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When done correctly, i.e. full immersion with proper removal of CO2, then it is humane. The current technique does not remove CO2 from the mask, meaning the victim chokes to death and knows they are choking the entire time.

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Pretty much. Also down to money, the proper way requires a full chamber, plus constant monitoring and replacement of all gasses in said chamber -- it can't be done with just a mask or helmet, that means thousands of liters of nitrogen per second to do it properly.

Except she didn't campaign in most states, hence her loss in even democrat leaning swing states in the general election.

In 1941, following such mistakes that were obviously bad ideas, and following the Nazis ridiculously good use of the media to gain and maintain power, the fairness doctrine was passed in the US. Until Clinton's repeal of the doctrine all media that reported orr discussed politics had to do so with equal weight to all sides of an issue and without bias towards any group.

The media working for politicians or political parties leads to Nazis, every time. Just like liberals compromising or choosing a moderate approach.

Media is supposed to be neutral and was until the 90s. Media is not supposed to take any particular side. You're confusing the medias right and responsibility to criticize government with extreme bias against part of government.

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Doing anything for a decade is a long time. That's 1/7th of an American's life span and 1/8th of a developed humans life span.

Same thing for nitrogen, or any gas besides CO2. The human body has no way to detect oxygen. It can only detect CO2.

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Technically? No. In reality? No employees have enough money to sue their employers, much less be basically permanently out of work due to being unhirable thanks to using a previous employer.

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They could, they'd just make less money if they had to, you know, pay for their labor and give their employees rights..

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Not really, we should come to our own conclusion regardless of what others say, especially in fields that cannot be solved or even partially explained by science, like politics.

The US is keeping Iran out. If the US even suggests it won't invade Iran in response, Iran would eliminate Israel within an hour of that statement being made. They proved they can defeat the iron dome, cheaply even.

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There's a few million people out of work, they can find workers. They just actually have to pay.

Transport and a personal vehicle are two different things, go to any country outside the US, car ownership is reserved for the upper classes globally.

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There is no right to paid medical leave in the us. You can request up to 180 days unpaid that is protected... But realistically you'll be fired within a month after coming back due to "performance issues." Your employer can also always ask the reason and fire you for not telling them, as then you have no protection from discrimination as your employer can argue they didn't know enough to discriminate.

Workers rights in the US, unless you're in an incredibly powerful union like the police unions or the aviation industry, are non-existent compared to any developed (and most developing) nation.

Then you're vulnerable to simple brute force attacks, which if paired with a dumped hash table, can severely cut the time it takes to solve the hash and reveal all passwords.

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That's nice, but you're addressing a fundamental flaw of humanity that hasn't been solved in a couple million years and won't be solved by just advocating for a solution. Celebrity worship/innate trust of those popular is quite literally the basis of all complex group human interaction. To solve it would require elimination of all non first-person methods of trust and understanding.

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As someone that has done agricultural work, it's easier than any job in an Amazon warehouse.

We will always disagree with who is educated and learned, especially given everyone we think ha s those qualities today will be the dumbest people tomorrow.

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The adl has more power than most senators, best case scenario is the story gets disappeared like all negative stories on the adl.

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Because HIPAA has no protection against the state and never was meant for that. There are no federal privacy protections and no federal right to privacy, medical or otherwise.

Bread lines meant they did get the food the needed, which is better than the US solution at the same time, which was travelling bands of kids that found work or starved.

How old are you to still be criticizing accents that are older than the vast majority of countries?

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Soldiers, Get ready to die for another group of rich fascists starting wars for profit.

Neither of those things are true, unless you're extremely poor, in which case why are you trying to buy an extreme luxury like a private car?

Yes given you statistically don't have a reason to own the car as you have well designed cities and functional public transport, the latter almost exclusively due to the socialist movement.

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Gusano Cubans will never vote anything but the most fascist conservative option available, and Trump already has a majority of both white male and female bloks in florida... And that's without mentioning the corruption in FL's government.

Incredibly incorrect. SF has done less than nothing to solve the problem for 20 years, and is shocked when doing nothing did nothing.

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They did, Palestinians have called themselves that since Roman occupation. Palestine, phalistine before it, has been a recognized name region for longer than Christianity has existed, much less the word ottoman or around 80% of modern hebrew words. Israeli education really is some of the worst in the world, right under american education.

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The last time WV was cool was the 1300s

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I'm pretty sure the state being a graveyard of natives genocided by whites overpowers random white people disputes

Yes, the entirety of both wars had indiscriminate shelling of non military targets. The US from every perspective was the bad guys for the last 20 years globally due to their explicit murder of over 1.5 million known civillians

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Because, quite frankly, there is no place for inefficient vehicles, and without ecus/other electronic controls ICE vehicles are basically unable to compete

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So you agree the iron dome instàllations in and around civilian buildings were put there by terrorists right?

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Wikipedia has brief introductions to both concepts for you since it's the first time you've heard about america's involvement in the middle east.

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Spending money while not doing Anything any research group has ever recommended is the same as doing nothing. They've spent a billion on 1930s era "solutions" that make conservative liberals feel like theyve accomplished things while doing literally not one thing to actually solve the causes of homelessness. If they spent a million on new city owned no rent housing, that would be more than the entirety of all their other projects combined.

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Point it towards Earth, or if that's impossible with future space magic, towards the largest gravity well, i.e. center of the local galaxy or nearest dense object.

Rich people don't vote, they pay whoever wins.

Ukraine is not, objectively could not qualify before 2014 when it became good for the US war machine for them to qualify, and most importantly, NATO should've disbanded in 1991 when the sole reason for its existence fell.

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Your source uses none of your words, has an entirely different point, is on a different subject, and most importantly refutes the point you thought you made. Again, your education standards show themselves to be the worst in the modern world.

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Read beyond the first paragraph and try again little buddy, also the author of this particular article is NOT using Palestinian as an ethnic term like you are.