Stay Mad, Tankies to Lemmy – 1254 points –

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Or have you convinced yourselves this inane rambling isn’t a real, long term issue?

Inane rambling? You are talking about Trump, right?

Trump's faults are obvious to all of us. Even when I talk to Trump supporters at work they recognize it and mostly just don't care.

Gaslight, deny, deflect. Anything to avoid facing how fucked we are.

Gaslight, deny, deflect. Anything to avoid facing how fucked we are.

I didn't say were weren't fucked to some degree of fucked. But I'm also not gonna blow it so out of proportion that I'm paralyzed and do nothing. Or worse, cry and moan and cause others to do nothing. Literally people are taking one fuck up and forgetting everything else. It's completely buying into the false narrative pushed by the GOP and ignores all the good Biden has done and the fact that 99% of his other speeches and debates have been completely fine. Many people have been... well, played.

The only reasonable course of action at this point is to stop whining, vote for Biden, and then raise hell to demand accountability from the DNC. Make it 100% clear that we will accept nothing less than a stellar candidate in 2028. At that point the danger from Trump will have largely passed and we can move forward.

It's not one mistake. It's four years of obvious decline being put on stage where people have a harder time covering it up.

I don't know if anybody wants you to worry to indecision, but it sure would've been nice if this had been acknowledged when it might've been repairable.

You're not going to get any accountability my friend.

It’s not one mistake. It’s four years of obvious decline being put on stage where people have a harder time covering it up.

He's an old man. Congrats on figuring that out.

As I can attest, older people in general are a little bumbly but that's not a predictor of mental acuity or ability. It's certainly not an indicator of dementia on it's own.

I've watched many of his speeches, press conferences, etc. and I see little to no evidence of cognitive decline. What I do see is people buying into that narrative because, like all good propaganda, it taps right into their preexisting biases.

If I were a copium dealer I'd be rich as fuck right now.

At least you're just delusional and not gaslighting others because it seems like the right thing to do.

Can you help me understand what Biden meant when he shouted "We finally beat Medicare!" I found that confusing.

Can you help me understand what Biden meant when he shouted “We finally beat Medicare!” I found that confusing.

Have you never once in your life misspoken? Have you ever been in a super stressful situation where you knew you were being judged in every possible way by a large number of people? I confess, I have. And I have screwed up badly a number of times. Forgot what I was saying, said the wrong words... all kinds of things.

Thankfully, I was not judged on my stumbling over my words but by the substance of what I had to say and the totality of my contributions. I prefer to judge others similarly.

So, you're saying that's all it takes for you to consider a convicted conman for president instead? Sound reasonable.

You may not be happy with your options, but the choice is abundantly clear.