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Joined 11 months ago

And that is not a good thing.

They already have an ad tier (tmobile bundles it into some of their plans). Is this going to be an even more ad tier?

Hope the murder charge sticks when they find his dumb ass. I don’t care if the kids were speaking demonic; you want to send something off the bridge? Do the the world a favor and send yourself

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Practicing for the two outcomes of the career

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How does cancelling a pie order at delivery mean that you don’t pay? You try to cancel a dental appointment in less than 48hrs and you still get charged for that appointment

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The Entertainment Software Association had pushed for the exemption for game consoles, arguing that including them would have made it easier to add chips that allow people to play pirated games.

What a load of utter shit. It would allow consumers to fix their things without dealing with crooks. Take a good look at Asus, they’re only the latest example.

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The feature creep never ceases to amaze

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If only we had lawmakers that kept greedy corporations in check, instead of bickering over bullshit.

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Those investors that expect quick returns are directly responsible for ruining so many games in the last decade; pushing for quick releases of unfinished money grabs which makes players cautious about what they buy, or just wait for those half games to go on sale and buy them at half off (what they’re actually worth, if that).

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Here is something really bad going on with this person who has their literal freedom threatened, but let me twist this into why this is Elons fault.

IDGAF about Elon or anything he touches, but the mental gymnastics in this are worthy of a Olympic gold medal

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Fund the weapons from one side and then buy media karma by dropping aid packages to the other side. It truly is election season.

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Pedophile was shot and killed by his victim.

Don’t try to sugar coat it. It doesn’t matter if they were gay, straight, or anything else.

At the end of the day, they were an adult, in a position of power and access to a minor, using their position to take sexual advantage of someone who needed help.

I’ve been debating for a while to switch windows to Linux and see how well it works for my games, thanks Microsoft for finally pushing me to do it!

Only thing keeping me on windows has been games (all other development use is far easier on Linux); but with the work that happened with Steam Deck, many games are now fully functional on Linux.

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People who paid money expecting the promised timelines instead of useless feature creep, care very much. In fact people cared so much that CIG changed the user agreement to no longer allow refunds.

They took a stupid amount of money from people all while promising timelines that were never kept, and a game that I doubt will ever see completion before bankruptcy.

They need to stop throwing money and precious development time on minuscule features when their alpha can barely run on modern hardware without taking 10min to load and crashing shortly thereafter.

I hope that I am wrong about SC and the game does come out some day, because I will absolutely love the game in stable form; but the last few years have been painting a very grim picture of SC’s future

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I am more excited that Apple is being forced to allow other browser engines on iOS.

In 2024 I should not be forced to browse ad riddled websites that risk seizures upon loading, and further redirecting you to more shit when you try to close it, on a $1000 handheld computer.

Give us a browser engine that supports proper extensions, not this shit that is as old as the original iPhone!

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What kindle? I’d guess the one that doesn’t require a soldering iron to build…

I would love to have an alternative for kindle, but this is not it; not yet at least

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Bungie discusses their next terrible decision that will yet again, drive their cash cow into the ground.

Label them terrorists, cease all financial aid to them, and impose sanctions. Let them see how far they get on their own buck.

Isn’t that what the US does to every other country acting like this? Why are these cunts special?

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Very interesting research and write up - but holy fuck can we please find a way to share an article that is not cut into tiny snippets of text?

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Prison had more amenities than most apartment rentals

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The amount of suggestions to try removing the virus instead of performing a full wipe truly amazes me.

Backup known files, scrutinize them, wipe all the disks and clean install

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The argument so far seems to be:

  • it’s not about the fact that they collect the data, but for whom it may be collected.
  • their algorithms of feeding content to consumers can be heavily influenced by non-US political entities.

That being said, I’m all for the TikTok ban, along with all the other social media platforms that have been proven to have negative impacts on the mental and physical health of our society (esp. with how much of it focused on kids).

With each year we spend less and less on the education of our children, while corporations exploit them and force feed junk into heads. Reduce their access to the shit stream, put in effort into their education instead of undercutting it, and we may actually have a chance at a bright future.

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So someone scripted post spam in the name of migration and got salty that they were treated like spam. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was through an automated processes during all the intentional spam instances we’re getting.

Very much agree with others here, dude should’ve tried to have a conversation with admins and stop spamming old content.

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So many of these games require servers when it shouldn’t. Playing simple coop should not be dependent on the companies underwhelming server infrastructure.

Borderlands proved this with allowing people to host coop sessions without any need for servers.

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How about we just ban both; will make the internet a much better place!

And a letter away from Futa, which has a whole other world of a meaning…

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https://opensource.org/licenses/ is a good place to find truly open source licenses, as there are some out there that claim to be something they’re not.

Does this mean that Sony will try to push the account requirement again on HD2, now that countries without PSN access are delisted?

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Maybe people wouldn’t hate taxes if they were put to good use, not squandered on shit we don’t want and corruption. We have to watch as all our taxes go to pay corrupt politicians hundreds of thousands of dollars and cover all their expenses, meanwhile this year our elementary and middle schools are getting their sports/music/art classes cut because there isn’t enough budget.

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You’ve clearly not had an update trigger when you were trying to present something, join a meeting, or simply do a quick restart after installing a program and get hit with a 10min “updating windows; do not shut off”

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Go read the article before you comment.

How about instead of nerfing the items that are absolutely needed for higher level play and instead fix the rest of the shit weapons?! Making everything equally garbage does not solve the problem.

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If SC simply showed their original roadmap and timeline, it would speak to itself if it is a scam or or not.

As someone who bought in from the start (when everything was bundled), the argument of “not a scam” fell through when they started to hide their original roadmap.

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The people commenting here do own the game and have hundreds of hours into it, including myself.

The nerfs here described have a much higher impact (railgun shots literally bounce off enemies now) than the buffs to the weapons that were an absolute joke already and still are ineffective.

We did read all the patch notes, we did try all of the changes described, and then we came and expressed our opinion on it. Don’t assume what others have/have not done.

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If you think about it, this really is the best way for him to get out of the spotlight for the coup attempt.

Plane crashed, everything is burnt to shit, some official list says he was on it, some poor blokes remains get buried, and he moves on living under a different name

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Came to say the same - title is bullshit; nothing of value is actually said in the video

I don’t mean that it’s been around for a long time, but the lack of innovation on it.

Plugins in browsers have been a crucial function for years and available on Android. The only reason they’re not on iOS is because Apple forces all browsers to use WebKit instead of Gecko/Blink/etc, like they do everywhere else.

Floccus is a great option with different sync sources and works across browsers

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I am having a hard time imagining a 5’11” human being weighing 50lbs, yet alone one that would have any bone/muscle mass to run.

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That boot must be fucking golden!