Drag shows are protected by 1st Amendment, performers tell federal judge

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 1039 points –
Drag shows are protected by 1st Amendment, performers tell federal judge

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Then you've only been to one type. There are family friendly shows that are no different content wise from taking your kid to see a face character actor at Disneyland.

Normally we attend them at gay clubs where heavy drinking is involved. It’s adult entertainment and why I wouldn’t take my child. Just like I wouldn’t take my kid to a strip club.

A good friend of mine is a drag performer. He wouldn’t take his children either.

Not everything is a child event nor should it be.

"I've only been to explicitly adult shows which is why I think they're adult shows"

Of course if you only go to gay clubs with heavy drinking you'd think those shows are for adults. Because those shows ARE for adults.

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No one's getting naked or sexual, you extremely stupid fuck 🙄

Then you’re not going to fun shows.

Not fun shows for adults. They do shows that are explicitly for kids or families. They don't do sexual stuff at those shows and, believe it or not, kids like people in flamboyant outfits doing fun things like singing.

...right........ Who's taking their kids to bars? Anyone that takes their kid to a bar is a moron and probably shouldn't be allowed to have a kid anyway.

It's pathetic how lax America is with kids and alcohol. Yet they ban inconspicuous indoor medical grows from towns to save the kids from weed. America's dead ...it's a lost cause.

It's pathetic how lax America is with kids and alcohol.

Doesn't America have like, the highest drinking age in the West?

I hadn't heard that, but it wouldn't shock me. I always thought the drinking age should be 16 and the driving age should be 18. That gives kids two years to understand what being impaired from drinking means before ever getting behind the wheel of a car.

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