Roman numerals, man... so close! to Mildly – 859 points –

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Even better, you can do it by editing the "sort title" so even in the library they show up in the order you prefer. So in this case I'd change them to be "Saw 01" through "Saw 10" and I won't have to mess with a different view for those circumstances. I do need to go back through and edit a handful more of my movies because I've slacked off lately.

I always liked to use year instead of number. That way it sorts the same and if there end up being more than 9 I don’t have to go back and rename it to 09.

Now I use Jellyfin with the auto collection plugin. It does a great job of grouping everything correctly.

I just always do it out of habit when I number movies because of the rare possibility of a series going into double digits. Obviously I wouldn't need to ever worry about it with LOTR or anything that is definitely over, but regardless it's not painful to go back and edit.

Edit: also I've considered switching to Jellyfin myself, but I've had a Plex Lifetime membership since line 2014 and as annoying as they sometimes are about emailing me, I do like the polish it has.

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