
0 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

To anyone saying she tried to run over the officer, please watch the body cam footage. She is turning the wheel as much as possible to steer the vehicle away from the officer. On top of that, she pulled forward very slowly. If you were trying to run someone over, you would not give them every opportunity to avoid being hit by the vehicle.

Stop licking boots

So he sells a bunch of shares right before the announcement that is likely going to tank their stock price

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LTT: says they want more accuracy, so they build a whole fucking lab for it.

Also LTT: puts bad data into the video anyway because time

That's literally enough said. It's not an attack on LMG, it's pointing out legitimate concerns about LMGs internal processes because these easy to catch errors are getting through all the time.

They test a water block prototype on a card it wasn't designed for, and then review it as a finished product with the bad data.

It's a pattern over a long period of time that has been called out by the community. GN is fully right to be putting this out there. Even if you disagree with Steve's assessment, he's right to be pointing out things he has concerns with.

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No, they shouldn't.

That's the end of the argument.

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It's not a water block that costs $800 though. It's a prototype water block that they estimated the cost of producing to be around $800 given R&D, labor, materials, etc.

It was never meant to be a production ready product, and it should never have been treated as such.

The issue with the auction is due to the fact that they sent Billet numerous emails claiming to have prepared it to be shipped back, including one in which they said they would send tracking info shortly. They didn't know it was being auctioned off until afterward. And Linus didn't contact them about compensation until 3 hours after GNs video went live.

These are facts, backed by actual evidence which you can see for yourself in GNs latest HW news.

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Yes, windows is heavier. Yes, it will use more power and resources. It's not intended to conserve resources and run on every system known to humankind. We all know this. How it is a surprise to anyone is beyond me

I came here to post the same thing that everyone else already posted.

They don't block the same things every time, so it's perfectly fine to have both.

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Billet estimated the cost of the prototype to be $800. They never sent them a product.

Linus said "they agreed on compensation" and yet billet has stated they never responded to his offer, that he sent literal hours after GN posted the main video. Linus lied here. He can say he is compensating them all he wants, but there has not been any agreement made between the parties involved. They didn't want payment, they wanted their fucking prototype back.

Right. Many are hitting with the "it should have been handled in private" line, and it's kind of annoying. Journalists report on things, and GN did just that. Reported on an issue that has been gaining in public discussion over time. This deserved transparency, and I hope that having it put out there will help LMG/LTT fix their shit. I'm sure I can speak for most of us in saying that we WANT LMG/LTT to SUCCEED. We want to see them produce quality content. But they can't do that with accurate information right now, despite their public desire to provide that.

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Remember folks, it's not okay to (jokingly) threaten violence against things like the NRA convention or the Vatican. Please save your violent threats for judges and jury members of your favorite criminally-charged politicians. Thank you.

Thanks. I'll take a few and leave a few: ..,,,,

This is one of my favorite series' to come back to. Thank you for putting so much work into it.

I really like ORMs when they are well designed. With a bad API though, it hurts me to use them over a general query string.

I built a small driver for ArangoDB that just uses AQL behind the scenes because it's so much easier to manage.

The original announcement stated it was retroactive

Oh no! Anyway...

I'm so sorry. Sending you peace and love

See if the emergency vet accepts CareCredit. You can apply for it and use it same day. They should have a thing at the front desk that will tell you how to apply.

If you apply and are denied, see if they will work with you on it and explain that you were denied.

Have never had a popup ad like this. Maybe because I have all of that stuff turned off?

Seems like an oddly specific reason to run Linux on your personal machines tho.

There are tons of other issues that are far more relevant and affect more users than simple windows store popup ads that most people don't seem to get.

Just be rich and pay the extra yearly fee so you don't gotta pay as much per install. Duh

It means you got an L (loss) and ratioed (higher count than the initial post you're commenting on).

Also L + ratio + you fell off

If we could only use some sort of... identifier to know when a game has been installed... like some kind of... serial number or key that is unique per copy...

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These damn radical lefts! They are trying to take your beer away!

/s in case someone is actually that dumb

For sure.

E2E should never be broken by the 3rd party enabling the communication.

That would defeat the purpose

uBlock blocks things solely based on them being in a filter list. Privacy badger blocks form controls and html elements that can allow tracking. Those are different things.

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Now do one with a GI Joe PSA


For those interested in seeing it in action

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Hey fuck chairman tylo!

No, I use 7zip and so should they

Can confirm: I'm haunted by a guy on a horse

As soon as the initial internal notes were made public I logged out and deleted the app.

I'm not going so far as to delete all of my posts and comments, but I won't be using reddit moving forward.

You think they just suddenly came up with this model? No shit they have to jump through hoops. That doesn't stop them from doing it in advance of something like this

Depending on how long the backlash can stick around, I would expect to see it go down with a large exodus. In particular, if Microsoft gets upset about the impact it could have to gamepass. Unity does seem to be backtracking, but it really feels like they overextended on purpose to make the actual result feel less shitty

The damage is done. The administration at Reddit has shown they will do whatever it takes to stamp out dissent... except for actually listen to the users.

Oh thanks

No no, they have proprietary methods of aggregating install data so they will know.


Right. I forgot it was on GOG too

I'm disappointed in us all. We could have stopped the Zucc, but now it's too late.

A raid team from WoW shows up to take out yet ANOTHER old god. Will they be able to take him down before the enrage timer??

They switched their backend and you might need to clear your DNS cache in order for it to resolve properly