2 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It looks like Skyrim in space and I don't really get why anyone was expecting something else

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if a new user is using a distro that doesn't use systemd they fell for a meme

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vagina bones is a meme from a guy on 4chan complaining that nintendo censored a character's "vagina bones" in the western release of a game. this meme isn't serious

i am begging fedi users to understand that threads and instagram use the same account

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what news are you reading? I've seen outlets post like a review of Barbie and maybe an article about its box office success. It's definitely not taking over their coverage of other stuff.

That's what I mean though, why would a new user be running alpine as a desktop os?

when I used mastodon for a while, people would talk about how great not having ads was, but there were a lot of people asking how they were supposed to sell commissions without an algorithm making people see their posts as if they didn't consider that advertising.

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It's wild that people act shocked that the Democratic party is backing an incumbent president tbh

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Trump honestly barely got anything done during his presidency, most of his executive orders were struck down. What he did get done (Supreme Court justices and tax cuts) was just what literally any Republican with a majority in Congress would have done. Biden has gotten more actual legislation passed than Trump did, and his attempt to legislate by executive order (student loan forgiveness) was as ineffective as Trump's attempts.

He's effective at ruining everything in Florida, where he has Reublican supermajorities in the legislature to back him up. I'm not convinced he's actually an effective politician like McConnell.

this article doesn't really make it sound any different than twitter other than not allowing porn

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it's the same account. I don't really understand the backlash, it's like saying you can't delete your gmail account without deleting your google drive account

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god fediverse drama is so dumb

plex/jellyfin server with wireguard running on your router would probably be a good setup as long as whatever device they're using supports wireguard

you're saying you don't want to use a GUI because you'll get distracted by video games, and then you list games you can play on a terminal?

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Italians will literally put french fries and mayo on a pizza and call it pizza americana and then try to pretend they're too good for some pineapple

my cat came from a hoarder and the shelter said she might not be very well socialized because there were so many cats that they wouldn't have gotten much human attention, but she literally never stops meowing

I'm glad I'm apparently not online enough to have any idea what she's pissed off about

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the fact that even malware developers can't write something in rust without making sure you know they wrote it in rust is hilarious to me

he's in good shape, but he's not like unbelievably ripped or anything. the author just seems furious he has a hobby for some reason

i use arch btw

americans when they encounter dietary fiber

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"recent trend" as in like when mass effect did it 16 years ago?

It's not like this situation was unmanageable before kids had cell phones. You call the school and they relay it to the kid.

they're right about mastodon being light on the shitposts. it feels like it has all the self-importance of annoying twitter users, but none of the fun parts of twitter

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mom said it's my turn to suppress the youth vote

you could also just crop it out in most of them

What does redistricting have to do with a Senate seat?

and they're probably right. they'd honestly just be stupid to charge less.

I think the difference is that a lot more English speakers watch anime as it's airing in Japan now. Anime used to have to be at least somewhat interesting for someone in the west to even be aware of it, but now we get to see all the shit they're putting out that never would have made it over here before.

I don't use MacOS, but it seems like you can disable Gatekeeper with the command line. I doubt a change in its behavior would make a difference if it's disabled in the first place.

which apps? I tried jellyfin and plexamp works better than any of the jellyfin android music players I tried.

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I think a lot of the reason Dark Souls has a reputation as a super hard game is that it doesn't do anything to explain how weapon scaling works

yeah, I know about Threads, I just haven't seen any of this zuck fanboying that she's talking about

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anarchists be like no borders and yet they have borderline personality disorder


finamp is missing enough features to me to make plexamp worth paying for to me (not automatically switching to transcoding on mobile data, not supporting opus transcodes)


Biden's approval rating with democrats is about the same as Obama's was in 2011. All holding a primary would do is weaken their position in the general election. I can't tell if this is a deliberate propaganda campaign or people are actually this clueless and think incumbent presidents regularly compete in primaries.

I don't think LLMs are intelligent, but "does it work the same as humans" is a really bad way to judge something's intelligence

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these damn fools porting it to the two most popular platforms instead of the one you in particular wanted. they should fire whoever made that choice smh