30 Post – 265 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Data Science

Consider using

Although I understand if you don't wish to stop using git.

Randall Monroe has provided me with weekly nibbles of entertainment for nearly 2 decades. But this was inspired by his style, not created by him.

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I bet this is directly related to ChatGPT

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Disinvestment into Python, Flutter, and Dart is a clear signal that those tools are unimportant to Google. I won't be recommending that anyone use Dart or Flutter on new projects.

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You want to talk about it?

Congratulations! What did you build?

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I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

"All punctuation will be considered but avoided where possible because street names and addresses, when stored in databases, must meet the standards set out in BS7666.

"This restricts the use of punctuation marks and special characters (e.g. apostrophes, hyphens and ampersands) to avoid potential problems when searching the databases as these characters have specific meanings in computer systems."

This seems like a dumb line of reasoning. The problem has never been the signs or punctuation in a database. It's that the people in charge don't even know what BS7666 even says.

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I also did not create this.

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I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

LLMs amplify biases by design, so this tracks.

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I try to be positive here on but someone gave you an incredibly thoughtful reply and you returned the favor with absolute disrespect. I think the only positive outcome here would be for me to simply block you and encourage others to do the same.

I'm just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

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I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

Check out Linux Upskill Challenge there's a community on [relative link]

It's a bit askew from what you're asking about but very related and a nice onramp to certification options that have some value in the job market.

As a more direct answer, a bit more of a formal approach to learning networking can be persued by following the networking recommendations at Teach Yourself CS

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Copyright was due for an overhaul globally for decades. Now the system is on the verge of breaking down.

Python is in essence the interface for AI tools that are optimized with languages that are easier to get high performance results with.

This isn't a software thing. This is people filtering for suckers. They want to find other people to do their work but they want to keep the value created from that work.

It sounds like you're describing a normal mentoring relationship.

It's an original work in the style of XKCD

Or it leads the way in producing the most useless, misleading bullshit more efficiently. We'll see.

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The claims and conclusions of this article are merely asserted rather than suported with evidence. (This is true of most of the articles I've seen claiming the opposite as well.)

Go ahead and get started with Godot. Stop researching and asking questions about how to start. Don't delay. There are a lot of beginner Godot resources, pick one and get started.

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1.5 million is almost entirely Mastodon users which have no clue how Lemmy's commenting culture works so rarely contribute in a way that makes sense to both the Mastodon commenter and the Lemmy comenter/poster at the same time.

Lemmy has ~20k ish actively commenting accounts.

This feels like gossip and I wish that Lemmy would let me mark this post as hidden.

The only mistake I see is attributing the work to XKCD.

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Building from source it the opposite of hacky. It's the recommended way to deal with things like this where you are concerned about trust and security. I understand that it's not something you've done before, but it not as complicated as it sounds. There are many tutorials on how to build programs from source.

I understand that providing official packages for fedora/rhel, Ubuntu/debian, and arch-based distro packages along with a flatpack and Appimage would make a lot of sense, but for whatever reason, signal has decided not to. Perhaps you can message the signal team to ask why they choose not to do this.

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It's a shame that he didn't do a writeup on this. It's nice to have a video to demo the workflow, but it's really annoying to go back to the video to get details to try it yourself.

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The same ones that were blindly copying and pasting from StackOverflow previously found a more convenient way to make their code "work".

The first Advent of Code was in 2015 and the puzzles can still be accessed.

I'm just realizing that I was thinking of Pijul

But this is the year of the Linux desktop

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Using and financially contributing to Codberg seems like a good next step to take. Doubt they will though.

I like the ethos behind Purism, I was worried they wouldn't be profitable at all. I hope this is enough profitablity to attract greater investment to grow and create economies of scale and lower the retail price and reduce lead times to be in line with the rest of the market.

Collateral damage can't always be avoided.

This is original work. The source is in the post.

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The TIOBE index seems to put a strangely large amount of weight on Amazon's search engine results for products for sale at Amazon.

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People would just see it’s not working perfectly as if it were released and would dismiss it and it could mean the end of Mojo.

This explains why Python, Rust, Typescript, and Go aren't popular and died.

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Every job has parts that you don't like. You need to learn the skills that you get paid to use or find someone to pay you for the skills you have.

Linux is as frustrating to someone that has built up a skill set with Windows centric knowledge base.

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