Roman numerals, man... so close! to Mildly – 859 points –

The thing is, if they did have a funny sex number, it probably would've been 19

"XIX"... I'm not seeing it.

It's their first number containing different digits that's the same either way up

(Edited to be more correct)

Still not seeing it, lol. I guess you mean it would be their 69, except that you need one to be the upside down version of the other...? I don't know. Someone should write a research paper on this. :D

69 is (our) 69 because the whole thing is the same when you rotate it 180°

As is XIX


I thought it was because the 6 is a dude with his dick out, and 9 is a girl with her tits out, or the 9 is another dude flipped around…

Huh, I thought it was because that’s where the head is.

Nah, that's not how 69 works

Yes it is! One person one way, one person the other. From the 180 perspective, the same.

The participants are thus mutually inverted like the numerals 6 and 9 in the number 69

Unless you're meaning it specifically has to be 2 digits, and therefore XIX doesn't qualify? If so that's fair (it was just the closest analogue I could think of. Maybe II would indeed be better).

I can't believe I have to explain this, but the key to 69 is that the two "people" are in opposite directions to reach other, not that the pair looks the same from either direction.

I think you passed over two people having sex, and went right to a three way

1 more...
1 more...

Just put the year first :P

This is true.

If it’s in a list with other films with years first, you wouldn’t be about to visually scan by letter, though. Two “Saw” films could be separated by hundreds of others in between.

I would do year first but these would all be in sub folder for the franchise

5 more...
5 more...

Saw VII: The Final Chapter...



Saw IX

Saw X

There is no Saw 9. Like Windows 10, Saw X comes right after 8

It's in alphabetical order and IX is definitely there. Unless I'm missing some other joke.

The Final Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo

Feature request to Microsoft: Roman-numeral-sensitive alphabetical ordering for files. /s

Windows Explorer does not even support the Microsoft versioning system either /s

Are all correctly ordered? – No.

Which one is wrong? – Nein.

- What was Hitler's telephone number?

- 99-99-99.

Fun fact: In France, Saw VI and Saw VII skipped the numbers because Saw 6 is pronounced like saucisse (sausage) and Saw 7 is pronounced like someone having a lisp saying chaussette (sock)

Saw VI in French takes a whole new meaning…

Saw XI takes a whole new meaning in China.

What does it mean?

"Saw six" is pronounced like "saucisse" which mean sausage.

"six" in english translates to "six" in french

i don't know what to do with this information

You write it six in French but pronounce it “cis”

that just sounds like saying "six" with a french accent

im not sure i believe you

Yeah it was wild hearing about it on Saw Con lol

Use Unicode Roman Numerals (U+2160 to U+216B), they are correctly sorted:

Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ, Ⅹ, Ⅺ, Ⅻ

Has anyone watched the latest Saw?

I just downloaded, is worth the watch?

I wonder if you could make a context aware sorting system for files. Like if there are a handful of files all similarly named, it could check for sequential numbers and roman numerals and spelled out numbers and just sort them that way.

You can but you'll need either a plugin for your file browser or a custom one

Is it missing saw 3d? I never knew if that was cannon

Saw 3D was the marketing name but it's more commonly referred to as Saw The Final Chapter (the other official name) or Saw VII

How TF is it the final chapter then they keep going. I stopped after 2 with the damn pit of needles.

It was the chronological 3nd until the Jigsaw and Spiral reboots which take place 10+ years after the death of Jigsaw. But yeah I only refer to it as Saw VII for that reason

Saw X takes place between 2 and 3

Edit: I love Saw 2 for the story development but yeah the needle pit is unbearable I can't watch that part

It's the MegaMan situation all over again XD

A cool film that used its low budget creatively has been turned into a crappy franchise on par with Halloween and Friday13th. Shame.

You know what they say, "I before V, except after C". (Or something like that.)

I still remember when Windows File Explorer orders 10 before 2 (I still didn't verify if it still does that and I don't feel like it)