GOP Governors Invoke the Confederate Theory of Secession to Justify Border Violations to politics – 486 points –
GOP Governors Invoke the Confederate Theory of Secession to Justify Border Violations

This week, Republican governors across the country escalated their conflict with the Biden administration over the southern border by invoking the same legal theory that slave states wielded to justify secession before the Civil War.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, joined by 25 other GOP governors, now argues that the Biden administration has violated the federal government’s “compact” with the states—an abdication that justifies state usurpation of federal authority at the border.

This language embraces the Confederacy’s conception of the Constitution as a mere compact that states may exit when they feel it has been broken. It’s dangerous rhetoric that transcends partisan grandstanding. And as before, it’s being used to legitimize both nullification and dehumanization.


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At this point I think Biden needs to just call their bluff. He should come back with, "Okay, here's all the plans we've drawn up to go into effect as soon as you ratify your secession."

Then present the plans that include cessation of all federal subsidies to all public and private Texas entities, removal of all US military personnel and equipment, removal of all other federal agencies and personal (eg. Federal Border Patrol, Park rangers, IRS), removal of the Federal reserve in Dallas, the construction of border walls around the state in NM, OK, AR, and LA asking with placement of the removed border patrol there, and so on.

Let them stew for a bit and chew on just how utterly fucked this state (yeah I live in TX, and early awaiting the day we can leave) would be if they really did successfully secede.

You forgot one: We're gonna invade the nation of Texas, because they have oil.

Tell them we - the real America - will be keeping all the mineral rights, thanks. They can enjoy the going Galt without any of OUR resources, thankyouveryfuckingmuch.

If they really did secede, I think it's a bit presumptuous to assume you would still have travel rights in the US. Better get out before it happens.

Like everything else, it's a risk trade-off calculation. On the one hand, I'd love to leave now, but If we leave before 2029, it could cost us potentially $1-3million in teacher retirement pension. (spread across 20-30+ years as my wife can retire quite early because she started so young)

So one must balance the risk of Texas really seceding vs the financial cost of leaving early.

At this stage, while it's a 'fun' (I use that term very loosely) thought experiment, I think the likelihood of Texas actually seceding is pretty low. If at some point it starts to look like it's actually likely, then we'll reevaluate if it makes sense to let go of that much money.

It really sucks to think how many people may be held hostage in Gilead states just like you seem to be.

If Texas actually leaves the union, they are no longer a part of the United States and will not be bound by American rule of law. Closed borders may be the least of your problems by that point. Keep your head on a swivel so that the point of no return doesn't suddenly sail past you.

Then we can just have the U.S.A. Union, which gives a unified visa, currency, and unified government.

It's literally never going to happen.

Doesn't mean they won't try. Last time someone tried, the civil war happened. Lack of success doesn't mean lack of associated problems or consequences. The real questions would be how far would they get and how bad would it get. Sure, there's a good chance they would never actually try, but the chances they will aren't zero.