Biden administration adds insulin to drug price negotiation list in major blow to big pharma to – 1251 points –
Biden Administration Adds Insulin to Drug Price Negotiation List in Major Blow to Big Pharma

“This was an unexpected victory in a long fight against an illegal cartel of three corporations who have raised their insulin prices in lockstep.”

The Biden Administration pleasantly stunned health care reform advocates Tuesday by including short-acting insulin in its list of 10 drugs for which Medicare will negotiate lower prices, power vested in the White House by the Inflation Reduction Act.

The IRA was passed in the face of one of the heftiest barrages of lobbying in congressional history, with the pharmaceutical industry spending more than $700 million over 2021 and 2022 — several times more than the second- and third-ranking industries — much of it aimed at stopping the legislation, watering it down, or undermining its implementation.


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It must be getting close to a US election year. Suddenly, a Democratic president feigns to give a shit about the people who voted for him. Albeit grudgingly, of course, and knowing whatever he suggests now will be so watered down by the time it’s executed it will be like nothing happened at all.

You're right, but also it's better than nothing. If it were a republican in office they'd be doing the opposite and taking things away for the same reason, so I'll take it.

Which should tell people about our leadership, but it doesn't.

If the end result is the same theres no need to go through the song and dance. They will do all this carrot/stick politicking until the primaries then drop all discussion of progressive talk. Rince and repeat every 2 years.

The result is most definitely not the same.

The result is exactly the same. Same immigration policies, same foreign policies, same domestic policies. In any case the wealthy will always come out on top, and the labor class gets fucked. The only thing different is its now the red team screaming how bad things are, and dems have gone to brunch assuming our problems are being taken care of.

"I'm elevenfingerfrk and I look gift horses in the mouth"

How is that even applicable to this situation? It’s not as if he’s going to actually make this happen. There’s not even an actual gift horse to look in the mouth. It’s just political theater.

I almost would rather he just callously tell us pharma profits and campaign donations are more important to him and his stock portfolio than our health care needs. But that’s the kind of honesty we got from the last guy… and nobody in their right mind wants him back despite his, uh, version of “honesty” 🤮

I've never understood that expression. The gift horse was hiding Greek soldiers that sacked the city. If someone had looked inside, Troy might not have fallen.

I don't think the original expression had anything to do with the Trojan horse.

I believe the original relates to the fact that one of the ways you check the health and condition of a horse is to check its teeth. But if someone is giving you a horse as a gift, it's rude to check the teeth as it implies you think they've sold you a lemon.

So it just means 'be grateful for what you're given'. So I think the Troy parallel is just a coincidence.

I could be talking absolute rubbish though.

That’s the meaning. The earliest example is

“from St. Jerome's "The Letter to the Ephesians" (written in Latin) in AD 400: "Noli equi dentes inspicere donati." (This translates as "Never inspect the teeth of a given horse."),determined%20by%20examining%20its%20teeth.

The German version is “Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul”. Often followed by, “Einem geschenkten Barsch schaut man nicht unter die Kiemen.”