Mark F***king Zuckerberg Is Not Your Friend to – 226 points –
Mark F***king Zuckerberg Is Not Your Friend

I recently listened to a "tech" podcast host drone on for 45 minutes about the "Elon vs Zuck" cage match and this piece perfectly captures the frothing, screaming stream-of-conciousness in my brain at the thought of seeing another discussion about Twitter vs Threads/Insta/Face/burning-sh*itpile. I felt some small amount of catharsis just from reading.


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yeah, I know about Threads, I just haven't seen any of this zuck fanboying that she's talking about

I've seen a lot of people suggest that Zuck is a more ethical person, which I think is an absolutely ridiculous claim.

Yep. The difference is emotional, not material. Zuck, like most billionaires, seems happy to sleep on his pile of Scrooge McDuck money and fuck people over. Muskrat does all that, but he asks something more of us than our money and our lives. He wants, maybe even needs, us to love and respect him while he does it. And that sets rage-fires in the brain-parts.

He's the Milhouse of billionaires, constitutionally, utterly unable to be anything remotely close to cool, yet obsessively craves to be perceived as such. And any and all of his attempts put him farther away to this goal.