2 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

English is not my first language so if you think I've made a word up, I probably have

Or if you're just going to lurk... you don't need to make an account at all! As I did for the first week before deciding on whether or not to join, lmao

The way I see it, it doesn't take that much longer than writing a post or even a long comment. If a person isn't willing to take the time to do that, I wonder how much they were going to contribute to the community in the first place? lol

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I mean, it's not like they're being picky out of spite... They explained the situation and what led them to defederate.

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To me, that first sentence was enough. jk

Idk, you could say they're being "over-protective", but even then I would argue. As I've said in another comment, people who come here expect that... At least I did when I decided to sign up here and not somewhere else. And they do federate with other servers. I mean, you're posting this from kbin after all... so how's that opposed to federation?

Btw, IIRC they literally say in one of their posts: "this is not a Reddit replacement".

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I'm clearly not an expert in the matter and perhaps this is just my wishful? thinking.

I feel like any type of scientific knowledge humanity has acquired shouldn't be "owned" by any individual / entity and subsequently only benefit an -often small- portion of society. For example, it baffles me how some medications take years and years -usually until the patents expire- to become available to the majority of the patients that need them. I get that companies need a return on their investments. But imo that should never come at the cost of any person's life or health. Like, aside from production costs, the costs of researching a given drug are fixed. So, it's not like the more people that use it takes money out of their pockets somehow. Logically, it should be the other way around.

Idk, it just doesn't make sense to me when the knowledge already exists and people aren't able to make use of it until much later because apparently that's the only way someone's able to make a profit in this current system? Maybe copyright sucks?

What do y'all think?

Edit: I was just made aware from reading the other comments that patents / copyright are actually two distinct forms of IP that serve different purposes. So yeah, definitely not an expert. Not deleting bc I still stand by what I said, but my comment doesn't really answer the question at hand.

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And federation should definitely not imply letting your users to see content they don't want to see due to poor moderation from other instances. I mean, people sign up here for a reason... How's that "being picky"

The funny thing is I actually got rejected (or put in the limbo) once. After making this account and answering the questions exhaustively, I tried to make another account for foss/programming purposes exclusively (I tend to do that for privacy reasons). The second time my answers were much shorter since I didn't want to take up too much time from the admins , and I guess they weren't too convinced, haha. But no hard feelings, I just hope my username eventually frees up and I can make the account :)

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They need to add a word limit though, I think I went a bit overboard lol

Seriously, I've lost so muuuuch time just trying to find where some random program decides to store its config files. It sometimes takes me more time than actually "doing the config"

Oh yeah, that happened to me too. It won't even tell you the reason why. When I checked, I was actually surprised somebody else had already picked the username I wanted so early lol (Hi, we had the same idea haha)

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By the way, I don't know if this is a good time/way to ask, but is it even allowed to register a second account? I tried searching if there was a rule against it, but I couldn't find anything. If it's not, I completely understand and will make another account in a different server :) (Although I would prefer it be here bc I wouldn't feel as comfortable in other instances 😢)

Pinging some of the admins, I hope you're not too busy.

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I hope they really don't think we can't just type the address of other instances on our browsers and see the content... if we choose to, that is.

As a new user, I really appreciate all the work the Beehaw admins do too keep this a safe space.

I think other big instances should consider adopting a similar registration process. At least until better mod tools are available. I feel like having to answer some questions and then wait for approval would deter many trolls.

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Literally one of the reasons why I decided to join this instance. I think other servers should take a similar approach.

I honestly don't see it as an interview process. You just need to answer three question. It takes less time than writing a post. I assume the intention is simply for the admins to make sure that at least you have read the server rules and understand what kind of community they're trying to build here.

I also think it's fine if most people can't be bothered to do that. There are other instances who will have them. And those instances will have to figure out how to deal with that. But it's fair for the admins of Beehaw to limit registrations, since they're the ones putting in the (free) work to keep all this running. I would argue they don't "need you more" or need anyone in particular, for that matter. It's not like they're a platform trying to turn a profit from their user numbers - unlike what we're accustomed to, sadly. They're just trying to make this a nice space - for everyone - to share stuff without the caveats of conventional social media.

username checks out

I'm southern european and some of these answers are giving me culture shock... Normally, a coffee would get me through the day until lunch and, if I'm especially hungry, I'll eat some pastries too. But the thought of having to eat plenty of eggs or anything that involves cooking so soon after waking up is giving me upset stomach. I realize this may not be healthiest option tho

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Yup, other instances feel much more disorganized. It's hard to find communities.

And yet they didn't manage to turn a profit...

I saw this image and I was like... "Actually? Maybe that wouldn't be so bad"

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Literally. And maybe once things settle in the future, and better mod tools become available, we may all reunite. But that will be up to the admins to decide ultimately

Thanks! I didn't know about them. And genuinely curious, do these instances have good moderation/community similar to here on Beehaw?

Living for the "be(e)". Already answered btw 🫶

Yeah, happened to me too lol. But that's mostly the software/server's fault rather than Beehaw's admins. I hope they improve that in the future, specially for new non-technical users.

This it not the case, haha. I checked and they had made the account before me and had some posts/comments. So we just had the same idea, I guess

Here lunch is our biggest meal of the day and usually around 2 or 3 pm. Most people will have lunch at home, even if they have to go back to work later and many eat a small meal between "breakfast" and lunch. But most people either won't eat anything for what you'd call breakfast or just have some coffee and toast/pastries. I really don't know anybody who wakes up and immediately starts cooking.

If I’m sitting at home, I can sing whatever song I want.

Yeah, I think if that wasn't the case, we'd have bigger issues to discuss in this thread.

Thanks for the insight though. Really interesting to learn as someone who consumes and enjoys tons of music.

I think it may have taken me a bit longer to write than most people bc English is not my first language and I tend to double and triple-check everything. But I think it was worth it, and it's for the greater good - lessening the work of the admins

It’s simply not right that children couldnt (up to 2015) sing Happy Birthday at a party without paying the rights holder for the tune.

what ??!?

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I use it because I haven't yet found any alternative that works as well. Any recommendations?

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In my experience, if you reload the page and copy-paste all the details quickly, it will let you through.

Thanks! I'll look into it.

Me neither......

Hold on. Does instagram actually make you take a photo of yourself to sign up now? lol And some people complaining about having to answer three questions...

“using the word ‘minorities’ is offensive since it doesn’t include everybody”

That has to be one of the stupidest things I've read in a while

Thanks for explaining.

However, someone was trying to claim they owned the copyright to that song

Whoa, that's insane to me as a non-American. I mean, the song is even sung all around the world in different languages. Did they claim the rights to the melody, lyrics, or... 😭?

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Yeah, I don't care whose pockets it hurts, but no one should have to worry about not being able to access a life-saving medication that already exits. Sorry you have to go through this

I prefer to have separate accounts for different purposes: personal / dev stuff. Someone pointed out a lemmy instance focused on programming, so maybe I'll just make an account there too. Thanks for replying though!

Any features you think google tasks lacks? Do you use the free or the paid version of todoist?

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