Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December | TechCrunch to – 311 points –
Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December | TechCrunch

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The hell is with all these comments?

Mozilla is far from perfect but god damn the degree of hatred and mirth some people have is entirely disproportionate to anything they've actually done, and completely irrespective of the good they actually do.

It's got the same energy as leftist purity testing, where there is no "net good", only perfection and villains to be spat on.

It almost seems like there's anti Mozilla campaign going on. It's normal to see some critique but all of a sudden there is a huge Mozilla hate push. Call me crazy but it feels organized

Google really wants to make sure you can't escape their ad-riddled bullshit when they get rid of Manifest v2

There is, I just saw a post trying to demonize Mozilla simply because they had a few job listings for AI and Ad managers and the take away in the post itself was like "I see they have fully pointed the ship towards a future of AI and Ads", like are you serious??? A few job listings is enough to paint the entire future of the company lol

It's absolutely bonkers.

There's so many people here that fight against their own interests by letting perfect be the enemy of good.

The enshittification warning signs are going off everywhere, Mozilla is being corrupted before our very eyes. Now is not the time to hand wave it away.

Unfortunately with Google's antitrust lawsuits, it's quite likely Mozilla will lose the majority of their funding in the near future, since their biggest source of revenue is Google paying them to be default.

Yea, that's not helping keep anything off the enshittification train that's for sure. Desperation is dangerous.

Oh the irony lol