Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B 🦕🧁 ( to – 993 points –

You’ve been done better then the big subs, who gave in. Thanks for the effort and welcome to the better place

I'm just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

I think putting quotation marks around the title copied from the toot would help

Never mind. Maybe he’ll read it, maybe not. He did the right thing imo and all i wanted is giving back. Thank you for informing me about the topic and my misinterpretation.

The way your post is posted makes it seem like it's you

Not sure OP is the same person from the mastodon post?

I learned he’s not but I’m a simple person, lol. Adding 1 & 1 takes a bit sometimes. Thanks for letting me know.

Yup. Today I was banned from a 48k subscriber subreddit I'd modded for over a decade.

There's no protest allowed on Spezzit. Glad I've moved on. Proud of the replies from the users in the thread seeking volunteers, they're like 'fuck this bullshit let it die'

Just accept that Reddit has brain worms and move here , this is a better solution because nobody can possibly own the entire network.

It's fascinating that reddit is still continuing it's crusade against moderators after their attempts to find new moderators are so extremely successful. You'd think you can only shoot yourself in the foot so often.

Welcome to Lemmy :)

I don't think they're on lemmy

Federation means mastadon messages end up here on Lemmy, and vice versa. So technically... It's welcome to Lemmy in a way...:)

Maybe instead of "Welcome to Lemmy", we should say "Welcome to the Fediverse"?

Messages from Mastodon can be federated to lemmy instances. But this isn't the case here.

Kinda off topic, but there are a lot of replies on that aren't showing on lemmy.

Why? Isn't federation supposed to consolidate these discussions?

This was a cross post rather than a direct post to the community so it acts the same as if its posted on two different communities here like a lemmy cross post (with different threads based on the community the post is on)

If someone on mastodon commented on this version of the thread their comment would show up here

This is just a link to the post on, to appear here, OP would’ve had to tag the community on the same mastodon post.

I get it and thank you — not sure you’re going to win any friends here copy pasting to every magazine.

I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

Honestly, good.

Rather than holding the community over on Reddit hostage, let people be there and discuss things there if they want to. It's up to the individual whether or not to protest. Make Lemmy a better place to be than Reddit (probably not difficult if moderation over there goes to shit and everywhere gets filled with spam and trolls) and the users will come without the need to be all authoritarian about it. It's very frustrating for innocent users who are less into the politics just looking for some old bit of info and running into private communities everwhere