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Joined 1 years ago

Wishing for my death or a World War. Either will do. Because FML or this world.

I know backend development to some extent. Have worked with Node.js and flask. Maybe I can start from there. Thank you.

Getting visa is difficult. I am trying to get a job. It is not exactly easy either. I get almost no response for US based positions. Know any companies that are open to sponsorships? I have about 2 years of scientific and CAD software development experience, primarily in C++.

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I haven’t got any resources. Company’s HQ is based in Romania, while I live in India. I just have to take this L and be even more careful next time.

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When they initially said about the project, I refused it. But, then they said they would pay me for the project. I signed a contract that stated that I would get paid. But, now they backed out of it saying my work is not upto their standard and they are terminating the contract.

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Pretty sure it does. The contract was always favored towards them. But, I decided to let it slide because I was pretty desperate. Now, that has come back to bite me in my ass. I might just decide to leave working in software after this debacle. It’s not worth it. Corporations have gotten too used to treating people like machines. I have been working on setting up a small horticulture or floriculture business.

I spent so long learning software development. I always wanted to work on developing software specifically for engineering. That is something I am really passionate about. Stuff like CAD, simulation, etc. But, seems like companies have taken that as a license to exploit. Also, the overabundance of software devs in the job market have made it easier for them. Better to give up.

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They probably think only OOP is right.

Having a job sucks. Not having a job, and constantly being ignored or rejected does a number on my mental health too.

A company I applied for gave me a take home assignment, I said that I would only do it if they pay me. They said they would pay me. The project took me about 2.5 months. Now they have rejected me saying it is not good enough, didn’t pay me for the work I have done. It has been an all-around hell week for me. I hate being taken advantage of like that. Fuck whatever enables people or companies like this.

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The company is called GeoStru, which is their Sales and Marketing. The offshoot of that, that is responsible for development is called Engsoft SRL. It is located in Romania.

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Perhaps the biggest joke was why they rejected me. Apparently I only used “basic concepts of object oriented programming.” I found that to be the best because using anything more advanced might diffuse the logic too much, something I didn’t like. But, no, they probably think I should use everything in “Clean Code” because they probably worship that book.

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I am too poor to open a development company. But, if I ever did, I would want it to be employee owned, with employees having power to oust the entire executive team. Clients who don’t wanna pay are too fucking common.

Oh look more bloated systems nobody asked for. This is like when they added tower defense sections to Assassins Creed Revelations. Literally no one asked for this, no one wanted it.

This is not business. This is extortion. Palworld has opened a can of worms with a realization that gamers don’t need Pokemon anymore. There can be better alternatives.

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Well, you learn four commands and hope for the best.

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Yeah, I call bullshit, until proven without a doubt.

I don't. I lose my data like all the cool (read: fool) kids.

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Lincoln is illegally smol.

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Don’t worry Geoff, when it comes to AAA games, my expectations are already at rock-bottom. I expect almost every single AAA game to have some kind of catch be it microtransactions, or live service, or some shitty launcher requirement, etc.

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This feels exploitative AF on multiple levels.

Better than vibrator in your butt.

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First it was blockchain and NFTs. Now it is AI. It is almost like these execs are full of shit.

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I am a backend dev, but this shit is why I have utmost respect for frontend devs, also because they know how to center a div.

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Indian Moms apply ‘mascara’ (actually it is kohl) to baby’s eyes and a black dot on baby’s face to protect from evil eye.

Right. Buy products that is not only expensive to buy, but also expensive to repair. Pass..

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If my toilet were sentient, I would get a non- sentient normal toilet. Idiot OP.

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I love how JS is just a mutant blob of flesh.

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No bugs, no security issues. It's the perfect runtime.

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If you are inferring 32 pixels from 1 pixel that is because the model has been trained on billions of computed pixels. You cannot infer data in vacuum. The statement is bullshit.

Wait for a while and Amazon will go down the same route.

This is going scare away regular people and especially women pretty fast.

I am sure that if you actively piss off the community by removing content or adding more paywalled content you will prevent that.

I had high 700s, where even 1 is more than I can stomach. Thank devs for uBlock Origin.

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I am totally behind this idea. Let execs make their live service looter with microtransactions and battle passes.

This. AIs are basically garbage in, garbage out systems. More general an AI system harder it will be tailor to a specific game. That means companies will need their own training data to supplement it. AI is not “plug anywhere, do anything” type of a solution.

Single person operation pushes directly to main.

Because unlike other execs Sven understands our mindset. Other execs are too blinded by their greed and arrogance to understand it.

Reading through his statement, he also wants all kinds of games to coexist, not just one or the other type. This man is GOAT, honestly.

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In my opinion, V for Vendetta. What Evie Hammond was put through was inexcusable, but I feel like it was worth it in the end.

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Imagine the latency...

I smoked way more than that my first and only time. Somehow I am still alive. Maybe I died without knowing?

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Trusting promises of corporations is like believing that a wild cobra won't bite you. It's definitely possible, highly unlikely they will keep the promise.

So, broken and buggy game with battle-pass and a perfectly functioning store from day one? Of course, a promise to fix the game with a roadmap within a week of launch. Yeah, a tremendous live service indeed.

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