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Joined 2 months ago

Not to quibble but technically dispersed camping, according to the USFS, is camping anywhere outside designated sites. The distinction is important because people believe they can't camp on USFS (or BLM) land for free, almost anywhere they want. In fact with relatively few exceptions and with a bunch of rules like time limits, proximity to water sources, fire restrictions etc etc, you can.

Which one is the drag queen?


Sure sure ok there bud

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It’s not one mistake. It’s four years of obvious decline being put on stage where people have a harder time covering it up.

He's an old man. Congrats on figuring that out.

As I can attest, older people in general are a little bumbly but that's not a predictor of mental acuity or ability. It's certainly not an indicator of dementia on it's own.

I've watched many of his speeches, press conferences, etc. and I see little to no evidence of cognitive decline. What I do see is people buying into that narrative because, like all good propaganda, it taps right into their preexisting biases.

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They could run newsom or Harris. It’s not too late.

  1. Actually it very likely is. The DNC's and a few key states' rules may not allow that.

  2. Newsom is an extremely savvy political operator and will not run for several reasons, but mainly he knows he's likely up next and needs to play nice with the DNC establishment. He doesn't need to take chances on a run against a toxic candidate when he can run in 2028 and have a much much easier time. Likely he sees the consequences of a Trump 2nd term and knows the tide will swing dramatically toward a more progressive candidate.

  3. IMO: Harris will never in a million years run against Biden but more importantly, as fucked up as it is, a huge segment of stupid 'Mericans will never vote for a woman. So neither Harris nor Whitmer are viable options at this five-alarm fire stage.

It's funny how the standard by which we judge Biden is so high, and the standard for Trump is so low. Like... "oh wow, orange man form complete sentence, he's really killin it" vs "omg Biden stumbled over his words and had one bad night, his candidacy is over".

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He fucked up. And the DNC fucked up by allowing him to run a second time (or a first, in my book). But people are human, shockingly. They do fuck up and they do say incoherent things (you'll understand when you get older, lol) and I'd rather have someone who spews gobblygook once in a while than someone who lies incessantly and spews gobblygook all the time.

Show me an alternative. Show me a viable path forward that ensures a second Trump presidency doesn't happen. If you haven't got that then there's really nothing more to discuss. We'll all hold our noses and vote for Biden and then raise hell to get a more reasonable candidate in 2028. Because at least then there will be a 2028 election.

Can you help me understand what Biden meant when he shouted “We finally beat Medicare!” I found that confusing.

Have you never once in your life misspoken? Have you ever been in a super stressful situation where you knew you were being judged in every possible way by a large number of people? I confess, I have. And I have screwed up badly a number of times. Forgot what I was saying, said the wrong words... all kinds of things.

Thankfully, I was not judged on my stumbling over my words but by the substance of what I had to say and the totality of my contributions. I prefer to judge others similarly.

Criticize Biden all you want. But he's not stepping down and there isn't a good alternative this late in the game. The DNC fucked up by allowing him to run the first time and then again by not demanding he not seek re-election. Just like they fucked up by fucking over Sanders.

And yet... these are the cards we have and we're not getting another hand. It sucks.

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If he steps down Trump is going to win.

Look, this is a terrible situation and the DNC is 100% responsible for fucking this up. Biden should never have sought a second term. But this is our awful reality right now and we have to deal with it in any way -that is available to us - that prevents a Trump 2nd term.

Or have you convinced yourselves this inane rambling isn’t a real, long term issue?

Inane rambling? You are talking about Trump, right?

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Greetings comrade!

I'm curious if you are an asshole in real life or just online where it's safe.

Gaslight, deny, deflect. Anything to avoid facing how fucked we are.

I didn't say were weren't fucked to some degree of fucked. But I'm also not gonna blow it so out of proportion that I'm paralyzed and do nothing. Or worse, cry and moan and cause others to do nothing. Literally people are taking one fuck up and forgetting everything else. It's completely buying into the false narrative pushed by the GOP and ignores all the good Biden has done and the fact that 99% of his other speeches and debates have been completely fine. Many people have been... well, played.

The only reasonable course of action at this point is to stop whining, vote for Biden, and then raise hell to demand accountability from the DNC. Make it 100% clear that we will accept nothing less than a stellar candidate in 2028. At that point the danger from Trump will have largely passed and we can move forward.

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What I want to know is what is she doing out of the kitchen and speaking in public.

There's no point in doing anything but being polite and "professional"^1^ and doing so gives you the most leverage. If nothing else you can try to negotiate a higher severance. But it also potentially enables the best kind of "revenge".

Like the time I was laid off and instructed to revoke my and my team's access to systems. Yes sir... right away sir. Only the bean counters never verified that there was somebody left in the hand-off plan who could access everything.

Github admin? Not anymore. AWS root account? Who knows?

Honestly the fallout from that, including frantic begging emails for passwords about a month later, was far more entertaining than anything I could have said at the time. Best of all, the head bean counter got fired over it.

And because I was completely "professional" my boss there was super supportive and helped me get my next gig. Still checks in on me once in a while.

^1^ People often confuse playing the game to believing in it. Use it to your advantage.

So basically he's saying he has no faith or confidence in the criminal justice system? Wouldn't that kind of... I dunno... disqualify you from a job in the criminal justice system?

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Skill issue

These "I'm not gonna vote for Biden because my principles are too important" folks are really starting to piss me off.

Where were your principles last year? The year before? Where were they when Russia invaded Ukraine? What about the Rohingya? The Yazidi? How about here at home and what Republican power - in congress and across the courts? Where will they be if Trump wins and appoints another SCOTUS judge and packs the federal courts? When hundreds of transgender Americans are murdered? When women no longer have any autonomy over their bodies?

This isn't about your principles. It's not about you looking cool in a keffiyeh. This is about all of us on the left working together to reduce the most harm. You in your enormous privilege are not the main character here.

I mean seriously... get the fuck over yourselves you spoiled brats.

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"Areas of particular concern include Texas, Alabama, Arkansas and several other US states"

Has anyone else younger than 45 or so felt similarly frustrated with geriatrics’ messages?

What always makes me laugh about posts like this is the knowledge that soon you too will hit that terrible 45 and become "geriatric". Your text messages and emails (how quaint) will suddenly become incomprehensible and everyone will claim you are giving them a stroke just by existing .

The clock is ticking... faster than you think.

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In many ways, it’s as bad for lgbtq+ people as it was in the 90s,

NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE. Absolutely stupid take.

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LOL. So true.

I actually did not know that Tim Cook is a christian nut job.

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Yes, trespassing is illegal. But you haven't trespassed until it's established that you have trespassed. Legally.

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The director of a local homeless assistance group is quoted as saying:

“Obviously, we don’t want people resorting to illegal activity to find housing."

IANAL but here's a funny twist of the law. It's not generally illegal, per se, for the woman have done this until she was caught and legal action was taken and was successful. The mere act of it was not in itself illegal. Heck, in California you have to give squatters 3 days notice (the area where she stayed could be seen as "vacant").

Anyway, food for thought. Lest, you know, one require housing.

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Who's having a tantrum?

It's a stupid take. Objectively stupid.

Have a nice day!

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I live in rural California. We only just this year are able to pick up a faint LTE signal. I think it might get us a very unstable 1-2 Mbps if we hold the phone just right. We have no cable, DSL or other land-based options and because of the topography can't pick up the local wireless provider, which is very expensive anyway - like $175/month for 50/5

So without Starlink our only options are crappy regular satellite providers like Hughesnet which impose very low quotas - 10 GB monthly for day time usage - and have insane latency.

It bugs the shit out of me I have to give money to that fuckwit but without it we live in the dark ages.

In my neck of the literal woods this has become an incredibly simplistic exercise. It used to be that I'd take the time to research their positions on specific issues... sometime even calling them up and asking questions. What party they belonged to was not always a reliable indicator of this so it was worth taking the time. But these days, where I live, we're lucky to get even one candidate who is not a mouth breathing MAGA cult member.

So I just look up their voter registration and political contributions.

Maybe this doesn't count but... I once had a manager who had "Master of All He Surveys" on his business card.

We didn't get a long too well.

I want to know what happens if they don't quite make the $1 billion. I mean, that's a lot of cash. What happens if they only donate, say, $750 million? $900 million. Is the quid pro quo pro rata?

Aha! This is why I can't think straight! Spaghetti!

As the article points out, it's not just a question of safety.

“Farmers who brought this case with us – along with local scientists – currently grow different varieties of rice, including high-value seeds they have worked with for generations and have control over. They’re rightly concerned that if their organic or heirloom varieties get mixed up with patented, genetically engineered rice, that could sabotage their certifications, reducing their market appeal and ultimately threatening their livelihoods.”

The difference is that jobs and places to work are extremely diverse. It's not always easy but you can find something that at least is a tolerable way to make a living. For most folks there are lots of options. With the education system... if you don't fit into that cookie-cutter hole, there are no alternatives except don't go, which is straight up illegal in a lot of places until your 18.

Biden still has to earn votes and nothing Trump said is different from what Biden is doing. He’s just saying it out loud.

You have to be in a position to not be affected by Republican policies to think that. Really to be single-minded about one issue, no matter how valid in itself, while ignoring everything else that affects so many so badly.

You may think you get virtue points for this but what you are showing is just how incredibly privileged and selfish you are.

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You don’t think they could, you know, wash them before selling them?

When you wash produce you reduce it's shelf life drastically, create more waste and add significant cost. Grapes in particular are very delicate.

Republicans enraged by Biden

There, FTFY

We can have less efficient agriculture that doesn’t require indiscriminate killing of species.

Thank you!

One of the big lies of modern industrialized agriculture is that we have a production problem. We don't! We have a "profit problem" in the sense that industrialized food producers demand ever greater profits which means they have to continually find ways to get people to eat more "value", in volume and/or value-added processes.

In reality we have a distribution problem that is caused by industrialization and centralization. The real solution is decentralization and diversification.