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For those who don't want to read the article but do want to understand what it's about:

  1. You download an app on your phone that makes it look like you're streaming to thousands of people
  2. You go to a bar and show your phone to a woman "look, I'm famous"
  3. The woman fucks you because she thinks you're famous or something

The creator of this app is a misogynist scumbag who edits interviews with journalists to erase criticism and promote his app.

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The "thousands of people" watching your "stream" are bots. They can respond to what's going on in the video in real time because they're bots. Actually I technically think this would be more efficient and therefore is probably designed so that it's only one LLM pretending to be thousands of people, but I'll call it bots because that's easier to visualise. The bots know what's going on in the "stream" because they can understand what the "streamer" is saying, which means the pickup artist can put on a convincing performance to trick the mark. If it was just a recording, it wouldn't be able to respond to novel situations caused by the mark's behaviour.

I don't actually know if this technology even works, but that would be the intent used to sell it to pickup artist bros.

Yo if your gf doesn't get up to mischief and japes then i dunno what to tell you but that sounds kinda boring ngl


The son scammed her. He told her she needed to disinfect peripherals. The tech is just allowing that to happen and charging a not listening to the tech fee.

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Mastodon is just a bunch of news articles and people talking like robots. I try to engage and there's fucking nothing I care about. Anything actually interesting is like half a thought. Like they started talking about a topic but didn't get to the point before they decided to hit post. Posts from popular accounts talk about electoral politics in a weird clipped manner like a newspaper but even more boring.

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I disagree. The bad reviews and refunds produced, effectively, a single bad week for the company, while getting the publisher to backtrack on a decision that would have slowly but surely killed both the game and the company. Spitz saved Arrowhead. Unfortunately, instead of capitalising on the cooperation between developers and players to win back their reputations and make the game profitable again, Arrowhead decided to throw away Spitz' hard work by firing him, ruining their reputation just after he saved it for them. Now they're fucked.

The way I see it, their only chance to return to profitability is for them to explain that Spitz was fired for his earlier comments mocking players for complaining about PSN. If they did that, the players would return to Arrowhead's side. But if the narrative that he was fired for sticking with the players and saving the company prevails, then Arrowhead is doomed.

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"Maybe if I date someone who's famous, they'll have enough money that I won't have to worry about paying for medical bills or groceries anymore. Gee, maybe we could even buy a house and raise kids."

We live in a capitalist hellscape where such things are no longer taken for granted, and are now associated with the heights of success.

On the other hand, this is a product under capitalism. It's just gonna stop people from moving on.

The summary is a lie. The crisis isn't over it expanding differently in different places. It's that two measurement methods give different results.

It's gross. I don't want to make you feel insulted, so I'm going to try to be gentle with this, but if a girl drank my beer without asking I'd think that she has poor boundary recognition and that her... hygiene preferences, are incompatible with mine. It would be an immediate and massive turnoff.

I'm sure some people like that, but even if I did like it, it would be a red flag that you did it without asking.

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Atheists be like "look at all the things my real and not made up methodology can do" and then post science fiction.

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Stalin wasn't far left. The man made being gay illegal. That's not the behaviour of a leftist.

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I'd bang my knees into the tank and upset the fish so often if I had a desk like this. It's a good thing I don't

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Eating meat costs more plant lives than eating plants, because a cow has to eat lots of plants in order to make one steak.

Kids cheat when they're not engaged with the material enough to learn it properly, or when the consequences for not cheating are too much for them to bear.

You gave them an assignment to do when you weren't actually teaching them, which means there's no way they can be properly engaged with the material. And you threatened their spring break with sitting in a room alone doing homework if they didn't get it done fast enough. You created a perfect breeding ground for cheating. Try creating an environment where kids don't feel that they need to cheat.

When I was in university I never heard of anyone cheating, because we were all treated like adults and we were engaging in material we liked. Try inspiring your students and treating them like adults. That means respecting their free time. If you don't give them respect as people, you won't get any respect as an authority.

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People can use skins to show that they're fans of a particular work. The Metroid fans want to socially signal their Metroid fandom in Fortnite, which is a social game home to many non Metroid fans they can posture to.

It's like wearing a costume to Comicon.

Capitalism manufactures scarcity. Even when we have plenty, capitalism must create limits on the sharing of free resources

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The man also concentrated ownership of the means of production in the hands of one person, administered by a hierarchy of national and regional subordinates who controlled the labour of the people and the distribution of resources. This is an economic model known most commonly as feudalism. Now given the term left wing originally referred to opponents of the monarchy in France, I don't see how there's any way to argue in good faith that a feudal dictator was left wing.

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Why do neo nazis care about the dinosaurs and trains video??

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The red circle is helpful for me because Stack Overflow's UI is garbage. I always read the post, and then read the thing under the post, which is a bunch of nerds nitpicking over TLAs instead of an actual answer. Every time I open that site I forget that the answers are underneath the neckbeards, because it's so unintuitive.

To be fair, Moon Knight is literally the avatar of the moon so if you had a problem with the moon he'd be the guy to go to

Saying that Blizzard pursues profit at all costs is inaccurate, unfair, and frankly slanderous.

Blizzard would NEVER sacrifice their rampant misogyny to make more money

It expects you to behave like the other humans in its training sample. Just act like a neurotypical and you'll pass the captcha. And if you can't act like a neurotypical, then you're fucked.

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Does it have a headphone jack

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Look at that nice man. I think he deserves a little magic potion

Everything is a bias, everything is subjective, everything is open to interpretation. But most people think their own point of view is unbiased, no matter what it is. This is just a fact that naturally arises from believing in such a thing as unbiased information. It should be obvious. People want to hold whatever viewpoint they think is unbiased, so they do. People can be convinced to become racists, which necessarily implies that people can be convinced racism is unbiased. You didn't think racists all knew they were biased, did you? They think they're unbiased the same as you do, because you're both humans who want to believe that you have the good opinions, and that good opinions are unbiased. And the fact is, you're both equally correct on that front. You're both equally biased. It's just that you're biased in favour of compassion and equality, while they're biased in favour of hatred and supremacy. But the amount of bias is the same, because there's no such thing as an unbiased viewpoint. You just think kindness isn't a bias because you like kindness and you've been taught biases are bad things. Likewise, they think supremacy isn't a bias because they like supremacy and they've been taught biases are bad things. And if you're wondering if there's an alternative to the way both you and this racist think? Yes there is, you can knowingly adopt good biases. I'm knowingly biased in favour of kindness, because I like kindness. I think choosing such a way of thinking makes me more capable of empathising with people I disagree with, understanding why they act the way they do, so I can attack the more foundational reasons for their belief effectively. It means I'm never surprised to see stuff like this. Because the thing is, they think exactly the way most people do. Just with different starting points.

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We should all make throwaway lines about Rowling being a TERF. Show the assholes they have enemies everywhere.

"I don't have to worry about my financials or working a job, and all I have to do is marry a horrible man and accept the possibility of spousal rape", said the woman who doesn't yet understand how bad rape is.

Well that would be inaccurate, because the sniper isn't Australian. He's from the lost underwater city of New Zealand.

The roommate was also Chinese?

These pods are only used on rails with very low ridership. They would switch to a train if ridership increased.

Look at it this way: you can have a train that has a capacity of 100 people, but it only runs once a day due to the low demand, and only 2 people want to ride it at that time of day..Or you can have 10 pods, which do not require as much railway maintenance, and they can carry the 10 people who actually want to use this railway, completely on demand.

Yeah, a train is better if you want to move ten thousand people a day at peak hour. But this is a cheaper way to move ten people at different times across a day. And it's a cheaper way of inducing the demand that would justify the more efficient kind of expansion.

Sometimes lying is good. Like when a customer wants you to lie to them

I'm clearly not understanding the problem, because I think the only answer is 14!. What am I getting wrong?

It means she's transitioning femmewards. She wouldn't call herself something she hates being, now, would she?

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I love it when the top Google result for a problem is a thread saying to Google it. Exactly what I needed, thanks asshole.

Actually, cats really are alive and dead at the same time according to the many worlds interpretation. Under classical quantum mechanics, we say that superpositions collapse when observed, and since the cat is an observer of the quantum event (since the cat would die if the atom decayed), then the cat's presence resolves the superposition. Thus, the cat is never in superposition.

However, according to the many worlds interpretation, observation does not collapse superposition. Rather, it simply expands the superposition to include the observer. So the cat, as an observer of the quantum event, really is both alive and dead. And at the moment that you open the box to see whether the cat died, you will also observe the quantum event and become part of the superposition as well. You will both see a dead cat, and see a living cat. But your consciousness only experiences one of these possibilities. Presumably, you have another consciousness in the other possibility observing the cat in the other state. Two separate timelines have been created, which will each progress on their own according to causality. We may also call these timelines worlds or universes, seeing as they're mostly self contained.

After 6 hours of being with other teenagers my age, the last thing I wanted was forced social interaction just as I was getting ready to unwind. For the first half of high school, I was at the train station reading a book. The second half, I had the good sense to start using a phone.

the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labour, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.

That's the USSR.

Moderation on Lemmy is so miss or miss. I once got banned from an "inclusive" comm for sounding "pompous". I have NPD, pompousness is a symptom. And it wasn't a situation where I was causing any problems, a power tripping mod just didn't like my tone of voice.

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