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We have gods in America. No other way to describe billionaires with unending resources that can be pointed at whatever whim they want, coupled with no consequences for anything they do.

Do we think jeffw is the editor of lgbtqnation? They’re flooding the community with this source day after day. I’d’ve hoped @news had a higher standard… it’s not news that Lauren Bobert is racist.

Who is it the author says called her a racist? Nobodies on Twitter. We as readers need to respect our time and attention and downvote this junk food reporting. We owe it to ourselves.

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It’s seeming like a tide of unthinkability bias is awashing the country. Maybe there’s a better word for the phenomenon where one just can’t contemplate what could be a really bad problem. Or if one can, ‘oh but [the grim outcome] is so far down the road…’

It’s hard when living in a panopticon. Even the smallest PDs have thermal drones, night vision, fully automatic weapons, ALPRs, facial recognition, security cameras tracking you from the nextdoor neighbor’s Ring to the network of cameras at every turn in a population center. Anyone that tries to make the world a better place in that way also throws away their own life. And that’s if you never use a computer.

Right now, the best use of the second amendment is keeping some weapon in a safe until the purges begin. Trans people will be probably be their first target. Then the LGBs, then anyone whose medical record reflects an abortion or adjacent procedure…

Things Christian Nationalists have already put into the record:

Day 1 Trump becomes a dictator; Day 1 insurrection act martial law; Replace the DOJ and FBI with loyalists to go weaponize them against the presidents “enemies;” His non-followers are vermin instead of Americans; “We are domestic terrorists” banner at CPAC;

Every authoritarian I can think of has tried to purge a population. It’s a way more common occurrence in human history than democracy. It’s just this time the recently unmasked fascists in Silicon Valley already know what every American’s political beliefs are and where they are at any given time.

Just so we’re all calling a spade a spade, tea party roots = Koch roots

The tragic state of our institutions.

Judicial Branch- no longer legitimate; captured

Executive Branch- teetering on the ballot; captured (extent depending on one’s politics.)

Legislature- so captured it needs no further mention.

Press- owned by the folks that captured the other branches.

Safety nets and regs: being systematically dismantled by the illegitimate judicial branch to the benefit of the capturing parties.

Porn has too much influence and control in terms of content.

Would you expand on this? I’m interested to know what’s being referred to.

Why might that be? I ask as someone who doesn’t follow the court until it crosses my eyeline, as with this article.

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By nothing do you mean improving social safety nets? Completely agree. Otherwise, NY has the most gun control of any other state.

So much so in NYC, only the bribery class and law breakers can own them. An aside, in a just country, those wouldn’t need to be two distinct groups.

Really upset with all the straight, white lawmakers in my state that decided to ban any rifle that performs better than grandpa’s deer rifle. Trump is going to win and there will be purges. There always are when a new dictator comes to power.

And the very ruling this article is talking about would make him immune if he makes it an order.