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Joined 12 months ago

!Remindme in 62 years

You really need to tell Mom to stop spamming you.

And on the other hand, Karl Jobst has always been very well researched in his videos, so I'm a big torn here. Definitely going to keep an eye on this and see where it goes before making my own conclusions.

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It's also all right to laugh maniacally as it all burns down.

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Nothing bad happened last time??

Hilariously, I bet it's because their Active Directory domain is the same as their public domain, and it becomes a massive pain in the ass to hostname the root domain. Yes, externally you can do it just fine, but then it's not consistent internally on their private network.

One solution is you run IIS (or any other web server) purely as a permanent redirect for the internal host, but it would then need to run on each domain controller which brings its own set of issues.

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Btw, I use Arf.

  • this dog, probably

Only thing surprising is that it took this long for it to happen. Everyone else knew that there would be immediate forks made but seems they took a month to catch up to speed with the internet.

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This may actually be important if you end up behind one of these. Besides, this isn't specifically about Elon so maybe make your whining relevant.

Pretty much. Being liberal myself, it drives me insane seeing the absolute triple people will buy into. Websites aren't the things to target, let's look at things like cruise ships and transitioning to renewable energy.

I also choose this guy's bi wife.

You want to be really confused then? Because b is WiFi 1 and a is WiFi 2. Everything else you said is correct though.

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Lemmy isn't supporting Nazis, you're being downvoted because making accusations without sources is just yelling into the wind. "Just Google it" and "do your own research" is synonymous in practice and adds nothing to the conversation and only is rumormill level gossip.

Provide links to some sources if you have some legit concerns, because that's definitely news to me.

That's what 25 years in IT did for me.

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Can be a major deal breaker though for anyone using GamePass.

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Great idea, I plan to give it a try soon! One suggestion though is you need to figure out a better name since Sync for Lemmy is a well known app already and this will just confuse people.

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Uhhhhh yes? Correct?

Everyone, I cordially invite you to the party in hosting at ivanafterall's place while they are preoccupied with the invasion on FartsWithAnAccent.

When I first quit Reddit, I would grab my phone and not know what to do at all. I would flip through apps aimlessly and end up on GPS and confuse the hell out of myself.

This guy forks.

I've been meaning to rewatch this for a while now. Does it still hold up well?

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Not exactly the same thing, but when I got my first VR HMD, for about two weeks afterwards I had to fight the urge that my real hands were the fake ones rather than the ones I would see in VR. Supposedly it's something like 25% of first time VR users who get a similar feeling, but it didn't make me feel any better about it. Never happened again, even with how rare I play VR games, but it was rather off-putting.

Oh just thought of another one: when I was playing WoW back in 2005, I got so into it that it was effecting everything. My social life died and it was effecting work enough that my boss had to have a long convo with me to get my shit together. But what really made me realize how bad it had gotten was having dreams where dialog with people I knew IRL was all in text and I would have to type responses to people when face to face with them.


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More like 135°.

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I kept trying to figure out the joke about the name Swen Vincke and was failing. Cocks. It was right there in front of me everyone. It was Cocks.

Yep, instant sync is never a guarantee. There still has to be a queue for command messages along with authentication plus authorization of said commands. And just like you said, you must be connected to a network that then can reach their cloud to even receive the command queue.

I run a sync service between multiple Active Directory domains as a result of a merger and the directories haven't been cutover yet. Along with this sync is a password sync that is normally instant. Most of the times (> 90%), less than a second. Sometimes 3 seconds. Other times? 2 minutes. Even when things are within the same LAN, there's the possibility of a backed up queue.

So yeah, this is purely on him trusting the sync implicitly and not verifying. In my case, I trust it too but will on occasion have to assist users because it's not infallible. Karma got him and I have zero sympathy.

Yeah really sounds like the organizers are out of touch with what the competitive, organized teams are needing. And $400 entry fee? Yeesh, that's how you get an immediate no from all your casual teams and then your pros see there's no one signed up.

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You can encrypt it for non-Proton users very easily.

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The funny thing is, it's not actually hidden if you know how to see them. Just throw "/likes" after a profile. They only hid the fucking button.

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Lol oh I never said it's a good solution. The worst part isn't running IIS, it's running IIS on a domain controller. The better option is using a different domain for AD than your web domain, as long as it's a publicly registered domain for certificate purposes.

Report it to and/or so they actually get thrown into email blacklists.

Seriously! I still am on the hunt for that feeling all over again in another game or watching others experience this game for the first time. It's crazy because even the Steam description of the game is a major spoiler.

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I'll be honest, after reading that article, it does seem a bit frustrating how they handled their leak, but it also doesn't give a compelling argument for calling it "one of the worst". There have been far worse providers, including providers that have not even been a true VPN. Or providers who don't protect you from DNS leaks.

While I don't condone security breaches, they happen (I'm a 25 year IT veteran myself, and currently in cybersecurity and systems management). I don't use NordVPN myself but one of their competitors for many years now. I truly couldn't care less about their ads since I never see them, I only care about the security of the connection. At this time, I only know of this one breach of essentially one server, but they are doing pretty much everything right in investigating and fixing things so it would never happen in the same way again.

From that article, even after they documented NordVPN's findings and their own findings, they still gave them a score of 4/5. That's a far cry from "one of the worst" as you put it.

Yes, I could search for it too, but I was asking you specifically. It sounds like you might just have a grudge against their ads, but hey I get it, ads suck. Literally the only ad I ever get for them is from in-video ads from Harry Mack, but he freestyles them soooooo I'm pretty okay with those.


God dammit Moon Moon.

There's more than one horse.

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That movie STILL creeps me out and I watched it as an adult the first time. I don't know what it is exactly that did it, but the way they hid their appearance from you much of the movie was a big impact.

"A flare"?! So you don't throw 3 flares in rapid succession and then complain that flares take too long to recharge? Just me? ...okay.

Even better, you can do it by editing the "sort title" so even in the library they show up in the order you prefer. So in this case I'd change them to be "Saw 01" through "Saw 10" and I won't have to mess with a different view for those circumstances. I do need to go back through and edit a handful more of my movies because I've slacked off lately.

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I apology for giving you the pink piss.