fiend_unpleasant ☑️

@fiend_unpleasant ☑️
0 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

I am an Artist, Author, Film Maker, Martial Artist, Sartorialist, Ponderer of strange and wonderful things.

Some of the Gnostics reckoned that El/Yaweh was an evil demiurge. There are some that believe that El/Yaweh is actually Loki and that we are on the verge or Ragnarok.

LOL there aren't people in the rest of the world. America is everything and everything is America. If you don't agree will bring "Freedom" to you.

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This shit again!?! gumbles while digging out body armor mutters under breath, these fucking idiots need to lose their god damned jobs... they won't even get jail time OK I'm ready... ACAB and all that puts on gas mask lets do this shit again

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there are 400 bajilion how tos on how to install Linux. If you aren't going to do it then you arent going to do it, enjoy your corporate mandated spyware. I think it was Ben Frankin who said “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little new user ease of use, deserve neither Liberty nor ease of use” or something like that

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So the new law is not enforce? or is it only for the plebs?

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Welp... unzips

trickle down corruption

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there are companies out there that do this kind of thing.

can someone tl;dr this wall of text for me. It's not just that I am lazy, but I also have a disability that makes this whole thing hard to get through.

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I hear people talking about how Youtube is not paying out like it used to. So they are playing ads to us and not paying the creators. There is a growing group of people looking at open source platforms like Odysee and PeerTube.

I see military service just like i do credit card debt. You got yourself into that situation, but you WERE mislead the entire time

i will be taping cardboard over the screen

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thank you so much!

Who's ready to follow this clown to Mars?

ahhh thats not fair, he accomplished destroying the foundations of American Democracy.

I love you

you are missing a key ingredient, disdain for the customer.

I am Spartacus

i don't, its a nightmare

William Randolph Hurst

That's where you are wrong. You think I want to improve the system. I was to dismantle the system. Slightly better slavery is still slavery.

i mean have you ever tied fedora?


At least something is happening inside my head.

dont talk about about beef. if the vegans catch wind of it they wont shut up for a week

choosing your master doesn't make you not a slave, you would be an idiot to vote

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Oh I agree it's a shit law, but if you are going to have shit laws make sure they apply evenly. I also have a personal vendetta against JKR. HP was just crappy Stsr Wars fanfic, and she is a trashcan of a human being.

did ‘everyone gets boiled alive’ materially support a genocide? If no, then I would vote for ‘everyone gets boiled alive’.

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how about just prosecute the crime that is already happening? I mean murder is a crime. The most used murder weapon is a screwdriver. Should we also ban those?

That's up to the intergalactic council to sort out. I doubt it tho. The rest of the universe is pretty uninterested in us.

when the bar is on the floor its easy to jump over it. Biden is also better than being boiled alive that doesn't mean I am voting for him

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That seems similar to the numbers that most "mass shooters" end up getting.


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What would they say if people started mass knifing?

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I stopped voting when Obama didn't stop that thing that we "suddenly care about". Blue MAGA == Red MAGA

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