
0 Post – 138 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pointing out how boomers and even gen x enjoy privileges that millennials and Z do not enjoy is not unfair.

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Making fun of British people is the morally correct thing to do at all times.

This comment section is a perfect example of how capitalists have won the class war. Such hatred for half of the population of the world that people seem to have forgotten that people need jobs to survive.

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And all of the "free speech" conservatives are silent.

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"In my household, the only addictive spyware we use is made in the USA!!!"

Edit: everyone below me is proving my point exactly.

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Just so everyone knows, this person is either paid or has interest in tearing down unions. Identity politics is used often to stop worker's action.

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Don't treat people worse than literal cattle for decades and they won't hate you.

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Fix the issues with Wayland and everyone will happily make the switch.

A reminder that all Israeli settlements are illegal.

They either

  1. Don't believe it exists

  2. Don't believe it will effect them.

Crypto itself isn't an issue. My view has always been that it wasn't meant to be an investment, but a currency. The issues are the grifters and loons that promote this as an investment.

Calling the DSA tankie is absolutely hilarious. They're pretty much just a subsidiary of the democratic party.

This is your brain on identity politics.

You can disagree with people's views on issues but defend their right to self determination and...idk, being against them being wiped out? Especially because Gaza is almost half children.

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Dude come on. Plenty of officials in West Germany after the war were Nazis. We took Nazis and used them in NASA. The US loves Nazis if they serve the ruling class or are the alternative to socialism.

Israel's "peace talks" are nonsense.

Israelis have stolen their land and homes, have performed ethnic cleansing, stripped them of their rights, and acted like they're the victims the entire time.

There's no good solution here, but an Israeli solution is not any solution at all.

"Israel offering peace talks" is like me offering you a couch after I steal your land and burned your house down. It isn't workable.

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You have no knowledge of the history and it's painfully obvious.

Hamas exists because Israel killed secular resistance movements and funded Hamas' rise.

Java is a hilariously bad platform for games.

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They're both focused on profit. The only reason you see the other one as scary is because it's owned by the scary scary Chinese. Red scare all over again.

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I'm a socialist and had a short lived account over there.

It's a bunch of "socialists" who are actually Putinists or unironic Hamas simps.

I'm absolutely pro Palestine but I absolutely abhor their views that anything that's not western is immediately good, even when they commit atrocity.

CSAM is Child Sexual Exploitation Material

People prefer using this term over CP because the word "porn" is considered too soft. Porn is generally a consensual, adult medium made with adults for adults. CP is not that, it's first and foremost harm of a child.

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Hillary is a very transparent corporate goon. She's never done anything out of the currently accepted status quo. She's entirely interested in what benefits her political career.

That's the exact point of these bills. Don't ever assume that safety is the priority of these bills. They don't want the working poor to have rights.

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Clinton lost because she is a corporate ghoul with no soul and no real views. She just believes whatever gets her the most attention and success.

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Chinese cars are not made to the safety standards required by the US.

Valid concern

Most Chinese car manufacturers are subsidized by the Chinese government, meaning they have their hands directly in the process.

Yes, the state has a large part in the Chinese economy. Why is this an issue, when corporate control of production is also not good in the US?

The Chinese government would use the leverage of cheaper cars to destroy domestic US production with their cheap, garbage cars.

American cars, by and large, are terrible. Fords and FCA products especially are unreliable junk. If you want good, reliable, quality vehicles, you go Japanese, not American. I went to school to be a mechanic and work in the automotive industry. I seriously doubt China could make a worse transmission than the last gen focuses, or a worse engine than the 1.5l Ecoboost.

The Chinese government would load these cars with spyware and viruses to steal information from US companies, citizens, and US government employees.

American companies do the same stuff for advertising purposes.

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Unfortunately, not every android OS seems to haver his option.

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Capitalism is when people have hobbies?

Israelis believe they are above the law because their fake country is unconditionally supported by empire.

Saw what windows 11 was going to be like and figured I should bail and learn Linux before I had to move over. Been just under 2 years on Linux. Don't regret my decision.

Civil disobedience is what the history books say is the thing to do. Not what reality says is the thing to do.

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They're still electric cars at their base. They just use a hydrogen reactor in lieu of a battery to power the motors.

I don't see a future where hydrogen supplants electric cars, unless there's some revolution in storage technology for it. In that case, progress in battery tech is more likely.

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Solidarity! This string of labor action hopefully can lead to more unity of working people.

You will own nothing and be happy

Fuck you

I recently moved to Fedora and tried gnome first. Absolutely no thanks. I just can't get down with it, and I had numerous issues in just a few days. KDE spin has been pretty painless.

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Got news for you, if you're working class, being white or male will not let you "coast right through" the inevitable boom/bust cycles that will befall the economies. You'll be under the boot like everyone else.

Why are you acting like he's not doing this of his own desire? Biden is a zionist like 99% of other American politicians. Netanyahu isn't making him do this. He's just doing it.

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Disagree with his politics, but otherwise based.

I want to love jellyfin, but the Roku app is a buggy mess.

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If the state can control your bike, you don't actually own it.

Pixel Dungeon is a great pickup/putdown game. Highly recommend.