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If people think that an IPO means we're going to … push prices up, push the margins up, push down the feature sets, the only answer we can give is, watch us. Keep watching," he said. "Let's look at it in 15, 20 years' time."

What a fucking lame answer.

RasPi was cool at one time, but that time has long since passed.

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Honestly let's have some dignity and not buy into this vapid pretentious idiocy.

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The influx and outflow converting donations to legal bills would normally be enough of a concern to send major donors and grassroots contributors running for the hills, but it’s having virtually no effect on Trump’s momentum toward securing the Republican 2024 nomination.

This. His supporters just don't care. Whatever it takes to beat the dems.

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It's gonna be a big week I think.

The warm up with the sons didn't disappoint but it seems like ivanka is less likely to perjure herself.

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I've also been through therapy for years, although not currently. IDK whether it's true or not but for me personally I feel as though therapy can deteriorate from a short, sharp, beneficial "intervention" (which is very helpful) into a malaise of relating ones problems to a friendly ear (which is unproductive) ... but I digress.

This sounds to me like one of those problems which is a symptom potentially caused by a myriad of different issues, and as such has no specific "cure". As you've said it's "accumulated stress", which is another way of saying the same thing. I feel like I run into this type of problem a lot: the solution is really easy, I just need to do better at life!

My one suggestion would be to look at therapies for anxiety, since anger and anxiety are commonly symptoms of the same problem. There's two common therapies for this.

Firstly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - figuring out why your thoughts follow the patterns they do and as a result, learning how to change those patterns. This is hard work. It's a bit like going to a gym. You need to set aside time for several sessions a week of examining the parts of yourself you've been trying not to think about your entire life. The gold standard for DIY CBT is "When Panic Attacks" by David Burns, alternatively "feeling great" by the same author. He has a podcast also. I know the dirty dog feet was just an off hand example, but to continue that example you might discover that you have a deeply held belief that people who have dirty houses end up sad lonely and unloved, a potential solution might be to tell someone who you feel is happy and well loved how difficult it is to keep a clean house - inevitably they will agree with you and tell you how hard they find keeping up with their chores.

Secondly Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) - accepting that stressors will always be present, understand that they're harmless, fleeting thoughts, and committing to a course of action that is more meaningful than simply "avoiding stress". Author Steven Hayes is the gold standard here but personally I find his stuff too heavy. I quite like "DARE" by Barry McDonagh, basically ACT but more easily digested. This one is more readily applied "in the moment". It takes practice but there's no sitting and pondering one's soul so-to-speak. This is very difficult to explain in a sentence but you might acknowledge, in the moment, that dirty dog feet are infuriating, you feel that feeling, allow it to come. What you'll find (with anxiety at least) is that if you don't resist it but regard it with a welcoming curiosity, it will dissipate fairly quickly and leave you with a kind of energised readiness. "Well that was a thing!". If feeling frustrated is a natural response, and you fight with yourself not to feel that, it creates an incredible tension - you push the feelings away and they just push back harder. You kind of learn to let the frustration come feel the feelings in a healthy way.

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Ok so does that mean she's anti-gbt mum or anti-bt mum? I mean does the G in LGBT include lesbians or not.

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Perhaps, although a little harsh. Most people just don't think that deeply about things.

The accepted narrative is that inflation happens when poor people get too much money.

Yes it's obvious that there's more going on if you think about it for a few moments, but no one does.

I've never seen the appeal. Paying more for shittier stuff and waiting longer.

Get to know your local green grocer and Butcher and pay the least for the best stuff.

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Just gonna one up you here bro, my mrs is due this week too, but she has a son and a daughter on board!

Oh wow neither did I.

For some reason I thought it was a tiny shallow pool, like for toddlers to play in. Why would anyone even have one of those?!

A lap pool, for doing laps, makes so much more sense. I've lived in a house with a pool and it's just a huge pain in the ass. Being able to bust a couple of laps would be great though. I'd love to have this.

It really has, for most uses there are better boards

There are other cheaper boards with better specs.

There are special rules for labelling for alcohol given the obvious risks of consuming more than you realised.

Here alcohol must show the percentage alcohol content, but alcohol designed to be consumed as-is (without mixing) also states the number of standard drinks.

The number of standard drinks is the same as the "amount of alcohol" you mentioned.

Other ingredients like sugar aren't shown as a percentage because manufacturers don't want to show it, and it's not required by law because although there are risks of excess consumption, they're not "immediate risk to life" type risks.

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Woah. I always thought I was Gen X but TIL I'm probably a millennial.

This was my initial reaction also, but taking a closer look the article doesn't say anything about UBI. This is not a UBI experiment.

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Regardless, I reject the premise.

UPS will lay off whomever they can. They don't terminate people according to political ideology.

Yeah, I'm so weary of this argument but you're dead right.

If I and all my neighbours close our curtains then we won't see all the garbage, rats, dead bodies, and other refuse piling up in our street, and then congratulate ourselves at the lovely community we share.

It's absurd. As though everyone expects that corporate encroachment into the fediverse is going to come with a big sign that says "threads" or some such.

Not really, you can't criticise it for not being like UBI while saying it's similar to UBI even if it does not purport to be UBI.

This isn't really true.

We generally don't experiment with economic policy because it's not practical.

The main impediment to UBI is not supporting data, but political will. Voters are so used to punishing poor people that UBI just doesn't resonate with the voting public. Of course that will change with the continuing encroachment of automation.

Additionally UBI is not all or nothing. You could increase it over time. If 20% of average salary is the objective, then start with 1% this year and increase it by 1% each year for the next 19 years. It will take 20 years to dismantle the other welfare systems anyway.
