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Bit shifting is not malicious on its own. Bit shifting to specifically conceal the purpose of your policy violating code from the auditors who audit the apps submitted to the App Store is malicious.

It’s about why you are doing it and what you are doing with it and not that it’s bit shifting on it’s own.

Wait until that first surprise medical event. In that bracket. Employed full time w/health “insurance”. Eating instant ramen and had to get roommates. Lifestyle medication woo

They can’t make you pay medical debt. But the pharmacy doesn’t refill your meds without payment up front. And you make too much for financial assistance and the fact your employer provides insurance actually eliminates counter discounts (uninsured discounts) and other benefits.

Plus people on the internet will accuse you of being bad at money because “nobody making over $100k is poor”

If every single software a company licensed to produce a video game required this, you would be waiting an hour to see the start menu. Don’t let any company do this or they all will.

Ghetto fork it. GitHub will nuke the forks done via the fork button with the initial DMCA

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When you say it always has worked this way what is your frame of reference regarding time? I haven’t owned a chromecast in about 6 years. However prior to that chromecast had no ads whatsoever so the idea that there are ads at all is shocking to me. It certainly hasn’t always been this way. (I currently use an Apple TV)

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Except ironically Netflix has announced they will not make an app for the Vision Pro

Nobody seems to get this. Each time minimum wage goes up, employers balance that by splitting jobs over more people and make getting full time harder. They don’t have to provide benefits and they get more clout about how many jobs they create. It’s all upside for them.

Real work reform would be providing benefits to everyone. If people get benefits directly from the government, then they get more negotiating power with their employers because moving between jobs is lower risk when you aren’t losing benefits as part of that.

But pulling levers to raise wages is easier than redesigning the way we provide health, dental, vision, life, and retirement to our citizens so that’s what keeps happening and things just get more expensive in lock step.

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Another way to look at that is ~810 people having an issue with a different 810 people every single day assuming only one scan per day. That’s 891,000 people having a huge fucking problem at least once every single year.

I have this problem with my face in the TSA pre and passport system and every time I fly it gets worse because their confidence it is correct keeps going up and their trust in my actual fucking ID keeps going down

Yes crazy how that goes. But being unhelpful and a dick is a choice you made in your comments while I actually refuted you and brought proof

This market is getting saturated fast. Apple TV, Fire TV both pair directly to at least one first class streaming service as they are developed by the same company. Chromecast is still hanging on. Plex offers streaming content now as part of Plex pass. Cable tv boxes can now also do native streaming to select services. Major TV brands are dropping the Roku OS to roll their own shitty android port.

I personally moved to the Apple TV because it’s the only one probably not selling my data and isn’t constantly griping at me with some kind of upsell like the Roku and Fire Tv

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I actually just looked into it and it was 100% legal for landlords to do this until a new FCC rule kicked in in 2022. Your lived experience is not the same as actual laws. You are technically correct but only since 2022. Given I moved to this city in 2020, we can both be correct. Isn’t that neat? It’s likely the other commenter in the thread also had this experience before 2022.

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Hashing is not reversible so obviously it is not hashed. You hash data you want to compare later to see if it is still the same. For example you may hash user passwords you store in your database. So you don’t know the actual password, but can confirm later that the same password is still being used. You know or can infer someone is storing your passwords in plaintext when they have a maximum length as that indicates they are not correctly hashing.

It is however possible and even easy in many databases to do row or document level encryption. Many privacy first applications do client side keys and encryption so the database does in fact have no plain text in it.

There’s a building like this by MIT in Boston. It famously sucks to live in.

It turns out by making the surface area of the exterior extremely high compared to the internal volume, you massively increase the odds of a water leakage problem. The building may as well have no roof.

It also attracts birds, bats, and bees to nest in all the little nooks and crannies so it looks like shit now with bird spikes and metal mesh crammed into all the spots that were intended to be the places your eye is drawn to in the original design.

As much as I think commercial real estate is minimally linked to the rest of the economy, it’s been well established that you can’t just convert office buildings to apartments.

Floor plates aren’t cut to manage the changes to the floor plans in some cases not even being designed to carry the weight as modern office buildings often utilize floating plates so adding more walls actually would cause all kinds of issues with the walls as the building wobbles around. The plumbing doesn’t have the capacity and also is centralized in the buildings despite apartments each needing it, requiring more alterations to the floor plate. The windows requirements for bedrooms leaves most of the central space of the building unusable or everyone has kitchens and living rooms with no windows…. It’s often cheaper to demolish the building and start over than it would be to modify it.

To get a real idea of this look at apartment buildings in manhattan. They are either long and skinny towers or they are the size of a block, but have a massive quartyard running down the middle where office buildings are solid all the way through.

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It’s highly dependent on state and municipality but it actually is. I was shocked when I moved to San Diego and about half of all managed buildings we talked to had a single partner isp/cable provider. While it is technically in your rights to force them to let you install a dish because of federal laws, nothing requires them to let a different cable or internet provider run physical cable up their skyscraper so they all cut deals with just one for a kickback. We had to give up on a building we really liked because the only provider was still DSL

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The body of the watch was also gold, not just the band.

You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. We just bought our first home last year and found out then that the tax credits I grew up hearing about ended several years ago and now it’s back now that I’m no longer qualified :|

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No. Obviously they were building continent sized roads and aquifers and libraries completely butt naked

Given the platform could legally be showing real porn right now and still bans it, you’ve got yourself a bad take. YouTube doesn’t care about aligning your content with violent psychos and identity politics, but anything that touches porn is off the table

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I just want less malt without having to have my base be corn or rice

Our dog had a mysterious bowel issue that wasn’t treating with the standard food change methods. Vet did a dna and found he’s more chihuahua than Australian Shepherd despite being dead on shepherd by appearance. Then more or less immediately they worked out his issue since chis have specific bowel issues that don’t usually happen in aussies.

So it does have valid uses for assisting diagnostic medicine

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I’m a software engineer and have had multiple startup employers not provide a 401k. It’s actually much more common than you think to not have one at all. Only 56% of employers have a 401k.

It’s even more common to have no matching. Of the 56% that have a 401k only 50% have any matching at all. This leaves less than 25% of employers with matching.

Of my 3 employers who did not have a 401k they all compensated me in mostly equity. Only a single employer had their equity eventually pay out in some form and it’s not eligible to be put in retirement funds outside of the standard IRA which maxes out significantly less than that 401k

Every time someone says something like this I have to explain CDC and regular old backups. There’s no way in hell Reddit doesn’t keep cold and hot backups of their shit. And while Reddit is unlikely to be doing CDC for soc2 or other compliance reasons, it’s the easiest method to capture data for analytics purposes.

CDC stands for change data capture. It’s generally done with databases by streaming the change log or ref log to a bucket or a service like Kafka where you can fast forward and rewind the log queue to see the state of the DB at any point in time. Even if you edit your comments it’s likely sitting in a Kafka topic or a snowflake bucket outside of the DB or cache used for the presentation layer.

Zero large scale websites operate with a truly single data store. There is always another layer that your user operations don’t impact

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I had a landlord make me pay them in zelle. Bank limits meant I had to pay them over 3 days every month. What a mess

This has become another rural vs city issue. In cities bathrooms have all been single toilet rooms forever, so removing the gender sign and making both or more restrooms genderless was easy. In many cases the diviest bars and venues never even had more than one toilet, so it’s always been this way. Newer construction just follows that and new bars and restaurants just have 10-12 individual bathrooms in a hallway somewhere.

In rural areas bathrooms are huge rooms with a dozen stalls in the shitty American “walls don’t go to the floor and the door has two inch gaps” style. And there’s two whole different barhrooms full of toilets. Converting them to other formats is crazy expensive and a lot of people don’t see just letting people into both as an option.

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18-22 year olds being the horniest people on earth with newly discovered credit card powers and not yet well formed spending and budgeting habits and you are surprised there’s a ton of content for them?

One could argue the requirements have changed because the security and compliance part of the world finally caught up to modern software delivery concepts. Even the most dinosaur apps at compliant orgs are being dragged kicking and screaming into new CI/CD tools where applying governance and custody chains and permissions and approvals are all self documented automated hooks.

Devops here. I use the 1Password cli constantly to feed auth tokens and passwords and identity overrides into other shell commands. I’d lose my shit if I had to keep opening my browser to login to all my various workflows. The CLI even integrates with biometrics so my hands never leave the keyboard

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As I stated at the top of the thread, nobody builds condos in cities anymore because they don’t make enough money to beat the market. If I’m rich enough to build a skyscraper it better have better returns than buying an s&p etf. This is the key issue for cities. If you block corporate landlordship, they won’t build condos instead. They will build nothing at all and invest in other stuff.

Meh, I bought an Apple TV on sale for $100 and don’t deal with ads and have all the shit you’ve laid out here ¯\(ツ)

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Rich people don’t sell their holdings like that. They borrow against them and use the loans to pay for everything. If he has a billion or two in equity, then he can get a billion in loans without ever actually selling the shares.

You can build a vapor ware fraudulent mess, make someone else the CEO and CFO and just be a board member and basically wipe yourself of all liability. You just need enough rubes to keep your stock up through the first week or two of IPO while you close the loans

This actually isn’t true. You can configure sonarr and radarr to directly search indexers without using a wrapper. Most people use a wrapper so you only need to configure changes to your indexers from one place instead of updating sonarr,radarr,lidarr,readarr all individually

Still, at the end of the day a large part of what you get is what you have access too. Better indexers gets you more content

Terraform is infrastructure as code executed via a compiled go binary and can manage vms you dumbass

For this I usually go with 27. Trade slightly more cortex development while only losing about 3% more of my collagen. So like one crowfoot and a forehead crease, but no more. Eyes are also stable enough for eye surgery but not going into retinal decline like in the 30s. Basically your late 20s rides off all your physical generation for a lot of different soft tissues being peak into ~25 but not having caused the damage that starts to build up and cause side effects in your 30s.

In denser areas, the only people willing to build skyscrapers full of housing are intending to be landlords. Even funding the construction of condos has become extremely rare because the cost to profit ratio doesn’t return enough to beat just buying ETFs in the market. If you can solve this problem for cities that desperately need to build housing faster and denser, then you can dissolve corporate landlords

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Better hope you live in a state that doesn’t let Medicaid take the house or that you adequately used foresight to move the house into a trust 5-10 years before she enters assisted living, disability, or dies. Or that she didn’t take out a second mortgage at any time without telling you.

Otherwise I have bad news for you

Seconding the other comment, lots of orgs picked .lan and then over the last few years have moved things into the cloud and .lan has become a meaningless soup since half the shit isn’t even on local network. Now it just means “needs a vpn or ztn to talk to”

Luckily my last three orgs finally bought a second domain for private dns. It’s quickly becoming a pattern that owns or whatever for private traffic. Domains are cheap as fuck compared to everything else a business spends money on, it’s really silly how many people are using hacks for this

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If the function is known by all parties then the last person to send still has control

Think of when you open the menu on your screen to adjust the colors or brightness or change the input to another one. That overlay is controlled by the screen and not the computer. If you take a screenshot when it is up, the screenshot won’t show it because the monitor is driving that, not the computer

Averages are fun. It’s likely Opsy roles do have the highest average. But it’s also very true that devs have the highest ceilings. There’s just very few devs making 600+ and the majority at 120-150. Then there is an absolute shit load of opsys making 160-200. So in ops you hit the ceiling super fast while the occasional dev just keeps rocketing to bullshit pay but the averages are what they are

(Hiring manager for devops. I get the raw data through a corporate data broker)