My opinion on Beehaw registration process. What do you all think? to Beehaw – 179 points –

There are different opinions on Beehaw's registration process. I kind of see how some people would find it dissuasive, specially after most of us are coming from Reddit. But I still think it's very practical, at least for the time being.

Btw, this is only my opinion as a new user, I don't know any of the admins/mods. Link to my original comment.


Honestly, if you aren't prepared to fill out a simple text box to join the instance, I'd prefer you went somewhere else.

Right? If you can’t come up with a minimal answer to a very simple question, how could you possibly contribute positively in any way whatsoever here? And why would you even want to join this instance? This isn’t meant to be a shitposting low effort instance…

Or if you're just going to lurk... you don't need to make an account at all! As I did for the first week before deciding on whether or not to join, lmao

I actually really liked it as an exercise in reflection.

I probably wrote too much in mine, a good full paragraph for each. They really just need to create the slightest barrier to entry to make moderating 10x easier.

I've been through a bit of an emotionally exhausting week with some personal things...

I suspect some of that might have come through on my mini essay ... uh... sorry to whoever had to read it?

But hey I'm here so....

Why do you want to join Beehaw

I just want to feel something. Even the pain of a thousand Cowbee stings. Anything. Let me in. Hurt me.

They need to add a word limit though, I think I went a bit overboard lol

I didn’t think it was too bad. Like others I wrote 3 sentences or so basically just answering the questions honestly. I was approved fairly quickly.

I wrote a frikkin' essay. I wish I'd saved a copy because I was sure they were going to read it and file it under "whackadoodle: do not admit."

The funny thing is I actually got rejected (or put in the limbo) once. After making this account and answering the questions exhaustively, I tried to make another account for foss/programming purposes exclusively (I tend to do that for privacy reasons). The second time my answers were much shorter since I didn't want to take up too much time from the admins , and I guess they weren't too convinced, haha. But no hard feelings, I just hope my username eventually frees up and I can make the account :)

There are also some bugs that may throw you into limbo as well on lemmy. Some of them seem like insanely basic oversights like how if you pick an already taken user name it will just spin indefinitely

Oh yeah, that happened to me too. It won't even tell you the reason why. When I checked, I was actually surprised somebody else had already picked the username I wanted so early lol (Hi, we had the same idea haha)

Accounts are created on registration so while you may not have been approved it’s possible that is your account.

This it not the case, haha. I checked and they had made the account before me and had some posts/comments. So we just had the same idea, I guess

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By the way, I don't know if this is a good time/way to ask, but is it even allowed to register a second account? I tried searching if there was a rule against it, but I couldn't find anything. If it's not, I completely understand and will make another account in a different server :) (Although I would prefer it be here bc I wouldn't feel as comfortable in other instances 😢)

Pinging some of the admins, I hope you're not too busy.

Why do you want a second account

I prefer to have separate accounts for different purposes: personal / dev stuff. Someone pointed out a lemmy instance focused on programming, so maybe I'll just make an account there too. Thanks for replying though!

If you don't already know about or, you may want to consider them for your second account.

Thanks! I didn't know about them. And genuinely curious, do these instances have good moderation/community similar to here on Beehaw?

You mentioned wanting a programming centric account, so makes sense. They don't allow open creation of communities. They must be requested, they must be tech related (don't know if this might change). They seem to want to keep the discussions on tech and programming.'s admin is working on creating some moderation tools for Lemmy admins. I've been chatting with him on the Matrix server. He seems like someone that will build a good community.

Their moderation ethos are not hashed out like Beehaw, but they have both started up this month and I like the vibes so far.

If those don't work out, I'm also starting up an instance that will be up and running soon at with an ethos that largely overlaps with Beehaw. But at the moment I only have a matrix space set up at

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yeah I think a lot of people who haven't actually done it are misconstruing it as something far more than it was. I wrote 3 sentences for each but a commenter on another instance thought I needed to write "3 essays"

The way I see it, it doesn't take that much longer than writing a post or even a long comment. If a person isn't willing to take the time to do that, I wonder how much they were going to contribute to the community in the first place? lol

reminds me of the people who got pissed when we defederated from a few instances. I guess they're just angry that they don't have access to something other people do, even if they won't use it.

They're so accustomed to centralised social media that allows them to troll and bait without caring for the people in those platforms, that, when, they find instances here, like Beehaw, that do not want to have contact with people and instances that promote that type of attitude, they feel confused and betrayed.

They expected the fediverse, Lemmy, Beehaw to be a replacement for Reddit, not only as content/link/information aggregation platform, but as a place to continue acting like they acted on Reddit with no consideration or understanding that they aren't in Reddit anymore.

The fact that many are calling Beehaw admin/mod team "snobby" "snowflakes", etc just says it all

The fact that many are calling Beehaw admin/mod team “snobby” “snowflakes”, etc just says it all

I even saw one that called them "oversensitive ninnies" and it was weird how they didn't make the connection as to why they defederated

I mean, one of my first posts here was arguing with a user who said that "using the word 'minorities' is offensive since it doesn't include everybody" and kept arguing points like that.

Then they huffed and lamented that "clearly [they were] not welcome here."

I half-expected a "so much for the tolerant left!" before they self-exiled.

Poor little guy! This place is obviously far too rough of a neighborhood for them to be comfortable!

“using the word ‘minorities’ is offensive since it doesn’t include everybody”

That has to be one of the stupidest things I've read in a while

You know what? I was mistaken here. They were offended that someone brought up the governor of Florida and equated it to comparing them to governor of Florida.

Their point was "using the word 'minorities' means that you have a bias political agenda."

So my point still stands. And this was some of their comments/replies.

I saw this image and I was like... "Actually? Maybe that wouldn't be so bad"

What's really funny about this image is that the implication is that Beehaw mods are trying to keep us from seeing content from other instances, when they've said in multiple ways that 1) if you don't agree with the decision, you can go elsewhere, and 2) it's about keeping trolls from spamming up Beehaw, not preventing Beehaw members from venturing outside of the instance. I don't even know why people think Beehaw's admin/mod team cares at all about where it's users go beyond making sure they're not trolls trying to infiltrate. They're providing a free service where they're trying to build a community, not create an Orwellian dystopia where all thought is policed. If anything, mods here have been way more tolerant of dissenting voices than I've seen elsewhere as long as those voices are civil and not actively promoting bigotry/harm.

That wouldn't be a bad idea for the time being. But images like this show that these people really don't understand how the fediverse work. They would die of shock if they ever saw how long (way longer than Beehaws) the list of defederated servers is in the mastodon instance I'm in

I hope they really don't think we can't just type the address of other instances on our browsers and see the content... if we choose to, that is.

I wonder how much they were going to contribute to the community in the first place? lol

Pretty much that. They're not even hard questions to answer, you could even lie. But, the day or two wait period and general approval process means you weed out a lot of the undesirables who are looking for a quick way to upset and bully people. It's a good thing.

I answered honestly, and I think it was probably about five sentences. I’m definitely not a robot or a bully, and they still denied me. maybe it’s because I brought up developing a sports community.

no there's a sports community here, it might be that users aren't allowed to create new communities though

Will just mention that the waiting time is not intentional. We just didn't have a deny system and that's been messing with the queue. I sincerely hope we could pass everyone within 6 hours.

Even so, any sort of wait tends to weed out the folks who want to troll, so it's good!

I don't know why people can't be bothered to click the "register" button to see for themselves. I've spent more time writing each individual post I've made on Beehaw than I did the questions for registration. Granted, I also read all of the literature discussing the philosophy and goals of Beehaw beforehand and had the answers in my mind by the time I saw the questions, but it was really just a line or two per prompt. Basically the bare minimum of user vetting. Imagine my surprise when I see people talk about it like we were asked for an in-depth literary analysis of the themes behind "Great Expectations" and how they can be translated to the modern world.

So many people are just looking for something to complain about with Beehaw. Just go to another instance. It's not that hard! That's the beauty of the Fediverse!

Agree! I love Beehaw's vibe and I follow a fair number of Beehaw's magazines, but I decided on to start. But honestly? If I end up spinning up an instance, I'll probably limit registrations too. There's space for all sorts of admin / community philosophies here in the fediverse!

Literally. And maybe once things settle in the future, and better mod tools become available, we may all reunite. But that will be up to the admins to decide ultimately

I'm not complaining, but it did feel like an interview to me. But that's just my anxiety talking. I haven't gotten logged in yet, but I've heard there's a backlog of accounts to get through that have been approved. High volume of applications causing issues, I'm guessing. But I don't think the three questions is a bad thing for beehaw to require. If you can't be bothered to put in that little amount of effort, then you probably won't actively contribute, with comments or posts, so what will you bring to the community? Or if people give negative/troll answers, it keeps them out.

Beehaw's registration process is quite easy, asking you only to write a few words on why you want to join (which could just be "it seems like a nice instance"), in comparison to other registration processes I've seen and done.

I've been through registration process where to guarantee that you've read the rules and anything required would hide words in the post containing that essential content and then asked you questions of which the answers where those words. Sometimes with the addition on asking you why you wanted to join.

This (Beehaw's registration process) is nothing in comparison

I come from a different point-of-view that I support the question portion, but I did find it hindered me slightly. Only because of my own anxiety, not because it's a bad idea.

I mostly wanted to reply how the handling of my application was really personable, in case anyone else is lurking and finds it intimidating, like I did for a week or two. It's not a college thesis and I imagine those running beehaw want more people to make the place more bustling.

I think the little question bit being there will lead to a better environment overall. I'm outing myself, but back in my roleplay forum days the ones with a bit of an application process had better quality engagement. Ymmv, of course.

Honestly, I was more frustrated with the spinner of doom that kept me from actually submitting my registration for a few days. That meant re-writing my response to that application question until I decided to just save it in notepad until I was able to get a registration form actually submitted.

The "interview" process itself makes total sense, and I'm happy to have even something so simple that helps keep some of the low-effort riff-raff out.

Yeah, happened to me too lol. But that's mostly the software/server's fault rather than Beehaw's admins. I hope they improve that in the future, specially for new non-technical users.

I managed to submit mine, but then I tried to log in later and got the spinning wheel. I thought that was some sort of time-out, so I tried a few more times, then gave up. It wasn't until later I was on a different server and people were talking about that spinning wheel and realized it prpbably just meant they hadnt gotten to approving me yet. I waited a few days and was let in.

I didn't put my email address in, though, because it was "optional", and then afterwards realized that was dumb, because they have no way of telling me I was approved. Oh well.

I don't see the problem with having a requirement that someone who wants to join a discussion forum actually be able to write a few coherent sentences first.

Same happened to me. It's mainly caused by a bug in Lemmy itself, so I'm sure this issue will get fixed at some point. It might definitely scare people off the fediverse.

I completely agree with the three questions for screening. It only took me a few minutes to answer after reading the guidelines. It looks like people are making a bigger fuzz out of this than it really is.

Hot take: its a bigger impact on those with anxiety disorders or other tendencies to rewrite things a million times when they are "important". I find it easy to post online because its cheap, but writing my beehaw paragraph definitely stirred up some "eeeek, I gotta say this right!!!" fears in me.

Hi I definitely didn't take 20 minutes to write and incessantly edit 3-4 sentences.

As a fellow comrade of anxiety, I personally didn't find it too daunting.

I just wrote something like "seems like our community/social values align! I'd like to contribute to discussions and share my knowledge, if that's the case" and got approval within hours.

Then again, doing anything with anxiety can be exhausting. In this case, I think my desperation for something to replace my lost support communities won out over my anxiety.

I think it may have taken me a bit longer to write than most people bc English is not my first language and I tend to double and triple-check everything. But I think it was worth it, and it's for the greater good - lessening the work of the admins

Yeah, I definitely did feel like it was an "interview" and if I answered wrong I wouldn't get in. I still get the spinning wheel, but I'll check back tomorrow. I've read in a few places now that a lot of accounts have been approved but are essentially in a queue. It should hopefully be caught up soon.

I'm really glad they ask a screening question. It takes like max 30 seconds of your time to form coherent thoughts and add them to the form. I want to have discussions with folks who are capable of doing that.

Leaving Reddit made me realize that being a part of a truly affirming & thoughtful space is still possible. I'm so used to taking all the racism and classism and transphobia for granted - like "oh I'm on the internet, of course people are complete garbage." What if we all had a stake in making spaces that actually serve us? What if we were ALL a little more invested in contributing? Seeing all the folks coming from Reddit complaining about how the Fediverse is just infuriating & and impossible to understand kinda shook me, too. I was like that for the first like 3 hours of trying to figure out what the Fediverse is - "why isn't there just one fucking website and I can search all the fucking communities and see them all in one gd place holy shit I hate this, way to make it unnecessarily complicated" - and then I went and read about it and figured it out (somewhat). I put in a little effort. Realized, holy shit, I'm so fucking apathetic after years of companies spoon-feeding me shit in exchange for my personal data. Like "just make it easy whiiine yes accept all cookies yes you can read all my messages and contacts whatever just open the damn app" and it's like. Fuck it doesn't need to BE like this. We don't NEED to just put up with this shit.

Life is always kicking my ass and sometimes writing 3 coherent sentences after a week of working and not enough sleep is just too much. Like I'm constantly burnt out and sometimes, it really is too much. But if we all did even .5% more, if we thought about what we were doing and put even that .5% more effort, if we committed to thinking and contributing just .5% more, maybe we could really make shit happen. I think it's worth a try.

So yeah, I wrote a few lines on my application. Come on y'all, we can do this.

I went through this same journey, word for word, in my head. Thank you for articulating it!

If I reply with "Absolutely this!" I guess it would be a low effort, but I can't honestly think of anything to add to your great reply!

I think registration is a good litmus test for Beehaw overall. We want and encourage thoughtful comments. If someone finds the registration process too much to deal with, then Beehaw isn’t right for them anyway.

In my experience, a community with even the most basic and rudimentary filter to join has consistently higher quality people in the community. Kinder, more active, and better posts. A bigger community does NOT mean a better one, often the inverse has been true ime but blah blah analogies aren't evidence.

I like that the mods are prioritizing healthy growth over just growth. It's easy to look at number go up and get excited, then to open the flood gates. And whenever a community does that, a bunch of people whom are not wholly interested in the point of the community swoop in and push out the invested crowd.

The only downside would be wanting to answer something more personal, but making a throwaway account isn't exactly easy with this system. That's, really, the only downside I can immediately point to.

I don't get what all the fuss is about. I told them I don't like Nazis and was approved within minutes. It was not a complicated process.

@eclipse also as a new user coming from Reddit, I personally liked that they are screening new users. Super quick and easy to fill out.

The process to ask simple questions like these is not a barrier for users looking for honest conversation.

That is one of the facts I did choose Beehaw, because it shows the will for maintain a non-toxic community.

Same. The fact that there’s a bit of reading to do and a few screening questions was a selling point for me personally.

It's not like you have to write an essay. I just wrote a couple of sentences and was accepted almost immediately. Took me all of 1 minute total to apply and could post within the hour.

Exactly this. You’re not submitting for your PhD, it shows you’re not a bot and interested in contributing to the community.

A lot of comments from people with social anxiety; as someone with social anxiety and aspergers, figured I may as well throw my thoughts into the ring.

I've been through the "approval process" dance a few times now, both for Mastodon and Lemmy and honestly, I don't really find it that bad. The secret is internalizing that mods have so many applications to get through, so they won't really scrutinize your language or overanalyze it to too much. I know easier said than done, but really, the fact that you're putting any amount of thought into it is probably more than most people.

Honestly, I think approvals is a good system and should be the norm for social media sites; it slows down trolls/bots ability to make accounts, and IMO is better than all the alternatives. Email is problematic, capchas aren't really accessible, and screw Instagram requiring you to take a photo of yourself when you sign up. One site I signed up for actually wanted you to ask another user to "vouch" for you as not a troll which means talking to scary strangers.

I think there is a "cultural" miscommunication though. A lot of us are deeply ingrained in "fediverse culture" where this sort of thing is the norm, and so we intuitively understand that it should only be a sentence or two.

However, if you look at where non-fediverse people have seen this type of requirement before? Job applications, university applications, that sort of thing. I think this is why people think that they need to write long, intricately detailed posts saying why they deserve to join what feels like an exclusive club.

I think Beehaw could make it clearer that they are only looking for about three sentences demonstrating that you've read the documents (actually, do you need to fully read the documents? It's a bit unclear), and that you aren't being "graded". Out of interest though, would "I just want to lurk and read posts" be acceptable as an answer to the third question?

I think Beehaw could make it clearer that they are only looking for about three sentences demonstrating that you’ve read the documents (actually, do you need to fully read the documents? It’s a bit unclear), and that you aren’t being “graded”.

we did make a few edits so hopefully this is more clear. i don't want to "give the game away" though so to speak, so unfortunately i'll have to be mum on the first bit besides what i just said.

Out of interest though, would “I just want to lurk and read posts” be acceptable as an answer to the third question?

we're pretty generous as long as their whole application isn't only "i'm gonna lurk" or something.

Thanks for sharing your experience! Before I read your comment I thought it would just keep some people away who wouldn't adhere to the rules anyway. Having ADHD myself it was just another task to struggle with, nothing out of the ordinary. I put it on my list and did it at a time i could concentrate on it sufficiently.

Hold on. Does instagram actually make you take a photo of yourself to sign up now? lol And some people complaining about having to answer three questions...

It did for me! I made an account a few months ago, and it immediately suspended me and asked for a phone number. I gave it that and then it asked for a photo of me holding a piece of paper with my username.

Think it might have been because I did the cardinal sin of not using a gmail or hotmail email.

But creating an account using my Facebook account and single sign on works, so ehhh.

Screw all these companies wanting access to your phone number... Bleh.

It's good to ask users to write a bit about their thoughts to a) make it a bit harder to register bot armies, b) make users read the rules, and c) disincentivize unfriendly users from registering. Just the delay in registration is probably enough to make the majority of unwanted accounts seek out some other place.

The registration said registrations would usually be approved within day. Mine took a few dsys, which is very understandable, but unless I'm the exception the estimated time could be set to a bit longer to give mods time to approve people.

The registration process and their statement on wanting a community based on kindness, respect, etc is why I signed up on Beehaw in the first place. No trolls and such to deal with, dealt with that enough on R*ddit. So, I like it lol

I wrote like 6 sentences. Got accepted in like 16 hours. Just said I disliked the authoritarian left on the main instance and prefered the sense of community Beehaw provides.

I wasnt expecting it. But it made me think about my motivation for joining above and beyond "an alternative to Reddit". It took a couple of minutes thought while standing in the post office queue! Instead of mindlessly auto completeing another registration page, I actually spent a fraction of my day thinking about why i was doing it. I found it quite fulfilling.

I just went through the registration process and I really liked it. It didn't go smoothly because of technical problems (the spinning wheel of doom), but this can be fixed.

The fact that users have to read, think and write about the beehaw philosophy makes it far easier to avoid trolls.

It was quick and easy. It also gave me a bit of comfort knowing that they're at least doing some vetting to ensure we aren't overwhelmed with bots, trolls, or other messed up individuals.

Vetting users with a questionnaire is a good idea, allows admins to see who they should let in. What and how a person answers the questions tells a lot about the applicant.

I do not like they have defederated from 2 of the larger instances. Not a fan of that at all. I do understand why they did it, just personally not a fan. I’m on kbin until they get that under control and re-federate the I’ll likely look into joining them.

I like the instance, like the sign up process, just don’t want to be defederated. Hopefully the modding tools get better soon.

Beehaw got overloaded. They temporarily defederated from 2 instances to slow the flood. Admins from all 3 are working together to get moderation (and Beehaw) up to speed.

People are being far too dramatic about a simple technical problem.

Took me 5 minutes, was approved a couple hours later. just answer the questions honestly.

I do wonder how effective it will be at stopping trolls. If anything it may make Beehaw a troll target as Lemmy grows. Its easy enough to make an account and list some things from the Beehaw's principles.

I enjoyed it, I was able to share myself and what I expect of myself as a user. I do not get to be expressive very often being mostly a lurker.

Didn't felt like an interview at all, I don't think the "what do you want to contribute" question was there when I signed up 2 weeks ago, but I remember the other 2 and it took me 2 or 3 sentences it was literally just "I heard great things about beehaw, people seem great and the ones shitting on lemmy on reddit right now are sounding like the people I'll want nothing to do with in the future and they're making here soumd even cooler, so I want in."

It would take me zero effort to add how a sentence or so about how I like to help and see here grow and not devolve into a toxic mess.

Also, I know a lot of people don't use facebook these days, but many groups now have a vetting process like that now and the chillest ones will always, without fault, have something that with 3 questions and one that will just force you to read the rules to find a random word password in them. The ones that don't turn into a mess real fast. So that's not even a niche thing, the "normies" do it with no problem.

I was just accepted yesterday. I have social anxiety, so a younger, less self-aware version of myself would never have even submitted it. But thank goodness I've gotten better at this type of thing. Instead of over-analyzing and writing a huge essay, I timeboxed my response. Thankfully, it seems to have worked.

From what I can tell, I really do align with what the admins are after, here. I hope that it continues to work well.

I never read the policies before signing up. I just answered the question like a human being would and was accepted within the hour.

Frankly, I think there’s more effort required of the mods than is required of the registrant, but I do appreciate a community with an opinion.

Very sad, there's a Deltarune on that instance. i want to sub it but.... yeah...... 😔

If there's enough people with the same sentiment, a new Deltarune community can pop up larger than the Beehaw one.

It's the early days, you just gotta expect things to be a bit volatile

I probably wrote "too much" as I was thrilled to find a place which is working towards kindness and community :)

My general rule of thumb is that things tend to go better if every owner, admin or mod team utilises the approaches which work best for them. If an instance is functioning well, I'm going to start from a place of trust that what they've made a good choice for themselves and the existing community. It's up to me to decide if it's also a reasonable choice for myself or if somewhere else would be a better match.

I personally don't find it a problem but I think it may lose a lot of users who are simply too impatient to fill out the questionnaire and then wait to see if they were approved.

In some sense the ends justify the means here, I think. There was no way of really knowing when they created this process whether it would work, but here we are. It seems to me the community is quite tolerant and generally on the same page, so I would say it works well enough.

It wasn’t bad, but in my opinion they need to figure out how to make the process a tad faster. Took them two days for mine. Granted, I know it’s a small operation so I get it, but based on their documentation I figured something went wrong and so I attempted to submit a second registration (which hopefully didn’t go through since I also had an issue where the submit button for both login and registration would spin endlessly).

Growing pains is all it probably is.

It wasn’t bad, but in my opinion they need to figure out how to make the process a tad faster. Took them two days for mine.

the main issues preventing us from doing this faster are like 90% infrastructural and out of our hands--the tools aren't great and we got kicked off of our original mail provider, reinstated, then kicked off again for reasons which aren't clear to us. our new one has rate limits and is uh, opaque to say the least. we also had to custom-script a denial email so you'd even get one (that's a feature lemmy doesn't have) if we denied your application.

I figured something went wrong and so I attempted to submit a second registration (which hopefully didn’t go through since I also had an issue where the submit button for both login and registration would spin endlessly).

this is all Lemmy. the lack of feedback on basically everything is infuriating but the main devs are slammed so i doubt it'll get better any time soon

Not on Beehaw, but let me just say that I appreciate you. People aren't used to dealing with an all volunteer admin... we'd all do well to remember that this is all done out of a love for the community.

I appreciate you being active here, answering questions and checking people's account status. I'm sure you all are slammed!

Thank you for the explanation! Definitely growing pains of this platform for sure. I appreciate what you're able to do and not do and appreciate your frustration.

it didn’t bother me at all. The questions where simply, it took me maybe 2 minutes, and I was accepted pretty quickly.

I honestly have not tried to sign up for beehaw so I can't comment on the registration process itself in detail, but I do find that they're intentionally trying to be picky a little strange. It seems to me that beehaw is trying to build a community that isn't actually all that well suited for a federated setup. Which is fine but like, maybe they should just make a forum?

I honestly have not tried to sign up for beehaw so I can’t comment on the registration process itself in detail, but I do find that they’re intentionally trying to be picky a little strange. It seems to me that beehaw is trying to build a community that isn’t actually all that well suited for a federated setup.

if federation can't accommodate the idea of a curated community then that is a huge failing and limitation of the concept. federation should not mean "get fucked if you want to build something that isn't open season", it should mean "build a community to your taste, but still have the ability to connect to places which aren't your own community effortlessly"

And federation should definitely not imply letting your users to see content they don't want to see due to poor moderation from other instances. I mean, people sign up here for a reason... How's that "being picky"

This is my thought as well. I signed up for Beehaw specifically because I loved the idea of a chill place where I don't have to worry about the typical Internet joys of bots and trolls, and where people can have actual discussions. If I want to see other Reddit-like content like low-effort memes, that's where federation comes in, because I can go elsewhere to see it. Meanwhile, others are free to hang out in my home instance if they like the vibes (also due to federation) as long as they don't try making a mess of the place. If they do... Well, they get kicked out the only way available for now.

I mean, it's not like they're being picky out of spite... They explained the situation and what led them to defederate.

I didn't mean to imply that they did anything out of spite. And I'd argue that by definition they are being picky. But, I also said that's fine. I don't care what they do with their instance it just seems kind of opposed to the whole purpose of the federated content mindset. I dunno, maybe I just still don't get it. Personally I don't care about the centralized/decentralized thing. I just wanted a reddit replacement.

Regulation of user registration and defederation are key to the fediverse, not against its purpose.

The purpose of the fediverse isn't to be a replacement for any centralised social media, it's to be a safe alternative free of corporations and bad actors (who are isolated in their own servers). If you just wanted a Reddit 2.0 maybe a centralised alternative would have been better for you.

The purpose of the fediverse isn't to be a replacement for any centralised social media

Isn't the decentralization like the entire point? Your two points go hand in hand, I think.

  • Defederation and regulation of federation are part of decentralisation.

"Decentralised social media" doesn't mean "the same as a centralised social media, but as a bigger scale"

It's just that instead of belonging to a corporation that seek profit, it belongs to common people who can have their own servers/chose the server they want to be and interact or not with the people or content of other servers as they please.

Decentralisation gives you the choice to:

  • Not having to see intolerant/discriminatory content

  • To interact more easily with people akin to you, as part of federation in certain platforms is the ability to create "bubbles", which consist on sister instances that are closely connecting and interacting with yours.

  • Being able to register to a server that fits your need and it's in agreement with your ideas.

  • It also gives you the opportunity to move on to another instance if something happens to the one your in or you simply find that it wasn't for you. Because there are hundreds of servers using a same software, you don't need to put up with anything, if you don't agree with the admins you just move to another instance. Neither are still possible here, but other platforms have features like "migration" and "nomadic identify" that facilitate this.

Limiting who can be part and interact with your server is also essential because most of the people that choose the fediverse and other open source social media over corporative one (not people who are simply here because their fav social media giant fucked them over) do so because they want to be safe from the harassment and bullying promoted in big capitalistic social media platforms. These people belong to marginalised groups, are political or some other kind of activists, etc.

The humanity of the person behind an account is very important here.

As such attitudes like trolling, interacting in bad faith, baiting, etc that were seeing as neutral, "great fun" and encouraged on big for-profit social media platforms aren't acceptable here. "Trolling" and "shitposting" is a valid reason for defederation here.

So, no. This is not a replacement, this is a completely different model of social media that caters to a completely different public.

Lemmy and kbin aren't "multiserver Reddit"

Mastodon, Pleroma, Misskey, etc aren't "multiserver twitter"

Friendica and Hubzilla aren't "multiserver Facebook"

Nor they ever aim to be.

I just wanted a Reddit replacement.

Reddit is centralized. The Fediverse (however you choose to access it) is decentralized.

You will never find a Reddit replacement here.

Closest thing I have so far. It's been scratching the itch since last Monday.

Decentralized governance is I think the point. You, upon diving into Federation: Into the Fediverse or browsing Federation: Across the Fediverse have an opportunity to find an instance that is governed how you like. Remember how on reddit there were both complaints that admins took too long to quarantine subs like The Donald, while also complaining that power mods were preventing meaningful discussion from happening? Well here you can find the right moderation style for you! Including spinning up an instance and self moderating

Idk, you could say they're being "over-protective", but even then I would argue. As I've said in another comment, people who come here expect that... At least I did when I decided to sign up here and not somewhere else. And they do federate with other servers. I mean, you're posting this from kbin after all... so how's that opposed to federation?

Btw, IIRC they literally say in one of their posts: "this is not a Reddit replacement".

I also didn't say they were being over protective, I said they were being picky by definition. Which for the third time, I don't have a problem with lol. I don't care what they do with their instance. Curating a userbase is totally their prerogative. It just seems weird to do so on this platform where you'll be interactive with userbases that you did not curate. It seems self-defeating. That's why I originally said another format or structure may have just worked better for what they want to create. But again, I don't really care either way, I was just throwing in my two cents that no one asked for.

Go to any established (older than a month or two) Lemmy instance and click the “instances” button. You will see that each has lists of instances they defederated from.

It’s part and parcel of decentralization.

Beehaw isn't the first nor the last server on the fediverse to ask people to submit a sentence or two explaining why you want to join.

Thematic instances and instances aim to marginalized groups tend to be picky to protect their users and/or keep the instance "on topic"

Sure it is! Beehaw limiting instance users and curating the instances they connect to isn't a bad thing. Their users want a close knit instance with links to other instances who suit their philosophy. Those who choose Beehaw choose it for that reason. That we can all choose a good home here is absolutely how federation should work.

Okay so like just one more time here I want to try to make it super clear that I never said, nor meant to imply, that beehaw is doing anything "bad." I didn't say it's a bad thing. I don't think it's a bad thing. I just don't get it given this platform.

Beehaw is a couple years old at this point. It’s been chugging along happily in the Fediverse, curating communities and a membership base that is quite successful. (Hence the tens of thousands of new people wanting to join, and overwhelming floods of people from other instances wanting to participate in Beehaw’s carefully curated communities.)

I think it’s a good idea. I have no problem doing this for these instances. It’s to protect the community. If it were Facebook, then I’d not do it because I know they are selling my information.

Right? Facebook wouldn’t ask because they cared or wanted to maintain the quality of the community. They’d ask only as a way to harvest a commodity.

I only saw one question - guess I got lucky! I thought about providing a link to my reddit user page so they could verify that I wasn't generally a jerk, but then that would give reddit clicks. It also seemed like turning the application work around on the mods, which I assume they have too much of at the present time, so I didn't.

I applied, but not sure it went through, never got beyond the spinny-submit-button. Happened a few times then found another instance :)

*edit- But I did like that they were screening applicants.

you're probably in the queue somewhere, to be honest lol

update: yeah if is you then your account exists; we'll get to it when we sort out the email situation which hopefully will be tomorrow because i'm tired of not being able to approve people lol

Awesome! I applied for beehaw the first day of the blackout. It lets me do a forgot password and I get the email so I imagine I’m in the system but not finalized yet.

Awesome! Yeah, it's me there too. Thanks for the feedback and know that it's appreciated. No rush on my behalf -- I'm still figuring all this out and do have other fedi-accounts to feed the fix, so to speak. :)

Update! It was approved and I'm in. Thanks again!!

I applied for a Beehaw account earlier this week. Am I somewhere in the system?

I also got stuck on the spinning submit button which just kept spinning. After several minutes I closed the window. Will try again at some point.

In my experience, if you reload the page and copy-paste all the details quickly, it will let you through.

I had the same issue happen.

just checked and you are also in the queue (account exists, just waiting) so yeah eventually we'll get to you also

I had issues registering the first time (spinny-submit-button), I simply tried later and had no problem and was approved in less than an hour.

They asked what I thought I could add to the community and I wrote something about sports and apparently they aren't interested in that so they denied me.

How long ago did you apply? I thought I got denied the first time I applied, as my first application was relatively short, but much to my surprise I got accepted several days later. It might be possible your application was unfortunately overlooked as the admins have to look at hundreds of apps per day.

i know for a fact there are a lot of people in-queue who we'll be approving, so yeah

I applied like twice. Wrote the same thing in phrasing though. I applied I think the day before the blackout first (no response) and then about like 4 days ago and got a message yesterday that I was denied and I could try to apply again another time. This first time I applied I maybe have referenced that I was fleeing reddit so maybe they didn't like me talking about it (though I'm sure it's true od like 90 percent of their users).

I suppose it's possible the denial i got was just a really late reply to my first attempt.

Lol seriously?

Yes. They didn't personally ask me. It's just one of the intake questions questions.

Maybe they just wanted to go in depth? No clue

Ya that place has huge dog-walking reddit mod energy. I couldn't possibly care less what their instance is doing.

I've only had one text field / question, but they took over a week to come back to me for approval. Obviously made a kbin account in the meantime already and am happy with that. Maybe I'll use the account if I give Jerboa another try. The last time I tried the app it crashed 5 times just reading the Reddit refugee welcome message. Definitely not the best first impressions given.