1 Post – 183 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Loved the Dreamcast. Other than the lack of DVD player, I still think it was better than the PS2.

Quite a few games that were released on both consoles looked better and played more smoothly on the Dreamcast than they did on the supposedly more powerful PS2. Dave Mirra BMX is one that immediately comes to mind. It was way better on the Dreamcast.

I've paid for Relay Pro multiple times over the years, and was happy to do so. And if this subscription had been implemented as just a way to support Relay, I'd have subscribed in a heartbeat, because it's a fantastic app and worth every penny.

But due to all the Reddit API (and other) bullshit behind it, I just can't do it. After many, many years of happy usage, I uninstalled Relay Pro yesterday when I got the update.

As far as I'm concerned, Reddit is now only a "read-only" archive that I'll read if a search returns old information I need, and I'll read just the post/comment I need from an ad-blocking browser then move on elsewhere (ie. lemmy) when I want to participate in conversations.

I know it's highly unlikely, but if dbrady ever releases a Relay for Lemmy app, I'll pay for it.

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I's she also going to sue Ticketmaster and her own PR team for publicly releasing every city she's going to in her tours?

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The problem isn't them being in you LAN. It's about going to an untrusted network (eg Starbucks, hotel) and connecting to your VPN, boom, now your VPN connection is compromised.

It isn't. Either your cable is bad, or the port on your phone is bad/broken.

At this point I think Biden needs to just call their bluff. He should come back with, "Okay, here's all the plans we've drawn up to go into effect as soon as you ratify your secession."

Then present the plans that include cessation of all federal subsidies to all public and private Texas entities, removal of all US military personnel and equipment, removal of all other federal agencies and personal (eg. Federal Border Patrol, Park rangers, IRS), removal of the Federal reserve in Dallas, the construction of border walls around the state in NM, OK, AR, and LA asking with placement of the removed border patrol there, and so on.

Let them stew for a bit and chew on just how utterly fucked this state (yeah I live in TX, and early awaiting the day we can leave) would be if they really did successfully secede.

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Because up until Broadcom bought them, it was a good product with a ton of useful features, endless supported integrations with 3rd party software and hardware, relatively easy to learn/use, with good support, all at reasonable and flexible price points depending on your needs.

Of course Broadcom has now thrown all of that into the toilet...

And then make him take care of it for 18 years.

There's a lot of things they can't do, until they do them anyway, which then either results in the other side wasting a bunch of time money fighting to get it overturned (during which the narrative is controlled by the assholes), or it doesn't actually get overturned, and they get something they want, but shouldn't have.

I tried to switch to iOS when my pixel 3xl died. I gave up after 24hrs and bought a Pixel 6Pro.

Every time I tried to do something on the iPhone, or find a comparable app, it either couldn't be done, or needed an app with an ongoing paid subscription. It was infuriating. Paying one time for an app is one thing. I don't need to be spending 10s of dollars or a month in perpetuity just to use some apps on my phone when I can get the same functionality free, or for a smaller one time payment elsewhere.

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This fuck-knuckle has 5 kids. If any of them are girls, I'd bet good money he wants this because he wants to be sure they can't have an abortion when he knocks one (or more) of them up, as part of his Handmaid's Tale fantasy.

Wells Fargo.

The short version is, they forced me to close my savings/checking account due to $32 in insufficient funds that was reported to Chex Systems by my former bank, and told me that I could reopen them once the report was cleared.

I got the report cleared with proof that it was due to a third party (AOL - who admitted it and got the report removed) that made unauthorized charges to an account I had closed.

When I went back to get my accounts reopened, the manager spoke me like I was the scum of the earth for ever having been reported, even though it wasn't my fault and I had proof. She told me that I couldn't open an account at Wells Fargo for 7 years, and said I could come back after that and open accounts.

As if I would ever go near Wells Fargo again after treating me like that over a $32 report that I had proven wasn't my fault.

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Play the game in whatever way is most enjoyable to you.

Or my dead-at-16yrs nephew.

And never, ever, did anyone complain about getting the orientation wrong with DIN connectors.

Hah! Hardly. I have plenty of memories of endlessly rotating mouse and keyboard connectors as I reached behind a computer trying to insert it blindly, and somehow having to try half a dozen times before it finally found just the right orientation.

There's also the issue on the older, large DIN connectors of pins getting bent or broken.

We moved on from those things for darn good reason, and I for one have no interest in going back.

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The stage was set long before him. He was just one step in the plan.

There were two.

  1. Every time he farted it was awful so we'd shoo him out of the room. Eventually, he'd immediately walk out of the room right AFTER he farted.

  2. We'd end the day watching TV in the living room. Eventually he learned that the click of the TV meant it was time to go to bed, so any time the TV got turned off, he'd get up and go into his bed in our bedroom.

I'd bet good money that he was only furious because it ruined his (pathetic) attempt to bully her into skipping lunch, and made him look like a fool when it failed. That's exactly the kind of thing that would make him furious.

Many (if not most) women have historically kept their married name after a divorce. Sometimes it depends on how long they lived with that married name, and whether or not they already have significant career milestones, professional accomplishments or public awareness attached to their married name.

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As a tech worker for over 25 years, I say good for them.

Hell, if my back, knees and neck weren't already fucked, I'd be damned tempted to start driving for UPS.

I'm already kind of nearing a point where a move away from tech is appealing, but even if I accept the idea of some reduction in pay, I'm at a loss for what I can do that wouldn't see me losing half my income which would just be more than I'd like to bear.

The first band I ever heard about doing it was Def Leppard over a decade ago. Sucks that artists even have to consider than as an option.

That seems... Illegal. Much the same as selling a "foot long" Sub or Hotdog which is only 11".

At the very least it's misleading.

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A 'wagyu' New York Strip for $120.

It was okay but really not worth it. I've made better steaks on my grill at home with $10 worth of Select Grade NY Strip.

My cousin believed all the anti-vax shit that people like RFK Jr espouse.

He didn't get his kids vaccinated, and his 16yr old son died of Covid.

He STILL supports, and is a fan of RFK Jr and his anti-vax shit. It's kind blowing.

What are you on about? In the US at least, there's no legal restriction on you playing 4K Blu-Ray movies on a PC.

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Biggest problem I see is its inability to embed images and other multimedia.

That's one of its best features as far as I'm concerned, and one of the reasons I still use it every day.

Um. Those have existed for years.

In other news, the surface of the sun is hot.

Apple doesn't do 'cheap'. They charge A THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS for a damned monitor stand after selling you a $4-5000 dollar monitor that doesn't come with a stand!

If you are expecting to do anything in the Apple ecosystem 'cheap' you're going to be in for a bad time.

So it sounds like basically it's just client certificates?

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One way or the other, you're paying every month. Either it's rent (paying for the landlord's house, including taxes, insurance and interest), or you're paying towards your own. The general populous has never really been able to buy a house outright. One way or another you're mortgaging your time to spread out the time to either pay for a house, or pay for property and building your own.

Yes, people have been going WAY to far into debt, pushing the size and prices of houses to unsustainable levels. Hell my mom grew up just fine with 5ppl (2 parents, 3 kids) in an 800sqft house (plus a tiny finished attic) with 1 bathroom. Nobody really needs 2500-4000sqft houses.

But even if we go back to reasonably sized homes, in no realistic world are mortgages going away.

The best you can hope for is to live as cheaply as possible to save up a large down payment (and emergency fund), and buy only as much house as you really need, for as little interest as you can manage, and then pay it off as quickly as you can.

I have to imagine that Lawnmower Man is in the running. Talk about having nothing at all to do with the 'book' , (well, short story anyway).

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They've been shitty since TWC bought them. Maybe a little before when they killed their old web interface which was informative and fast and replaced it with a new design that was difficult to read information, and worst of all, slow as fuck. That's about when I stopped subscribing.

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bill that would ban government employees from being required to use the preferred pronouns of their colleagues,

Ok, so time to just start calling EVERYONE by the 'wrong' pronouns...

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My absolute biggest complaint with my BMW. The electronic gear shifter. Want to go backwards? Push the shifter forward. Want to go forwards? Pull the shifter backwards. Fucking genius! <\s>

It's not about what you as the searcher has. It's about where the content you're searching for is located. If the entity or company you're searching for has only published within walled gardens such as Instagram or Facebook, then you are less likely to successfully find that information in Google. If they had published a normal website, then Google would be better able to index that information and provide you the result you want.

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They aren't trying to force you specifically to be visible. If you want to continue to live in the shadows, by all means do so.

But by the same token, they shouldn't be forced to live in the shadows if they don't want to.

As far as I can tell, it's just about getting to a point where it's okay for those who want to, to be able to go out in public and be who they are (and therefore be visible) without getting insulted, or discriminated against or killed for it.

That in no way affects your ability to continue to do things the way you want to.

Connect is a decent client, but if dbrady ever releases Relay for Lemmy, I'll jump on it.

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No they don't, at least not in Texas. Here they get paid for the school year. Then they have the option to CHOOSE to have their pay spread out throughout the year. But unless they are teaching summer school, which is additional pay, they are not paid for the summer.

It seems like you don't understand the point of time blindness then. How do you "leave earlier" when you completely lose track of time?

Hell, even for work meetings, I have to have the most obnoxiously loud and annoying notification alert on my work computer that can be heard throughout the entire house, and I still end up late to some meetings, even though I'm already sitting at my desk.

Your post is like complaining that a blind person just needs to open their eyes if they want to see, or they're just a moron or an asshole. It shows profound ignorance about the subject and complete lack of empathy for people who have a problem that you don't have direct experience with.

I read books/ebooks.

Or I read the back of the cereal box, over and over and over...