can we please keep this community about technology and not Twitter/X and elon news? to – 2167 points –

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I get that this is a contentious topic and I agree that Musk gets too much coverage, but....I strongly believe that people should be able to post whatever they want as long as it adheres to the community's topic (technology) and adheres to the rules.

The arguement of, "I don't wanna see {topic here} so stop posting about {topic here}" is a really slippery slope. Clearly there are quiet users here that DO actually want to hear about X news and DO want to dicuss it. What about topics that appeal to you, or like 20% of the community, but 80% couldn't give a shit? Where is the line?

Realistically, this is on you. You don't like it? Downvote and scroll past it. Want a perfectly curated source of news you care about? Use an RSS reader that offers topic filters. This is a community of diverse interests that may not always reflect yours. Deal with it, or go elsewhere.

Your point is absolutely valid, but what's happening at Twitter really is only relevant to social media news. There's no tech changing or advancing, just a really bad marketing decision. I personally do not believe that this is tech news or relevant to it.

To be fair it's a tech company though so it can impact those in the tech space. Generally it doesn't but you know what I mean.

So what's odd here is that this is tech devolving. X is a software services and technology company that pioneered a field. We are watching that fall apart in real time.

Technology doesn't exist in a vacuum it is entwined in society. Business decisions are undoing years of a societies integration into daily lives. This is like witnessing the fall of Rome in fast forward. So oddly enough this is an live use case in the convergence of society and tech., which is technology.

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Politely disagree, in that I suspect this is a hypocritical sentiment. Most users who get off of Elon news will agree with this position now but then cry foul when this community is spammed with a subject not to their liking. And as much as the ideology of free speech (rightly) resonates, just like with free markets, some minimal regulation is needed in practice; otherwise some fanatics could choke this feed up with, I dunno, 99% Microsoft news, all the time, and you wouldn't be able to say shit because you "strongly believe people should be able to post whatever they want". I doubt that you would stand by your lofty convictions so strongly then.

Beyond that, there is nothing wrong with expressing a desire for more or less of something—it's just an opinion. It's a bullshit argument to say, "If you don't like it, instead of articulating why, just use the limited non-descriptive tool provided to reduce your passionate sentiment into a trivial binary value and cast it into the sea of thousands just like it; or else, like, go create an entirely new community or a custom feed or whatever you want. But mainly, just fuck off."

Let me make this clear.

I don't give a FLYING FUCK about Elon. I actively ignore any posts about him or his shitty empire. Stop using the behaviors of his idiot stans to argue with me. I am not them.

What I do care about is a community telling people what they can or cannot post, not through rules changes, not through mod action, but by agreeing internally to bully every person who dares to post what every tech publication is talking about.

I think you need to evaluate why you let this shit trigger you. I mean, this is like going to a coffee shop and raising a stink because they sell pumpkin spice lattes. Don't consume it. Use Lemmy's tools to filter it out if you really need to.

Its not the community's job to cater to your specific content desires. This isn't a news site. Its a place for people to talk about whatever they think technology is. It's your job to moderate what you pay attention to.

If i could wish one ability/skill, I would wish to have this person's articulation skill

It's your job to moderate what you pay attention to.


I didn't see any proposals to ban them. If anything this post is about what little value they bring to the community.

But maybe it's because I'd rather this community be more about technology and less about technology as it appears in the news.

Funny enough I think it's a hypocritical sentiment but on the other foot -- users who are tired of this news are going to eventually find some news they are interested in, and then resist having it sequestered somewhere else.

What rss reader are you using? I've been using feeder and have like it so far. Also have freshRSS running but don't use it so much

I've tried so many and I'm always on the hunt for better ones. I wss on Pallabre until it went abandonware. Currently on inoreader but still hunting.

Problem is that I want something that can easily sync my feed and subscriptions across devices, but the ones that support that compromise in other areas. I might need to just settle for good import/export functionality. But Inoreader works for me for now.

But the nice thing is there are a ton of RSS apps out there. So, theres bound to be something for everyone.

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