
0 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mostly read things here. Sometimes I'll write a thing. Outside of Lemmy, I read things. Sometimes I'll write a thing. Like software documentation. Or maybe something else. Who knows what the day will bring.

Enough with the fan wars. Let's be perfectly honest for once. Windows, Linux, MacOS - they all suck. Sometimes in similar ways, sometimes in different ways. But they all suck.

Windows users - I get you, you use it because it sorta works 40%, of the time and sucks in the way you understand.

Linux users - I get you, you know all of the arcane incantations you need to quickly install, update, and troubleshoot your os in a terminal window. It works - once you apply your custom bash script that applies every change you need to get everything exactly how you like it. But again, it sucks in the way you understand.

MacOS users - well I don't really get you. You know what you've done.

We deserve better than this, guys. We deserve an os that just works, is easy to use, easy to configure, doesn't require an IT degree to use, and that we can recommend to our grandma without a second thought.

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Doesn't stop certain big tech companies from building giant campuses with cafeterias and housing so that employees can literally live, eat, and sleep at work.

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Someone's insecure about his Shakira collection.

Seriously though, I'm guessing this guy either doesn't like music at all (I've known a few and they act like this) or got made fun of a lot for his music tastes in high school. It's a shame this guy is probably a walking insecurity.

Which is a great reason to unmatch him and move on.

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This video confirms what I've thought for a long time. The biggest problem with Linus Tech Tips is Linus.

And the fact that the video even declares that it took Yvonne to put her foot down before any changes could take place confirms that LTT has a cult of personality that is damaging the brand and the team. And keeping Linus as a CVO isn't going to change that.

And of course, Madison's accusations bring a whole new layer to the drama. A layer that should have been more obvious to me given that the only woman on that video was Linus' wife.

Also, anyone else find it funny that Gary Key made yet another mistake in this video - that Linus was the one that talked about testing every video - and not Gary's own fucking team member? Also his little "I dont agree with EVERY criticism" was a bit too petulant and defensive for this video. Come on...

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Overblown and knee jerk.

I'm enjoying the absolute fuck out of this game - hundreds of hours already and no regrets. This game is a lot deeper than anyone gives it credit for, it's fantastic, and I'm looking forward to more of it.

No Man's Sky bores the hell out of me and yet I'm having so much fun exploring planets and raiding pirate bases and being surprised by handbuilt content in what I thought would be a procedurally generated dungeon. Not to mention the surprisingly deep side and faction quests. Oh and so many hours playing with the shipbuilder.

I'm sorry you're not having fun guys. But maybe you should focus on things that are fun for you?

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I get that this is a contentious topic and I agree that Musk gets too much coverage, but....I strongly believe that people should be able to post whatever they want as long as it adheres to the community's topic (technology) and adheres to the rules.

The arguement of, "I don't wanna see {topic here} so stop posting about {topic here}" is a really slippery slope. Clearly there are quiet users here that DO actually want to hear about X news and DO want to dicuss it. What about topics that appeal to you, or like 20% of the community, but 80% couldn't give a shit? Where is the line?

Realistically, this is on you. You don't like it? Downvote and scroll past it. Want a perfectly curated source of news you care about? Use an RSS reader that offers topic filters. This is a community of diverse interests that may not always reflect yours. Deal with it, or go elsewhere.

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The USDA wanted to ban flavored milks from elementary schools and limit the amount of said milks within high schools as part of a wave of new nutrition standards.

I think this is the only data the congressman and his milk industry lobbyists cared about:

According to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, removing flavored milk from schools resulted in a 62% to 63% reduction in milk consumption by kids in kindergarten through fifth grade, as well as a 50% reduction in sixth to eighth grades.

Basically, ban flavored milks and children will drink less milk, which means less money for big milk, which is why this is a thing.

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Honestly, I couldn't quite simpatize with her. She complains they were giving her too much to do?

Unless you fully understand the effort involved in her reported daily and weekly quotas, you aren't qualified to make an opinion on them. But what might make more sense to you is that LTT currently has a full team dedicated to what she was expected to do by herself.

The biggest issue for me was her reports of a toxic work environment. When she would bring up concerns about her workload, they'd respond by insulting her and threatening her job. She even saw an instance where a coworker felt she was sexually harassed and Linus yelled at and berated her for being an idiot.

My guess is that Linus is the owner and works like one, and wants everyone else to work as much as him.

This is exactly the kind of boss that creates a toxic work environment. A good boss should be respectful of each employee's strengths and limitations and foster an environment where everyone can contribute meaningfully without feeling unduely overburdened.

A good boss encourages a healthy work/life balance.

Yes, Linus is a workaholic. His work ethic is unhealthy. He has publicly acknowledged this on WAN show numerous times. If he expects his employees to work as hard as he does, then he is knowingly fostering an unhealthy work environment.

Sorry, that password is already in use

BIG red flag. Abort. Abort.

Also I love when they only support certain special characters. So the psuedo random noise created by my password generator won't work until I curate out the unsupported characters.

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Fun fact, being in pronation for long periods of time can put pressure on forearm muscles and restrict blood flow, causing RSIs. It's why a lot of ergo keyboards are tilted upwards towards the middle.

On the other hand (hah), pronation is super useful for throwing athletes - especially pitchers. Pronating during a pitch gives the ball a spin, which makes it fly faster. But it also reduces pressure on the shoulder by using the forearm muscles as a natural shock absorber.

The latter demonstrates one reason why we are "built like this". It's a very useful mechanism for survival, tool use, and agility. The former demonstrates one reason why our physiology is NOT "built for" for computer and office work.

So if he doesn't change course on Gaza they're going to....vote for Trump? Sure.

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I get it, but I just want to point out that there are multiple forms of gender expression other than cis-binary and trans-to-other-binary.

If someone wants to identify as male while either exercising a feminization kink, or generally performing more feminine than social expectations, that's totally valid and okay and we should be discouraging anyone who adds to the societal shame pile such an individual already has to deal with.

I'm just happy for anything that brings people to Lemmy


I get you, but this is how people are today - and the internet feeds it. We get a lot more positive feedback from negativity these days and the internet brings more people together which means there's more chance for a spontaneous negativoty circlejerk. And honestly, it's harder to be positive against the grain in such a situation than it is to join the circlejerk.

This behavior has nothing to do with Lemmy or Reddit or Mastodon or Twitter or whatever platform. Yes, each has a "culture" but those cultures are easily changed as more people join. And that's the problem with Lemmy. What you remember is a smaller community with enthusiasm for a new platform. Over time, as Lemmy gets more people and the "newness" dies down, negativity will surface. The only difference between Lemmy and Reddit is the management and federation, the people are always going to be the same.

The only thing we can do is be the change we want. Create your own positive posts. Interject negative circlejerks with positivity. Run against the grain. What you'll find is that, whilr you'll get hate, people will come out of the wordwork to join in your positivity - but only once someone else does it first. Misery does love company, by positivity is infectious and sometimes needs a patient zero.

Think about your contributions to this goal. You saw a lack of positivity and your immediate response was to complain about it with this post. You're feeding the thing you hate with this very post. If, instead, you had posted something positive, then you'd be woking towards a more positive Lemmy. But instead, this post is pulling it down and forcing everyone to wallow in the very negativity you think is destroying Lemmy.

Now, of course you did it because it's a much easier way to force a conversation. You see a problem, you want to talk about the problem. But that's exactly why you see more negativity. It's way easier to see and react to the negative than to react with positivity. And that's why no matter what platform you're on, you're always going to have this issue.

The best anti-war stories are those that are set during peacetime, because they show the alternative, rather than glorifying the violence of war. At the same time, you cannot fight negativity with negativity.

If you want Lemmy to be a more positive environment, you'll need to add some positivity of your own. But I promise you, your investment will pay dividends. People will come out of the woodwork to join in whatever positive message you put out. Sure, you'll have haters, but others will defend you. You just have to start the ball running.

Why is it that so much of the internet wants to stick a tongue in an asshole? You realize that only porn stars do anything more than wipe and shower. You're literally eating shit. Which is a great way to get wierd diseases or start involuntary vomit attacks in a supposedly sexy moment.

You know what's better than ass? You know what tastes better and is self cleaning and an actual pleasure center? Pussy.

You deserve a finer dining experience. Eat pussy instead.

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I write simple explanations in english because developers can only write simple instructions in code.

Because dogs are so damn needy and I got shit to do.

Okay, this quote from the Wikipedia page made me laugh.

TempleOS received mostly "sympathetic" reviews. Tech journalist David Cassel opined that "programming websites tried to find the necessary patience and understanding to accommodate Davis".

Tavern wenches shows more skin than Neon Workers.

The fuck?

People actually bleed in skyrim. Drugs even, I think skooma has better writing tham Aurora.

Uh huh......

SF is just corporate.

Or....maybe just going for a different tone that doesn't fit your dark gritty sensibilities?

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Best sleep I've ever had in my life.

What a wierd take, given that people STILL play Skyrim, Morrowind, and Fallout games in droves to this day. And that there are a ton of YouTubers that have made careers exclusively off of Beth lore and build videos and such.

Also given the post is about the game shifting to "mostly positive" on Steam. Which means the vast majority of reviews on steam are actually positive. And a lot of the negative reviews have to do with performance and technical issues, not the gameplay itself.

Also the fact that other "open world story-based shooters with rpg and crafting mechanics" are actually really popular - you know like Cyberpunk, or Mass Effect, or RDR2, or arguably, Jedi Survivor.

If you don't like Beth games, that's fine. They're not for everyone. But it doesn't mean your opinion is universal.

What's truly not surprising is Sony fanboys defending the benefits of exclusives up until Xbox has an exclusive they want.

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Let me make this clear.

I don't give a FLYING FUCK about Elon. I actively ignore any posts about him or his shitty empire. Stop using the behaviors of his idiot stans to argue with me. I am not them.

What I do care about is a community telling people what they can or cannot post, not through rules changes, not through mod action, but by agreeing internally to bully every person who dares to post what every tech publication is talking about.

I think you need to evaluate why you let this shit trigger you. I mean, this is like going to a coffee shop and raising a stink because they sell pumpkin spice lattes. Don't consume it. Use Lemmy's tools to filter it out if you really need to.

Its not the community's job to cater to your specific content desires. This isn't a news site. Its a place for people to talk about whatever they think technology is. It's your job to moderate what you pay attention to.

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Math like that is really simple if you take it in easy chunks.

For example, to calc your age, just take the years from birthday to 2000 (11) and add it to the years since 2000 (23). 11 + 23 = 34.

Best part is the first calc never changes - so if you remember thst number it's just like having a 2000 birthday. Just add 11.

No. Not at all.

Honestly, I hated the wire part of my wired headphones for years. I tend to listen to things while I'm doing chores around the house and I can't tell you the amount of times the cable caught on something and sent my earbuds or my phone careening to the floor. Or was forced to untangle myself from a door knob. Or forgot I had earbuds on and stood up from my desk only to throw my phone to the ground.

I went on a bit of a journey with bt headphones but eventually got a pair of Sony Linkbuds and a $30 Bluetooth thingy for my car that plugs into the aux jack, and never looked back. Every other day I plug the case in on my nightstand along with my phone. Nbd. Linkbuds don't have the best sound quality I've ever experienced in BT buds, but the comfort wins over all others.

I also recently got a pair of PineBuds Pro for $70 and man that battery case is legit. I only have to charge that beast once a week. Just waiting on someone to release a better sound profile for those things because they are BAASSSY. But beyond the bass, the potential sound quality is actually quite good. I'm looking forward to what the pine64 community does with these.

I'll also say that I have audiophile hearing (I've been tested) and I absolutely hear the difference in sound quality using BT and a good set of cans - when it comes to earbuds, the difference is negligible between wired and wireless. Given that 1. I'm more often listening to words than music from my phone and 2. The convenience, I'll go for wireless more often than not if given the option. Plus, outside of niche phones and defunct LG phones, I never saw a headphone jack that could properly drive a good set of cans. There are way more output devices I would choose over a phone to drive high quality audio.

That all said, do I think manufacturers should remove the headphone jack? No. Apple did it to sell more airpods. Everyone else did it to save a nickle on their costs. Just because I don't use it doesn't mean it should go away. If anything, there's an accessibility element. BT buds are expensive. USB-C / Lightning buds are expensive. Aux buds are cheap. And wired buds are the easiest and cheapest way for someone to get audio out of a phone or talk on the phobe without fucking holding it in the air to broadcast their conversation to the world. And for that reason, I think the jack should ABSOLUTELY come back.

The only validation you should expect and need is self-validation.

Your work is absolutely valid and important. Your efforts are absolutely appreciated and worthwhile. But people are stuck in their own heads and work and stress and concerns and desires and validation loops and it takes actual work to break out of that to not only offer appreciation but to even realize that they need to offer it.

And for that reason, you should also really appreciate anyone that validates you.

I have a bidet. But I also know the shit it cleans off and how disgusting my toilet is after even a few days of shit going through it and being wahsed away with water.

That's an even bigger contentious debate. And the fact that there is no one mutually agreed on answer means we either need a formal definition in the rules or the people in this community need to understand that there are people that exist with a broader or narrower definition of technology than they have.

That said, like it or not, go to any major tech blog, podcast, YouTuber, and they all talking about X / Twitter. The tech communities outside of Lemmy have all agreed that Twitter / X is technology. And Lemmy doesn't live in a bubble.

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And more importantly, who cares?

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Lol first honest answer of the bunch.

RFK Jr. Denies comments on 'ethnically targeted' COVID-19 were anti-Semitic.

Lol k, I'm sure he does.

Who the fuck cares?

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Well there's the fact that you omitted Sony and Nintendo from your criticism entirly, despite the fact that both companies have bought numerous studios and paid other studios to make games exclusively for their respective platforms for decades, thereby reducing their potential revenue for some benefit that's clearly obvious to those companies.

And yet, when Microsoft does it....they are just limiting their potential market for no reason and it's obviously a stupid business move. Sure. Seems a little sus, is all.

Either the entire fucking industry is guilty of this "bad business practice" or maybe there's a calculated reason for it. Pick one.

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I don't think anybody is shitting on anyone It's a public forum and we're all allowed to say what we think How shallow would the discourse be if we were limited to only talking about things positively?

It doesn't matter what you think. Try posting something positive about starfield - even in the Starfield community. You will get shat on. A lot.

The problem isn't that negativity doesn't have a space, its that positivity doesn't have a space. If someone posts something positive and gets shit on, they're going to be less likely to post positive things in the future. Or react to negativity with their own positivity. That's how psychology works. We do a thing and get a shock, we'll be less likely to do it again.

But more importantly, a lot of negative nancies on the internet love to defend yukking on other's yums with lofty goals around "discourse" and "free speech". But they seem to forget that's not how the real world or human psychology works. This post isn't looking for "discourse". OP is just saying " wow this game has cool vistas" maybe hoping for some stories or reinforcement or fun conversations with other fans and you all are responding with "game sucks". What is this "discourse" supposed to accomplish other than, at best piss off OP, and at worst tear down his enjoyment of the game.

I mean think about it. What if someone were showing off a coat they brought and like with some randos, and you waltz in and are like "that coat's fucking ugly and you should feel bad about buying it." What kind of discourse would you expect other than "the hell? Who asked you? Fuck off".

Sure, we're all entitled to post and reply what we want, but it won't stop us from calling you an asshole. You want to shit on a game? Go for it, there's plenty of hate circlejerks you can join in on.

I'm not gatekeeping. You want to eat ass and your partner is okay with it and doing the prep to make it safe? Go for it.

But I guarantee you that most of the people on the internet claiming to want to eat ass have ever or will ever place their tongue on an asshole.

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My problems aren't anywhere near as bad as yours, but I'll add my own complaints to comiserate at least.

My wife is a type 1 diabetic. I have a pre-diabetic A1C (type 2) that i inherited from my mom. My insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield) claims they cover preventative care. But they refuse to cover our regular A1C tests - it's not preventative because they already know what you have. As a BCBS support person told me, if they're throwing spaghetti at the wall, its preventative. If they're aiming for a spot - it's no longer considered "preventative". So thats like $600 - $1000 a year. Chump change compared to many in this thread, I know.

Also, for some reason, they only offer coverage for one type of insulin - novolog - which happens to be the one insulin that causes my wife issues. She's type-1, so her immune system killed her insulin production at around 5 years old. She's dependent on insulin to survive and uses an insulin pump. Novalog is less effective than literally every other insulin for her - which means she has to take more - which means more risk of long term problems. This insulin also requires a pre-bolus (basically taking insulin) of 1-2 hours before every meal. That means every meal has to be preplanned and prepared for or she starts a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Humalog, aphidra, fiasp? All work more efficiently and within like 15-30 minutes.

The local HMO my work used before offered tiered options. We could pay a bit more for a better option. I would have no problem paying double to get her Humalog. BCBS says no. Novalog or pay out of pocket.

I have occasional headaches that start in the back of my neck that turn into bouts of depression followed by mania a few days later. My neurologist wanted to do a full MRI panel to look for issues. Insurance denies it - medically unnecessary. The neurologist appeals and they're like "fine fine, but we'll only cover the head, not the neck" even though the pain started from my neck. They don't find anything in the head. So the neurologist says, "well unless you want to pay out of pocket, we can't check the source so.....assume it's just migranes?"

Oh and by "cover", I mean they paid a small part of it. It still cost me $1,500 to do the ones that were "covered".

That's a smattering of the interactions I've had with my insurance that I can remember right now.

My parents are retired and on medicare. They pay far less and get way better medical care than I do with one of the biggest private insurance chains in the country. Go figure.

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Because it works, because I can use ublock on mobile (and a few other cool extensions), and most importantly, because I feel good about using it.

I have Vivaldi installed in case i need a chromium browser but I rarely ever need it.

Omg so relatable

This is why I feel Becky Chambers should be the future of Sci-Fi.