9 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Fucking do it.

Nintendo makes it as hard as possible to use their computers generically.

Nintendo fanboys: "Thankyou, sir, may I have another?"

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Brave, but not stupid. It was self-martyrdom—self-immolation. The only thing Навальный did not expect was just how long it would take Путин to crucify him. Now, at last, Путин's fate is sealed, and by his own hand. Just like Israel, if the IDF pushes half of Gaza into Egypt.

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Large parts of the City of Toronto bike share—public infrastructure—requires such an app. Taxpayers without an iphone or android computer can't access the services they already paid for.

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Those quote marks around the 'wins' are just great.

Shame on Google!

Shame on Google!

Also, look what I found...

Interestingly, even Pine64's smart watch requires you to silly cone glue the two case halves together if you want it to be waterproof. It does give you that option, though, which is cool.

The people in charge of both sides are evil.
Picking sides in this fight is like
    picking sides in fucking Game of Thrones.
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Finns camp in such conditions voluntarily. Russians probably do too, lol. In fact, many Russians in that particular area of Russia are a lot more like Finns than they are like Russians. In fact, they are being repressed, and their language and culture is being systematically erased. If we are playing by Russian rules, this means Finland just has to step in, to uphold the human rights of the Finnic peoples living in this area.

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It then goes on to say


пидора́с • (pidorás) m anim (genitive пидора́са, nominative plural пидора́сы, genitive plural пидора́сов)

  1. (vulgar, offensive) fag, faggot (homosexual)
  2. (vulgar) asshole (mean or rude person)

We'll see how many seconds it takes to retrain the LLMs to adjust to this.

You are literally training LLMs to lie.

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What makes you say that this new disinformation machine is pro-America?

Do you think that the Israeli government's current approach is reasonable and will work?

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The South China Morning Post article is a carbon copy of the BI article. That is typical of disinformation outlets. 4/5 of the news is copy pastad from reliable sources, and the other 1/5 is total bullshit. Russia Today operated like that for years, and probably still does.

If Путин wants people to listen to him, he shouldn't lie so often. I hard-ignore all articles beginning with the words "Путин says".

For real, though,
    MDMA is shockingly good at conflict resolution, lol.

The English "pedarast" is not a great translation. Not vulgar, or like, swear-wordy enough. Doesn't capture the Russian connotations. See

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I'm saying that the world is facing many threats, and all of them need to be addressed. Including some AI.

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Does it? Doesn’t that threat exist even without AI

Yes. Your point?

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As an ex Elon fanboy let me literally honestly try the best I can here...

The best I can come up with is, "Hi. Elon here. Revoking UAW's blue check was just a joke. Get it? Humour! I can humourise with the best of them. Ha. Ha. Ha."

It is actually fucking shocking how effective MDMA is at conflict resolution.

This was why I was so furious about Elon Mask's blue checkmark debacle. He had a chance to prove that a gigantic part of the internet was a) human and b) non-duplicate. I was really shocked by how badly an apparently smart person fucked it up. Not so smart, it turns out.

OH, fire arms! Not firearms.

Do you think it's fine for these people to try to punish every major company in the entire UK for something only a handful of companies are doing? This is an example of collective punishment.

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Woah, I have no idea what you're talking about. "The gab one"? What gab one?

Trust me, the problem is not enough drugs for that man. Not too much. Also, Face Off.

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In that case, would you object to the posting of detailed schematics on the internet for the creation of nuclear weapons?

Would you say then that our efforts to hinder access to dangerous information aren't working?

I am not making excuses for Israel's genocide.
You're right.
Obviously, Israel is more evil and Israel has more control over this situation.
But they're both evil.
All I'm saying is that it is stupid to support the least evil side.
Fuck them both, really.
The situation will not be resolved until leadership on *both sides* changes.
So, yeah, if you don't mind, I am going to "both sides" this.
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Always has been.

Astronaut meme intensifies.

Are we both talking about the same country?

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The same applies to Android OS development. All of it. Android requires a very powerful 1000 USD desktop or laptop computer with 20 gigs of ram and 200 gigs of SSD hard drive space just to compile. This is unacceptable.

Meanwhile, mainline phone linux, like dreemurrs archlinux or postmarketos, can be developed using the same phone it runs on!!!!!!!! All you need is a 20 USD bluetooth keyboard. It is fully awesome. Imagine a world where anybody with just a smartphone and a bluetooth keyboard could be an OS developer!

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The better way to automate menial tasks is not to do them in the first place.


Wow, I can't believe you're making me root for a Chinese invasion of Vladivostok. You know what though? At this point, fuck it. Go right ahead, Xi.

Pronounced as in Xí Jìnpíng?

Then how should they make peace with Hamas?

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Hm. Yeah, banning bots would be better, but it would be more expensive than fighting troll farms with AI. That is valid. Still, I consider AI counter arguments a temporary solution.

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