Lauren Boebert called "racist" for saying Karine Jean-Pierre is a "DEI hire"

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 265 points –
Lauren Boebert called "racist" for saying Karine Jean-Pierre is a "DEI hire" - LGBTQ Nation

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Do we think jeffw is the editor of lgbtqnation? They’re flooding the community with this source day after day. I’d’ve hoped @news had a higher standard… it’s not news that Lauren Bobert is racist.

Who is it the author says called her a racist? Nobodies on Twitter. We as readers need to respect our time and attention and downvote this junk food reporting. We owe it to ourselves.

I rely on 30+ sources. I do not work for any of them, although I (edit: pay to) subscribe to 3 or 4 (edit: NyTimes, WaPo, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Wired, if anyone cares). Every weekday, I ensure ProPublica’s work gets posted somewhere on Lemmy, that’s probably the only one I never skip.

I don’t alter site headlines and can’t force any outlet to write a better article. The news here is that Boebert said a racist thing. The low-quality journalism thing where they do the “what does twitter have to say about this?” isn’t really important.

Jeff! Your work is indispensable. Thanks for all you do.

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Who is it the author says called her a racist? Nobodies on Twitter.

That would only be because our media doesn't have the balls to.

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