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Joined 12 months ago

Let this be a lesson to all devs out there. Never do work for corporations for free. Only contribute to FOSS. Devs are the backbone of the internet and before the fediverse there was no outlet for them to work on actually distributed platforms as opposed to libraries and utilities. If you want to do work on a social platform do it on the fediverse where you don't have some heartless corporation exploiting your free work and not appreciating anything you do.

Reddit should have been paying their own devs to do this themselves. This is literally millions of dollars worth of dev work.

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The big difference with Lemmy is that it's not really a service, it's a open protocol and standard, like email, or http. The service itself is provided by distributed instances that adhere to the protocol. Like those protocols, no one company has been able to get a monopoly on it. Some have taken over a lot of it, like Google with Gmail, or cloudflare, but if you don't want to work with them there are a ton of other options you can go with, and you will not be locked out of the system if you do.

Reddit was a centralized closed source system so if you don't have a Reddit account then you are locked out of the system completely.

Lemmy is decentralized so no one instance has or can gain a monopoly. If you want to break ties with one instance you can just switch to another one and still participate with it and the rest of the fediverse.

Not only does that give you choice in a worst case scenario, it also keeps all the instances on their toes because they don't have dictatorial control over their users.

Spez's fatal miscalculation was that he thought he had user lock in, but unlike other social networks where it's your only option to keep in contact with your real life friends, or it's the only platform your favorite creator posts on, they had neither. Almost all accounts were not connected to your real life and posts were mostly links to other platforms. Very few creators had Reddit as their sole posting platform. The interactions were ephemeral and superficial. Dropping Reddit was the easiest service I ever had to drop.

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This ruling seems to be really badly misinterpreted. The case wasn't for people using ai tools to create works but from a computer scientist who created a completely autonomous tool and was trying to co-copyright the works with the tool. Copyright needs human involvement, how much human involvement is still not hard law, but if you integrate the output of an AI and integrate it into a larger work that is very much covered.

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It's so weird to see all the people still fighting on Reddit when I've already moved on

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In retrospect those were ridiculously optimistic

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Then you've only been to one type. There are family friendly shows that are no different content wise from taking your kid to see a face character actor at Disneyland.

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Great way to lose all the best people at your company in a totally uncontrolled manner.

Non compete clauses are illegal in California.

It's dumb that they're not illegal everywhere but Twitter and Facebook are both located there.

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I like it but can't wait until we stop talking about Reddit

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I learned about Lemmy by finding a Reddit alternatives post on Reddit. People need to find out somehow. This can also get covered by blogs and other social media network posts. I think the net effect will cause more people to find out about Lemmy and leave Reddit, so it's a temporary one off engagement that leads to much more disengagement from users who leave after finding an equivalent alternative.

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Calling them psychologists is giving them too much credit, but you're right that the companies trying to trick them are putting tons of resources into it.

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Do all that and a single cruise ship will undo it in about 3 second

Stop buying HP. Seriously what the hell is wrong with people?

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You could know absolutely everything about building computers and still know absolutely nothing about sim racing rigs. Knowing some domains doesn't make you an expert at all domains. He could reach out to an expert for areas he's not familiar with but he's more concerned about clickbait and shitting out videos as quickly as possible.

When it comes to dating? Yes. Absolutely. Why would you think that beliefs are a non factor for dating?

And he's blaming the anti defamation league...

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AI cannibalism simply isn't a thing yet. It definitely will be and good models will need to spend a lot of time and money sourcing good training data, but the models are not up to date enough to be contaminated yet.

I'm very confident the degradation has come from them trying to scale up. Generative AI is the most expensive thing on the cloud you can provide, and not only are they trying to make it faster, they're trying to roll it out for way more consumption. Major optimizations will require an algorithmic breakthrough so in the meanwhile all they can really do is find which corners they can cut that are less bad.

It's still called programming, coding is the same thing. Assembler more commonly refers to the utility program that converts the assembly code to machine code while assembly refers to the code itself, but the term assembler code is also valid. It's uncommon to simply call the code assembler because it would be easily confused with the utility program.

IMO it's by far the worst on any apple product. I tried to help my mom organize some photos and it drove me absolutely fucking insane trying to figure out where the photos app stored things.

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I wanted to buy a small silicone spatula for specific uses, but they were only sold in a set of 5. I was like what am I going to do with that many spatulas but they're super useful and are amazing at scraping and I love having extras so I don't have to constantly wash them.

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They say it's pointless because it's archived on other sites. The point is that Reddit specifically can't profit off it

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It was a flawed system, but it really benefited Reddit. Volunteer mods did it because they were supposed to be the leaders of their communities and reddit was supposed to just be a platform for hosting them. By attacking that system they removed the main incentive for volunteer mods to exist.

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They're all con artists. The people buying them were trying to scam someone else.

Here's my hot take as a dev who's been making websites since before JavaScript and css were invented: modern web development is leaps and bounds better than how it was and the rapidly changing best practices had a big part for how we got there in the time we did. I think the industry is in a great place now and now that it is things have slowed down and the focus is now on stability rather than changing development patterns.

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We can totally explain how the universe works. It's random! But it's also not random! We can explain why, but you won't understand it. Not magic!

MS is basically getting a ton of equity in exchange for cloud credits. That's a ridiculously good deal for MS.

It will be questioned, but you have a good explanation. The tricky part is explaining it elegantly. Hiring managers kinda glance at resumes so you should add a sentence at the end explaining that you were let off due to internal company reasons. You should also try and get a letter from the company explaining that it wasn't for performance reasons. Even better would be to get letters of recommendation from your coworkers and manager. Hopefully they'll be extra nice to you due to your situation, but you need to be proactive about it.

Why should anyone care? I don't go around telling people every time I use stack overflow. Gotta keep in mind gpt makes shit up half the time so I of course test and cross reference everything but it's great for narrowing your search space.

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How long would it take us to be carbon neutral if we took all that and put it in green energy?

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Holy shit, I thought this was supposed to be a list of cult warning signs in increasing escalation and was like this makes no sense. I didn't realize this was actually rules for their cult. WTF.

Thanks spez! You sent all the best devs making free programs for your platform to your biggest competitor, plus enough users for it to reach critical mass and allow the snowball effect to grow. And it's FOSS so it can't be stopped!

With ai we can make it a real image

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  1. By providing better services and features. Corporations are capable of providing good pro user services when they're forced to through competition, but what they'll do is do that until they build a big enough user base then splinter off and start pulling the same shit again. It's the whole thing behind embrace-extend-extinguish.
  2. Money. Lots of money. If money doesn't work they'll try to compete on point 1.
  3. Agree. Most people will be too lazy and unprincipled to care, but I'm fine with a smaller higher quality community and Lemmy makes that possible. If corporations get a foothold on the platform it'll still be impossible for them to get a 100% monopoly like they can on their own proprietary centralized platforms.

Be the change you want to see in the fediverse

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I think that's a good thing. Different topics have different moderation needs and I think specialized instances will be better equipped to deal with those special needs. Communities being on separate instances is by design and we shouldn't have an expectation for instances to do everything.

Learn to make your own, then sell them on Etsy, wait, oh no!

A tree fell on the road blocking the path! Why don't you eat the tree?

I think the straw thing is much more about trash than it is about combating climate change. Plastic getting into the eco system and building up in landfills is a big problem too, but it's a different and also important problem.