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Joined 12 months ago

Judges:19 where a guy throws his side piece to a crowd that wants to rape him in hopes they’ll be satisfied with raping her instead.

When Diplo and Chris Rock are attending it’s not Burning Man anymore. It’s just another event for trust fund kids and middle managers clinging to their long past youth. Add a sprinkle of tech bros for flavor and you get an event I don’t mind not attending.

Not that the folks who do attend Burning Man are regretting my absence in the least 🤣

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Rape is about power. Rapists aren’t interested in anyone who wants to give it to them consensually. They want to feel that they are really hurting someone, really destroying their humanity. If it doesn’t demean and permanently fuck up their victim then they want no part in it.

It must be getting close to a US election year. Suddenly, a Democratic president feigns to give a shit about the people who voted for him. Albeit grudgingly, of course, and knowing whatever he suggests now will be so watered down by the time it’s executed it will be like nothing happened at all.

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Oh so normal policing in the US. Got it.

How are managers going to find staff to have sex with if they can’t corner them in the office and abuse their power? WFH ruins the only means they have for ever getting laid.

Except that they were all yelling fire. Oh wait! They were all yelling “kill all the congress critters” and “all hail Emperor Trump”. I’d say that makes the lot of them anything but innocent or stupid people caught up in something they didn’t understand.

For contrast, if a few hundred African Americans with guns stormed the US capital for any reason at all, most would have been shot and the remainder would be facing life imprisonment. It’s only the fact the most were white or white oriented that has protected any of the coup members from facing the legitimate consequences of their actions. And the same forces will eventually allow them to prevail and ensure the US becomes a theocratic ethnostate. Or at least more of one than it already is.

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This is a problem that’s going to solve itself as soon as their dogs get rabies.

ACAB. Full stop.

Only the chosen whites are immune from police brutality. If that’s not you then you’re no better off than me.

Sorry that happened. ACAB.

Oh how I miss my hometown 🤣

Please note that we declared ourselves a first world country. We’re not and never will be. At best, we’ve always been a backwater former European colony with an ego bigger than our landmass.

People don’t want change. They want stability and to not starve. If those two qualifiers are met then voters don’t really care what the government does and they’re not inclined to vote incumbents out.

Yeah let’s make sure we don’t send the wrong message to psychopaths by sending them to jail for fear they will escalate their wrongdoings. Maybe we could just ask them pretty please to stop raping people. Or maybe just not worry about rape at all. /s

Yes. If he or any other Republican is elected, they will pardon him of any convictions at the time and offer blanket immunity (officially or otherwise) for anything he will ever do.

I doubt anyone can actually force Trump to go to prison at any level. He’s a flight risk, for one. He has an angry gun toting mob at his disposal. And, if he wins the presidency again, he will use federal agents to remove himself from any prison and prevent his capture.

It will take huge balls to actually deal with Trump. And America is a land of geldings wearing prosthetic testicles.

Most of us GenXers gave up on trying to make any significant change in anything. Those that are still active have already sided with the enemy.

He wasn’t raped. He was subjected to enhanced interrogation. Besides, they sprinkled some crack on him so it’s all good.

All the time. This is how the police normally operate in the United States. If you meet a cop that doesn’t do this then congrats you’ve found a unicorn.

Source: I have relatives that are cops 🤮

He knows the answer to this already. I suppose we must go through the motions to pretend it matters to us, though.

If you can’t beat ‘em, waterboard ‘em… then beat them.

Found the pastor that likes to diddle little kids 😬

Working as intended, unfortunately.

Same here. No love lost for those parasites.

If you let people opposed to your ideology vote, they will inevitably vote against your interests. Disenfranchisement is the only real option available to producing meaningful political change that doesn’t involve violence. It’s the same strategy used against the rest of us by conservatives and neoliberals. We’re stupid for not using it against them.

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The gerontocracy runs the political parties. The party determines the candidates. You will rarely see a candidate on your ballot that wasn’t approved by them. And they will only approve of other old people and those that agree with their policies… which are inherently conservative in nature.

Ramaswamy is trying to position himself to be VP. Then be Republicans will claim a victory in the domain of identity politics. If Trump wins then dude will be VP for life. We all know Trump will overthrow the government at the end of his term. That’s gonna be a cushy job for Ranaswamy…

My partner is Jewish and used the service to learn more about her ancestry. This sucks.

Is it just me or does it seem it’s a really bad idea to buy into any product that involves accumulating PII? I’m old enough to have noticed that in nearly every instance that data is either misused, stolen, or used as intended for a really shitty purpose.

I’m pretty sure I’d stay put and not move back. Let’s be honest. An employer can and will terminate you for practically any reason or no reason at all. Selling a house you bought in a place you want to live in hopes of maintaining a toxic relationship that will end on a whim (your job) barely makes sense from an economic perspective and makes no sense from any other.

To put it in perspective… if you had an emotionally abusive boyfriend who insisted you had to sell your house and move in with him, would you do it? If you relied on him for half your income, would you do it? If the answer to those questions are “yes” then you’re gonna love selling your house because of RTO. If you have any self respect, the very notion of this would make you dust off your resume and resignation letter.

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This is true. But we didn’t vote for Hunter. He performs no official duties. And he’s a bit too busy with his various legal entanglements to perform any unofficial duties AFAIK. If anything, seeing Biden have to deal with this makes me feel more sympathetic to the man. He lost one kid to the military and appears to be losing another to debauchery.

If the rest of the voters start feeling that then Biden will get re-elected. That assumes anyone will even care about this subject beyond the sensational nature of it all.

If it’s not a requirement these knuckleheads aren’t gonna do it. Either make it a mandate or just let nature take its course.

Considering we are in Presidential campaign season here in the US it will be interesting to see if the current administration is willing to take the risk of letting its officials talk too loudly about something that is radically unpopular among likely voters.

As much as I enjoy West’s work I’m not willing to give him the codes to the nukes. I fear that if the time came he wouldn’t irradiate whoever needs irradiating. I’m also not sure if he can deal with all bs that comes with trying to persuade the other branches of government to fulfill their duties. Tbf i don’t know if anyone can do that anymore… but I’m pretty sure he can’t since he’s not part of their little club of Neoliberals.

Maybe if we have a Socialist or Anarchist coup? And that’s still a big maybe.

Good thing Biden is there to improve relations between Boeing and Vietnam… oh I mean the US and Vietnam.

That’s never been our nation! Omg a stable democracy and the rule of law?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m so dead.

Things are better than they were under Trump in that our head of state is no longer an overt bigot that tends towards embarrassing antics. It’s more like how things were before. The problem is the way things were before sucked. So it looks better but still is a neoliberal cesspool on this side of the pond.

But at least we can still get a few hundred varieties of potato chips! We’re fine!

Yeah we all know how masculine the police in the US are. What’s more manly than a bunch of men compensating for their small penises by randomly killing civilians!

Tbh this is a situation where I love being proven wrong 🤣

The way Biden is acting about it he might let his son sit in prison to teach him a lesson. If Hunter was my son I’d definitely let him enjoy his time out if he lost his case. Some lessons need to be learned the hard way… especially for the over privileged.

They went to a rally where Trump told them Congress was full of traitors and to storm the building to make sure they didn’t remove him from office. That crowd knew exactly what they were doing. The only reason they get the benefit of ac doubt from you or anyone is because our society has taught us that those who are considered white can largely do whatever they like… especially if it involves violence. That’s all it is. That’s the benefit of white privilege at its peak: that a bunch of white people and their little cronies are even allowed to overturn the results of an election using violence and face minimal consequences.

The only thing they did wrong was they were unsuccessful. Had they succeeded everyone would be praising them like they were liberators. 🙄

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I mean, I didn’t say there weren’t consequences lol