
5 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I write code and play games and stuff. My old username from reddit and HN was already taken and I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to be called so I just picked some random characters like this:

>>> import random
>>> ''.join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") for x in range(5)])

My avatar is a quick doodle made in KolourPaint. I might replace it later. Maybe.


Alt: e0qdk@reddthat.com

This story may be amusing, but it's actually a serious issue if Apple is doing this and people are not aware of it because cellphone imagery is used in things like court cases. Relative positions of people in a scene really fucking matter in those kinds of situations. Someone's photo of a crime could be dismissed or discredited using this exact news story as an example -- or worse, someone could be wrongly convicted because the composite produced a misleading representation of the scene.

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The attached picture says 133 qubits, so whatever that chip is (edit: Heron) it's not this thing.

IBM's post (that the article links) says:

Breaking the 1,000-qubit barrier with Condor

We have introduced IBM Condor, a 1,121 superconducting qubit quantum processor based on our cross-resonance gate technology. Condor pushes the limits of scale and yield in chip design with a 50% increase in qubit density, advances in qubit fabrication and laminate size, and includes over a mile of high-density cryogenic flex IO wiring within a single dilution refigerator.

So, it sounds like this is actually another fridge sized system.

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pressing one's foot on the genitals of a supine person while pulling on their feet (usu. as a prank); electric massage​

-- https://jisho.org/word/%E9%9B%BB%E6%B0%97%E3%81%82%E3%82%93%E3%81%BE


  1. revival (of an old system, custom, fashion, etc.); restoration; return; comeback​

  2. resurrection; rebirth​

-- https://jisho.org/word/%E5%BE%A9%E6%B4%BB

Still WTF, but at least the label matches the picture...

Edit: the lower left probably says something about black pepper and salt (ブラックペッパー&ソルト) -- I can't tell what the rest of the characters are though through the JPG compression. Probably (\ included) for the parenthesis bit?

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This is totally going to turn into another JBIG2 lossy compression clusterfuck isn't it...

For those who are unfamiliar, JBIG2 is a compression standard that has a dubious reputation for replacing characters incorrectly in scanned documents (so 6 could become an 8, for example) leading to potentially serious issues when scanning things like medical and legal documents, construction blueprints, etc.

Adding a summary to this: the article has some history about OpenOffice (which is a zombie project that was essentially replaced by LibreOffice after Oracle bought Sun) followed by a description of patterns of weird commit history recently (e.g. regular changes that are entirely or almost entirely just fiddling with whitespace), and a request to email the Apache foundation to ask them to make it clear that the project is dead.

You can't really, as others have pointed out, but I like Philip K Dick's definition of reality: "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away."

I've used Wireshark when I want to inspect the traffic going through my computer. I've found it particularly handy for debugging my own networking code. I've also used netstat to see active connections and programs listening for traffic when I don't care about the packet contents specifically.

I could really use another A Hat in Time, honestly. Not the Death Wish part -- I've still got Dark Souls 3 just sitting there waiting for me when I'm ready for that... -- but the chill, cutesy, fun main game part. Anyone got some recommendations?

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This is the gag error message you sometimes get when you visit the 4chan parody in the VN called "don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story".

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Unless I'm missing something it looks like it doesn't use Denuvo? (Steam lists a custom EULA but I don't see Denuvo listed.)

I've shared my "MS Paint"-like sockpuppet parody impressions over at !sockpuppetsociety as well as my own twists on memes and anime screenshot comics and such in !animepics, !animemes, etc. If I can post this and this and this and this, you can post something you made too.

Just find the right community for your art and maybe some people will enjoy it.

Don't be surprised if people blow raspberries at your work though; that's just kind of what people do with art. :p

It's not a GUI library, but Jupyter was pretty much made for the kind of mathematical/scientific exploratory programming you're interested in doing. It's not the right tool for making finished products, but is intended for creating lab notebooks that contain executable code snippets, formatted text, and visual output together. Given your background experience and the libraries you like, it seems like it'd be right up your alley.

Any ways to get around the download failing

I did this incredibly stupid procedure with Firefox yesterday as a workaround for a failing Google Takeout download:

  • backup the .part file from the failed download
  • restart the download (careful -- if you didn't move/back it up, it will be deleted and you will have to download the whole thing again; found this out the hard way on a 50GB+ file... that failed again)
  • immediately pause the new download after it starts writing to disk
  • replace the new .part file with the old .part file from earlier (or -- see [1] below)
  • Firefox might not show progress for a long time, but will eventually continue the download (I saw it reading the file back from disk with iotop so I just let it run)
  • sanity check that you actually got the whole thing and that it is usable (in my case, I knew a hash for the file)

[1] You can actually replace the new .part file with anything that has the same size in bytes as the old file -- I replaced it with a file full of zeros and manually merged the end onto the original .part file with a tiny custom python script since I had already moved the incomplete file to other media before realizing I could try this. (In my case, the incomplete file would still have been useful even with the last ~1MB cut off.)

There are probably better options in most cases -- like Thunderbird for mailbox as other people suggested, or rclone for getting stuff from Drive -- but if you need to get Takeout to work and the download keeps failing this may be another option to try.

Wow, that's a heck of a lot cheaper than I expected. I mean, it's still more than I'm willing to pay for it on my own, but it's not the "haha no way could I ever buy one" level of impossible I was expecting. My boss probably wouldn't bat an eye if I asked for one to stick in a workstation... Hmm.

You could try configuring Firefox to access the internet through a proxy and then block the VM off from everything except the proxy and your network mount with a firewall (outside the VM).

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This is how the preview for the video is showing up over here on kbin: https://media.kbin.social/media/86/41/86417e310f4cad5299eed4c43515cdbc59268db4618bd359e368375d972b7eee.jpg


Let me preface my response by saying: my answer is kbin specific. It might or might not also apply to mbin since they may have changed things (or kept older features that kbin changed) since they forked. I know a few of the differences between them, but I haven't kept up with most of mbin's specifics.

Also, if anyone stumbles into this in the far future: note that this post is from March 2024. If that seems like a long time ago, check for newer information...

Can searches be made more specific? On Lemmy, you could define whether you wanted to search for communities/magazines, threads, comments, users and urls.

You can search for magazines specifically from the magazine page. The general search searches in microblogs, thread text -- but not the thread title(?), and comments/replies, I think. You can search for exact user profiles as well with the "@ user @ instance" syntax -- e.g. searching for @TamperTanuki@fedia.io shows a link to your profile as the result. (That also applies to magazines/communties -- e.g. @kbinMeta@kbin.social will find both a user called "kbinMeta" and this magazine as search results -- but searching for magazines from the magazine page is probably better for most use cases.) You can sometimes also find the local version of a federated thread if you search for the original post URL. Note that searching for a post on another instance may not always work; if you're copying a link to a thread you found in a comment post and someone linked to their instance's local version of a thread and that isn't the original source it probably won't find it. (I've had decent luck with it in practice though. For the latter problematic case, load the post on the instance and then find the fediverse link which should take you to the original source and then search for that to find it on your instance.)

@piotrsikora @ernest -- FYI searching for this thread by the exact title "Multiple questions regarding Kbin" does not find it currently but searching text like "as a new Kbin/Mbin user" will find it. Is that a bug?

@piotrsikora @ernest -- Searching for a URL that is not a thread causes a 50x error.

Lastly, you can change the result order (newest/controversial/oldest).

You can change newest/top/hot/active etc. for the results on kbin by clicking on the tabs above the search results.

To send toots/tweets, do I have to specify a magazine? I seem to be unable to send a toot without specifying a magazine first, although I only try to adress a mastodon user directly.

Unclassified microblogs (e.g. from Mastodon users) usually end up in random, but I'm not sure how to post them intentionally since I don't use the microblog feature much. Hopefully someone else can chime in with an answer for this.

Is this even the right magazine to ask these questions in? Is there a dedicated kbin support magazine?

It's fine for kbin questions but you might get a better response for details about your specific instance (which runs mbin) on a local magazine like /m/fedia@fedia.io maybe? Sorry if that doesn't link correctly; I rarely link anything other than lemmy communities. (EDIT: https://fedia.io/m/fedia )

On Lemmy, users can send each others direct messages. It seems like Kbin/Mbin has no way of displaying those direct messages. Is that correct or is there a way to show direct messages?

DMs do not work between kbin and lemmy as far as I know. I have a lemmy alt linked in my profile in case lemmy users want to DM me.

You should be able to send messages to local users on your instance though by going to a user's profile and clicking "Send Message" on the right side.

Trying to access the send message interface for your account from kbin doesn't work here, so I doubt mbin/kbin DMs work. (@ernest this seems to redirect to login and then immediately to the home view instead of opening the message page or showing an error -- is this a bug?)

Hope that helps!

@piotrsikora @ernest -- this thread did not show up on other instances (e.g. I couldn't see it from my alt on reddthat.com despite being subscribed to this magazine from there as well) when I found it originally. I upvoted it here on kbin.social and now it shows up on reddthat. Is that a federation bug (either on fedia.io's side or on kbin.social's side)?

@piotrsikora -- FYI: I got a lot of 50x errors trying to edit this comment.

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Hi @piotrsikora. Great to see that kbin is responsive again and returning to usability. If possible, could you please give an update on what is going on currently with federation? It looks like some things are getting through (e.g. I can see this thread on reddthat) but threads from most lemmy instances are not showing up in a timely way in /newest still and at a quick glance it looks like communities in my collections are maybe a half day behind -- with many threads from the past week or more missing entirely.

I'm assuming some of that may be on the lemmy side -- 0.19 has a major issue with sequential message distribution as seen with lemmy.world <-> reddthat.com federation (see this bug report and this comment if you're unfamiliar) -- but it'd be best to hear from someone who has access to the infrastructure about what's going on rather than guessing.

In particular, it'd be helpful to know:

  • What kind of delay should we expect for threads and comments we create here to show up on Lemmy communities?
  • What kind of delay should we expect for threads and comments other people create on Lemmy/mbin/etc. instances to show up here? (Obviously this may vary from instance to instance, but in general are things cleared up now on the kbin side for receiving new threads quickly?)
  • Are comment notifications still delayed from local kbin replies -- or has that been fixed with the infrastructure changes?
  • Are federated upvotes propagating quickly? (It is very discouraging if you post something and it gets no interaction at all -- knowing if there's federation delay in upvotes would help with distinguishing between "no one saw this", "no one liked this", and "people probably saw it and maybe liked it but the response hasn't made it to kbin yet")
  • Is federation still playing catch up and old missing threads/comments will be backfilled eventually, or have they been dropped to get things back in working order?
  • Have any major instances defederated with kbin.social during the recent problems?

Also, should we @ you in addition to @ernest if we encounter problems on kbin.social?

Thank you!

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artificial gestation

The word "matrix" literally means "womb" in its older sense.

If I understand the problem correctly, this is the solution:

::: spoiler solution
a = 2299200278
b = 2929959606
c = 2585800174
d = 3584110397

I solved it with Z3. Took less than a second of computer time, and about an hour of my time -- mostly spent trying to remember how the heck to use Z3 and then a little time debugging my initial program.

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Photoshop would probably be easier if you have it (or are willing to pay for it), but I think it may also be possible to do with tools like Krita and some of the generative AI plugins people have made for it -- e.g. https://github.com/Acly/krita-ai-diffusion

I haven't messed with it personally, but it's on my list of fun looking AI things to try out eventually if/when I finally get a better GPU.

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Some ideas for anti-spam measures that might help:

  • block users who post flood -- e.g. if an account makes 10 posts a minute, it's a spammer
  • block accounts that end up massively in the negative shortly after they start posting -- e.g. an account at -50 within 15 minutes of making its first post is probably a spammer (exact thresholds may need some tuning). Note that this is different from blocking new accounts that go into the negative since people can register accounts in advance of an attack and wait until later to cause disruption.
  • block users who post repetitive comments/links excessively -- e.g. if the same link is in 10 comments/posts from the last hour or they've submitted the exact same comment a dozen times, the account is probably a spammer (again, thresholds may need tuning); that won't catch all the bots (one of them added a bunch of random words) but will catch some of them. More clever filtering could catch the other bots.
  • block new posters who are reported many times by established accounts in good standing -- at least until an admin can check what is going on
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If you want minimal effort to get a good Linux setup for Steam, just buy a SteamDeck. Get the dock if you want to use it like a regular computer or console with a wireless gamepad. I did that -- hooked it up to my monitor, headphones, plugged in a mouse, keyboard, and my old XBox360 USB wireless dongle and it all just worked. I've got a few ideas for fun projects I want to try with it as a handheld and have written some software on it using desktop mode (little Python utility scripts for shuffling data around) but mostly I just use it like a gaming console; it works well for that.

It looks like this is the pre-print of the paper ("The Impact of Imperfect Timekeeping on Quantum Control") in the journal the article links: https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.10767

Possibly also relevant from some of the same researchers: Fundamental accuracy-resolution trade-off for timekeeping devices

  • "To hell with wearing your heart on your sleeve -- bare it all!"

  • "Opinions are like assholes -- and here's mine!"

  • "...and now, for a real hot take!"

You could crawl the Fediverse looking for instances and communities of the sort that your instance understands, but new servers and communities can show up whenever, so you'd have to keep looking continuously. Stuff also gets interesting because different servers have different views of content.

I've seen posts from users on two different servers talking in a thread on a 3rd server asking other users to help proxy messages manually between them because one of the servers was defederated from another and the messages were only going one way between the two users... I'm not sure in that case what the communication pattern was between the three servers (never mind me on kbin.social -- which isn't a Lemmy server at all -- also able to see the conversation), but it seemed like a big headache.

I've manually gone to different instances to make sure my posts show up when I make them; kbin is often pretty bad at getting new photo threads to federate out and sometimes needs a bit of coaxing... Looking at my profile on those instances though shows wildly different thread and comment counts sometimes. As of the time of writing this (before posting this comment) I have 30 threads and 85 comments listed in my profile on kbin.social. lemmy.world shows me as having 30 "posts" (threads) and 78 comments. lemmy.mindoki.com (your instance) shows 0 posts and just 10 comments!

There's also users on Mastodon and Misskey which show up for me as part of the regular experience of using kbin but which are a bit more awkward to interact with from Lemmy, I think? If I manually put in a mastodon.social user's account into lemmy.world's user lookup, for example, I can see some of their posts, but I'm not sure if they would ever actually show up anywhere on Lemmy without manually looking for a user?

Nevermind the other parts of the Fediverse like Peertube and AP-enabled Wordpress blogs and whatever else is out there... You can probably get a decent view of most of the Lemmy/kbin-like communities if you have a good list of servers to scrape community lists from and subscribe to everything you find regularly, but I think you'll still have some problems in practice.

I started keeping a daily journal about 10 years ago. It's helpful for tracking what I worked on as well as various health issues. I skim through it once a week before talking to my therapist and read all entries from the past year when I need to prepare documentation for my annual performance review at work. I'll grep through the whole thing occasionally when I'm trying to remember when some particular event was. (I don't do that very often, but it is handy when I need it!)

I typically track:

  • current date for the entry (both in the file and as the file name)
  • date and time I wrote the entry
  • when I went to bed
  • when I woke up
  • health issues (if any)
  • what I worked on (professionally and for my hobbies)
  • places I went (if anywhere)
  • significant conversations (particularly if there's something I need to follow up on)
  • what I'm watching/reading/playing/etc.
  • anything else that seems noteworthy

I keep my journal in plain text files named like YYYY-MM-DD.txt. Right now it's all in one big folder. I have it in version control and back it up to various places occasionally. I'll probably split it so there is a folder for each year eventually.

I started doing this after someone came up to talk to me and I realized that I'd recognized him from a particular place a few years earlier but could not for the life of me remember his name!

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It's a famous quote from The Call of Cthulhu.

Frames Per Stratum

Thanks for copying the list out; I'm not visiting YouTube either at the moment. I think I probably saw this video a while ago though -- at least, that particular set of games looks very familiar...

I've played some of them and have some things to say about them:

  • Paradise Killer: I liked the music in this one. I'd never encountered the vaporwave aesthetic before bumping into this game via a Let's Play (back when I was still going to YouTube) which probably enhanced the weirdness factor of the game for me. It clearly took inspiration from Danganronpa, so if you liked that game you might want to check it out (or vice versa if you somehow ran into Paradise Killer without having heard of Danganronpa, I guess).
  • Crosscode: I found this game frustrating. I liked a lot of things the game did -- like the interaction with party members (EXCEPT for dungeons) and running around the map searching for secrets -- but... the default difficulty seemed to be set to maximize annoyance. I mean, it's doable. I was very stubborn about not changing the timing setting -- probably too much so -- and was eventually able to beat the main game, but the way it was tuned definitely reduced my enjoyment. The game claims that adjusting the setting doesn't matter, but tracks statistics about it (like GTA-style stats) which made me really stubborn about not changing the setting. A lot of the challenges in the game are Zelda-esque timing puzzles -- from hell. Like hit the switch then run over and do something before time runs out but with 20 steps instead of the one or two you'd find in a Zelda game. (If you don't like those sorts of timing puzzles you probably won't have a good time with this one.) So, of course, the timing is set in such a way that it's often tricky to actually pull off (particularly with aiming involved) even once you've figured out exactly what needs to be done. I did it, but more often than not got pissed off while doing it. The game additionally had the interesting idea of having competitive dungeons. Your party members would challenge you on the overall time to clear dungeons. So, in addition to the time pressure of individual puzzles, there was an overall time pressure to race through the puzzles as fast as possible. I liked the idea of where they were coming from with the party member interactions for dungeons but I'd have preferred to take my time with things frankly. It ultimately doesn't matter that much whether you win or lose those (I won about half of them), but having the game rub my nose in it for being too slow after getting frustrated at puzzle timing and aiming for an hour or more in each dungeon kind of sucked. The overall plot of the game was interesting enough to go through, and I liked the characters for the most part, but a lot of the gameplay was frustrating. Very mixed feelings on this one.
  • Phoenotopia Awakening: This game was another mixed bag. I really wanted to like it. There were a lot of parts I did like... but it is very flawed. First is the gameplay. It presents itself as a mostly cute pixel platformer/adventure game, but the developers seemed to be thinking "Dark Souls" with stamina and such and... it really did not work for me. Thankfully, you can turn most of that crap off -- and I did so unabashedly. (I beat DS1 before playing it, and since playing it I've beaten DS2 -- so it's not like I can't handle hard games. It just did not feel good to play with those mechanics enabled.) Second is the story. There's a decent enough hook to get the main adventure going fairly early on, but the game doesn't deliver on it. You get to the end and the big dramatic question of the game is... still unanswered! That is really not ok! (Instead you get a bunch of unnecessary backstory for the main character that I took as a big "fuck you"; I won't say more than that in case someone does want to play it and find out for themselves, but the ending was really unsatisfying to me.) The game had a lot going for it -- the music's good (and I still listen to some of the tracks occasionally), and there was a lot of charm in places. Some of the areas were really pretty and there were a bunch of fun little interactions -- but I really don't know what they were thinking with some of it!

It might be easier to just fire up Wireshark and look for relevant traffic when you trigger the action.

Doesn't seem to work right on kbin, unfortunately, although it does show up as a magazine: https://kbin.social/m/thelinuxexperiment\_channel@tilvids.com

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I don't know if there are any existing implementations that work well enough yet for it to actually be relaxing, but it might be possible to set up a hands-free IF experience by hooking up speech-to-text and text-to-speech tools to the game.

Interesting. The code format doesn't work on Kbin.

Indent the lines of the code block with four spaces on each line. The backtick version is for short inline snippets. It's a Markdown thing that's not well communicated yet in the editor.

[coreutils-announce] coreutils-8.31 released [stable]

stat now prints file creation time when supported by the file system,
on GNU Linux systems with glibc >= 2.28 and kernel >= 4.11.


(found thanks to this blog post titled "File Creation Time in Linux")

No way is AI going to end capitalism.

In the medium term we will end up with AI corporations. I already consider existing corporations to be human-based swarm intelligences -- they're made up of people but their overall large scale behavior is often surprising and we already anthropomorphize them as having will and characteristic behaviors separate from the people they're made of. AI corporations are just the natural evolution of existing corporations as they continue down the path of automation. To the extent they copy the existing patterns of behavior, they will have the same general personality.

Their primary motive will be maximizing profit since that's the goal they will inherit from the existing structure. The exact nature of that depends on the exact corporation that's been fully cyberized and different corporations will have different takes on it as a result. They are unlikely to give any more of a damn about individual people than existing corporations do since they will be based on the cyberization of existing structures, but they're also unlikely to deliberately go out of their way to destroy humanity either. From the perspective of a corporation -- AI-based or traditional -- humanity is a useful resource that can be exploited; there isn't much profit to be gained from wiping it out deliberately.

Instead of working for the boss, you'll be working for the bot -- and other bots will be figuring out exactly how much they can extract from you in rent and bills and fees and things without the whole system crashing down.

That might result in humanity getting wiped out accidentally; humanity has wiped out plenty of species due to greed and shortsightedness. I doubt it will be intentional if they do though.

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OK, that's fun and all, but how much does that crazy SSD cost? :p

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kbin only shows downvotes from kbin users, not from lemmy users.

Given the amount of progress on getting 3D games to work well under wine/proton lately, I wonder if it's possible/practical to run 3ds Max under it yet? The only test results I can find for it are ancient.

I feel that one. I've had the programming equivalent of writer's block on my main hobby project for over a month now. Good luck!