vocal minority" of technically inclined power users when you can pay attention to the majority of silent people who accept literally anything because they have to.

Gone are the days where the majority of your users are going to be tech savvy. When your user base was made up of informed, technical users on desktops, what you did with your software or your site would directly affect your numbers. Those users knew how and were willing to try other things if you fucked around.

Nowadays, with phones in everyone's pocket, your user base is everyone, and unfortunately for all of us, that everyone includes the majority of people who will drink a shit sundae over and over again before they will even consider going to different restaurant.

It's not actually a captive customer base, but it effectively is. They're just held captive by their own tech illiteracy and lack of patience. What those people do determines the future of the industry now.

We learn by reading copyrighted material.

We are human beings. The comparison is false on it's face because what you all are calling AI isn't in any conceivable way comparable to the complexity and versatility of a human mind, yet you continue to spit this lie out, over and over again, trying to play it up like it's Data from Star Trek.

This model isn't "learning" anything in any way that is even remotely like how humans learn. You are deliberately simplifying the complexity of the human brain to make that comparison.

Moreover, human beings make their own choices, they aren't actual tools.

They pointed a tool at copyrighted works and told it to copy, do some math, and regurgitate it. What the AI "does" is not relevant, what the people that programmed it told it to do with that copyrighted information is what matters.

There is no intelligence here except theirs. There is no intent here except theirs.

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Are you a bot or just this uninformed?

Firefox has extensions and isn't chromium. Only a fool thinks a Chromium browser will stay friendly to extensions after Manifest 3.

Cat drama in particular seems to always hit maximum outrage really fast.

Because what you consider a fact is based on studies that don't provide as compelling evidence as you want to believe they do.

Generally speaking, it's probably best to not do it, but calling it outright abuse requires evidence that it is causing actual harm, and the scientific consensus on it is not as solid as you think it is.

Recent academic review of many past studies have found that it's inconclusive.

Basically, we need more studies before we can start deleting shit on accusations of animal abuse.

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