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Columbia journalism students are reporting live:

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If you were curious how rich people justify this to themselves and whitewash their behavior:

3 more...'s_fence

Libertarians think they're smarter than everyone else and never wonder why the fence is there in the first place.

Okay but she's actively choosing to be that famous. She spent 6 years with Joe living a quiet low key life, but she decided to do another breakout into more fame and this is the cost. Plus she could charter jets like other celebrities, or idk just not fly home every weekend from halfway across the world?

Apparently TikTok sent out push notifications telling users to call their representatives. Minors were being provided instructions with their representatives' phone numbers and contact info, but didn't even know who they were calling and were asking basic questions like "What is Congress?"

Kind of shows the amount of power TikTok has over American youth.

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Maybe the cars are doing surveillance with the police, but that idea seems far fetched and unrealistic

I'm sure that's what people said about Ring, or Facebook messages being used to arrest women for abortions. Why would a company turn down an extra revenue stream (or subpoena)?

Not just "remain visible" - actively promoted. There's a reason people talk about Youtube's right-wing content pipeline. If you start watching anything male-oriented, Youtube will start slowly promoting more and more right-wing content to you until you're watching Ben Shaprio and Andrew Tate

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I mean no, but also... yes? Like having a one person dev team is a little ridiculous for a game selling as well as Manor Lords. 50 people is a lot, but do you really think the game would have less features a year from now if the dev hired like 3 people to help?

Obviously development would slow down in the short term, but a one person dev team is asking for disaster

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People keep forgetting that every recall is a fix for a bug/problem in the car. Sure, Tesla's fixes might be easier, but that also means they have the buggier car. Until Tesla actually fixes the problem, it doesn't matter how easy it is to fix: you still have to deal with the fallout.

That's even more immensely true for safety-critical systems like cars. Sure, Tesla's fix for phantom braking might eventually come and it might be an easy software fix. But wouldn't you just rather get a car without that problem?

There's a reason the Black Panthers were armed when they distributed free food to poor black children.

Do ISPs actively encourage you to watch extremist content? Do they push that content toward people who are at risk of radicalization to get extra money?

No, it's shocking that the destroyed evidence after being explicitly instructed not to.

Well the police didn't step in to stop the violence against the protestors, and the news outlets are all reporting this as "both sides" - so it sounds like the attackers got what they wanted.

Don't check out Japan

It is for us plebs, look up adverse inference

Reddit admins note: "you’ll receive a new shiny badge on your profile indicating you’re in the program and can earn cash! "

Hoping that reddit mods have the balls to auto-delete all posts from users who are approved for the monetization system. Knowing that they won't, I'm waiting for the Firefox extension and Revanced patch that auto-censor posts by those users.

Of course reddit will quickly remove that visibility.

For now

Everyone's commenting on their books but twitch's published numbers are all bullshit pretending they're paying market rate for AWS when they obviously get a deal being a subsidiary of Amazon. IIRC their last attempt to show they needed to up prices even had them using non-bulk AWS rates which they obviously wouldn't pay even if they werent owned by Amazon.

Not when work takes a large amount of time to produce the original, and very little work to produce a copy. An original and a copy of a digital artwork are identical.

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You're assuming its a profit-focused endeavor rather than a propaganda arm of the Chinese government.

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Can someone explain why antibiotics are used in the meat industry? Are lots of animals dying to bacterial infections so they need antibiotics to aid the yield, or are antibiotics incidentally also growth hormones, or something else? Always been curious

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The thing is: Biden is pro-Israel but also pro-Palestinians. He's providing aid to Gazans and pressuring Israel to minimize civilian casualties. It's not great, or even good, I agree - but it's a whole lot better than Trump who would be pro-Israel and anti-Palestinians. You'd see humanitarian aid end and the US support total war instead of the (slightly) restrained version we're seeing now.

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Turning it off right when Ukraine was about to launch an offensive, definitely no collusion there what a coincidence on the timing.

Lina Khan is staking her career on this one, but the way the US judiciary looks there's no way Amazon suffers.

Exactly, you can't just drive without verifying that you're a safe driver. That's why we have a process to get a driver's license. Has Autopilot passed licensing?

Look at 80s sex comedies and realize they were made by people who learned what they knew during the 60s. You're not wrong.

Yeah there certainly wasn't any loss leading or intentional undercutting being done to get below profitable prices to drive current players out of those markets /s

But does Netflix even have good movies? Like I think it'd be easier to do exactly that but on HBO Max or Disney Plus, or a TV show on Hulu.

"Violence" is not an actor, violence does not "break out". It's a phrase used to hide the actors who instigated the violence, either due to a lack of knowledge or due to willful obfuscation. We have videos of what happened, so we know which it is.

How about we:

  1. Don't let random customers test it and instead use heavily trained, specialized test drivers
  2. Require permitting and, e.g., an obstacle course before letting a company's software be randomly updated and thrown on the road?

Why is there this constant false dichotomy implying that the only way to test self driving cars is a wild west of no regulation?

And also who said that self driving cars are safer than humans? Tesla's numbers are all statistical lies (in fact Teslas were recently shown to have the most accidents), Cruise just shutdown in SF because they were a liability, and Waymo is heavily limited in its time/weather/areas for driving.

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They probably did receive threats. The reality is that reddit admins can't seriously replace all mods with new (good) ones. But the mods were so scared of losing their power they wouldn't risk being unable to provide free labor to a billion dollar corporation

So like what's the actual deal with pirating content nowadays? I remember in the early 2000s it was don't seed and don't torrent just-released content and you won't get caught. Are the companies more rigorous nowadays? Are they going after people and you really do need a VPN? Can you torrent content at a human-watchable pace (like a show or two a month, maybe a movie or two a week) and no one's going to notice you?

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Not a win for the shopper, who now has to scan and bag their own items. Not a win for the now laid-off cashier who is unemployed. Only a win for the company, which has gained free labor.

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Turns out even under socialism, I'd still rather have someone else scan and bag my things.

If it has such a small effect, why is Apple so hell-bent on stopping it?

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[One way of reading the comment you replied to is that] the point is that the media is both-sides-ing this instead of truthfully reporting that the violence was directed against the protestors. This allows the protests to be portrayed as "radical" and feeds into the false "pro-terrorism" and "extremist" narrative being portrayed against Gazan and Palestinian sympathizers.

It's okay to kill civilians if you're the government, but not if you're the rebels? Is that the logic?

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What percent uptime does your phone's wifi/bluetooth/mobile internet have? Is it exactly 100%?

That's not accurate, they don't stop your benefits when you hit the cancel button. I just cancelled today and have my benefits until the end of my yearly subscription in November.

Harvard makes more money from it's investments than from tuition. I can't even imagine what their land holdings are netting them.