Biden to propose new $5000 tax credit for first-time home buyers to politics – 147 points –

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You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. We just bought our first home last year and found out then that the tax credits I grew up hearing about ended several years ago and now it’s back now that I’m no longer qualified :|

You own a home, why are you disappointed about this?

Humans are fucking weird, man.

Uhhh because it's not fair? Humans are kind of obsessed with that concept

The only reason we should we looking into other people's bowls is to make sure they have enough.

How is this 'not fair'? You're so obsessed with perceived loss of personal gain that you lose sight of the greater good.

It's crab mentality.

It's good that other people get a subsidy. It's also disappointing that you don't. Both can be true.