2 Post – 241 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And some people were annoyed it didn't win game of the year...

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But why is the rock sad :(

But this shit can come to other countries if they aren't careful. Fight Healthcare privatization with everything you've got

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Man. Such a shame those games came out at the same time with effectively the same name

That block is the internet, Jen. It's incredibly important that you protect it or the elders will be irate

Ok so if they are now only charging for the first install, why aren't they just charging an extra fee per sale? Wouldn't that accomplish effectively the same thing? (And actually work out in unity favour since not everyone who buys a game downloads it)

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People think the cost of the panel is the most expensive, but it's actually the 151 million km copper cable

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Most of them don't seem to see women as people so it's not surprising they dont care about this.

Guess they ran their brand too far into the ground. Now they gotta dig up another

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Feel free to provide one. He seems to me to be a lunatic

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The whole point is that a bunch of people don't have the technical skills to figure out FOSS. Sure, sometimes the ux is just as good as the main competitor, but in my experience, usually it isnt and has a decent learning curve

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He's one dude.

Many people are not informed for how this stuff works. They see an open world racing game they can play with friends and don't understand what's needed to make that happen.

I would imagine all the billionaires have done something good at least once.

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But how can we make saving the planet a profitable business venture? -the west

You've also missed all the hype about the lack of microtransactions. That one is pretty big.

And the bear sex. Although you'd think a sub bullet of point 2, I think its less horniness and more absurdity and "you can do anything".

It's the modern equivalent of "see that mountain? You can go there."

"See that bear? You can fuck it"

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And the Canadians. Our right wing is cutting Healthcare budgets and saying the reason there are long wait times is because it needs to be privatized.

Sad thing is it's working.

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Honestly, number 3 is the only thing that would have marginal impact. Consumers don't have the time and energy to research every product to the depth required foe the first two.

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I shudder to think what they'll do for recordest profits

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Ah dude. I'm sorry. That's devastating. It's ok to cry. Anyone would

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Even saying "oven" as correct threw me off. Ive never called a microwave an oven or a microwave oven. I was like starting to think maybe it wanted a specific brand of oven, or a synonym like stove

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And cassette beasts

They don't take it seriously enough. They go play army man.

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There is a point where more ram doesnt help and maybe that's what you are thinking of. It's more "must be this tall to ride" from my understanding

aww I want a bear

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Backwards ass country.

There are fewer and fewer options every day that aren't by big brands.

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Thank you for sharing it in this format. Makes it a lot easier to understand and parse.

I didnt grasp just how many felonies he's being investigated and charged for. It's wild

Unless you're ok lurking and just reading. I used to rarely contribute to ask reddit, but I would read a ton of those threads

The main difference is that if you built your product on their platform, you don't have the option to pick a different vendor for what you've already built like you would for subscriptions or eggs. It feels much more akin to extortion to me.

You built your product on their platform and agreed to the terms they set. Thats a level of commitment you put in. Them changing it afterwards is forcing you to agree to new terms that you wouldn't agree to if you weren't forced.

If the issue is using their servers, or keeping the runtime code updates, there should at least be the option of self hosting or locking into an older version.

Having said all that, I know very little about vendor contracts and don't doubt you when you say legally its the same as any other price change. It feels different because of the lack of choice.

And the hospitals that do have long wait times is also due to conservative government cutting.

Yup. You can see this kind of stuff happening with ads in things you buy.

There was a model of "ad supported" and "pay to own"

But some exec figured out you could do both and double dip.

There is no world in which things get more consumer friendly unless it's forced

This is alll I ever wanted from steam deck. Time to put my money where my mouth is

Slightly related: all dogs are bots and all cats are girls

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Not enough profit in it

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I think he's talking in general. But who knows.

I dont want faster, I just want a bezeless oled in the same body.

Yup. So many games mess this up. You CAN do a good hub world, but it needs to have lots of interesting things in it, not just glorified menu options

New mexico, Utah, not sure about the other

Most of the mid-west would be split between Saskatchewan and winnipeg

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This hit me in the nostalgia