2 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

If that technology existed (it doesn't, probably won't for decades without noticeable drops in quality) then for the first several years it would be sold exclusively as a premium product subscription locking indie devs out the same way custom builds of Unity Engine or Cloud Computing Suites are.

Shooter 1: Republican

Shooter 2: Former MAGA


These democrats sure are playing long cons...

My buddy did his first dissertation in the UK and they didn't give him any format suggestions or guidelines, but they still criticized him for choosing APA IMRaD.

I'll have to try kagi some time

EDIT: subscription based... Idk, definite maybe on that one.

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Tolerance ends with intolerance. Being nice and civil leads to things like the storming of the US Capital. If US Republicans, for example, felt no resistance then they would organize a crusade into Springfield Ohio.

It is because we live in a world of controversy and civil unrest that racists cannot simply commit massacres and lynchings like in the old days.

We have to show fangs, not bellies, to aggressive animals.

EDIT: Oops wrong game lol mb

All 258 sounds are archived if you think you could recognize it. LINK

Cooking Mama has an ideal outcome - Great

Cooking Mama's idea of getting there was whatever the fuck the USSR was doing... - Not Great

Just Tax the rich while maintaining a strong democracy, it's not hard.

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Putin couldn't even handle a small neighboring agricultural nation, love to see his senile ass try the Pacific on for size.

You definitely don't get to a public owned means of production and redistribution of goods through Autocracy for vwry obvious reasons.

The rich need not make concessions when the poor can help write the laws.

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Technically this guy was in the area for over 12 hours before being thwarted.

You give them far too much credit to assume this specific company will ever achieve anything even close to AGI.

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But answer the question maybe

Also, my "hate" was very clearly directed towards LLMs and not a "person".

Please specify the "We"

The general answer is political and scientific illiteracy combined with corruption in politics (such as money or a party with too much power).

Your idea to end establishment corruption is to give full authority and remove all accountability for the Establishment, such as Mao ZeDong did?

I havent really been following so I assumed Trump was fired at until I saw this headline.

It didn't flop, it created a surge of racist extremists targeting a small minority demographic. The intention to do great harm was verily accomplished.

For me it is stupid to expect these machines to work any other way. They're literally designed such that they're just guessing words that make sense in a context, the whole statement then assembled from these valid tokens sometimes checked again by... another machine...

It's always going to be and always has been a bullshit generator.

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Fun fact, this painting "Saturn Devouring his Sons" was found on the wall in the home of Francisco Goya but was never actually titled until after Goya's death. It likely had nothing to do with Saturn.

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Is this a fursuit?

The bread company actually cut costs by 18% last year.

Sorry anon but you're getting gouge cucked.

Sorry to burst your bubbl-AAAaaaughnnn!


2024 -> 4202

ITS 420, TOO

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No, again, because each word is a token which together makes a phrase and each phrase is a token that makes a statement. Since these Tokens are generated individually, it will never have any real underlying logic. It's just sentence probability. Even if your sample data is free of nonsense, the LLM will still generate nonsense.


What part of insulted their individual lifestyle seems like business to you?

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They've been serving time, actually. Andrew spent months in prison infested with rats and cockroaches, was denied bail when his buddies accidentally outed him as a flight risk on social media.

TBH I hope he spends even more time in jail before his trials wrap up.

I've been real happy to see the nationwide composite polls and predictions slide to Harris' favor.

Stuff like 538 and 270towin were stagnant Trump advantages for so many monthsm

Ceramic comes from the word Keramic which means relating to Pottery.

If you mix sediments with moisture and fire it in an oven, it is ceramic. Difference of materials means different properties. Some materials crystalize, some burn, or some polish smooth easily.

Fr I was about to say the same thing. Aside from better hardware and more layers the technology really hasn't changed from this level to begin with.

We've learned a little about what emergent behavior and trends look like in machine learning algorithms when graphed, though: it becomes more and more convergent, as if it forms its own little confirmation bias it will produce more and more samey results.

Ah cool, self segregating proximity map. The format makes more sense with this explanation, thank you.

I don't think is full of tankies

I just know that tankies are explicitly allowed all over ML

And they do love Trump


How could you forget the 151 original classics such as Eggxecutor, Valporene, and Voltorb?

TBF the warnings are unsolicited automated messages. I don't think FaceBook should have the authority to filter them but I can certainly understand how it happened.

Sony saw the incredible success of the Stadia and is moving in that direction.

Even Universities are riding the AI Dick, its so distressing.

I can pay a little more for a nice forged knife, folded steel, but anything you buy at walmart or amazon is the same quality regardless of price.

Handles make a huge difference but they rarely impact price.

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Luckily we pass laws to regulate unacceptable lifestyles.

Go pass some laws. Instead of trying to be a vegan vigilante, try to organize and show compassion to people. Even if that means being belittled in the process, you'll have the moral high ground.

So more dots means more activity total for that communities users on any community in the top 35?

Wouldn't a bar graph be sufficient?

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What are the axis here?

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/s is mandatory bruv