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Joined 9 months ago

Mentally ill woman in her late 30s. Quit my jobs with DIDDs to go to work a retail job and go to school.

I'm here to help!

Formerly @kbin.social.

I can't imagine how insanely nice it must be to have a brain that just... makes the shit you need.

I need to add here (because I always do on the off-chance that it might help someone) that you can have too low of blood sugar depending on your specific genetics. I had an a1c of 3.8 when I was doing keto. I had basically had nondiabetic hypoglycemia for so long I was no longer showing symptoms. Please see a doctor if you do anything too dramatic, diet-wise.

Binders full of women, you say?

I keep rereading it, and it keeps making me laugh.

I would absolutely download a car that would destroy every pot in this shop for me.

I am not storing my info anywhere for any reason.

I dunno if you could say that shareholders incentivized the sexual misconduct.

Danny Devito.

...I'm a woman.

I've never seen it before now, and I loved it. (If you're reading this and haven't seen it, go watch it, because the one thing someone else mentioned in a comment would've been funny if I wasn't expecting it.)

The end of the bit was what really did it for me.

Huh. I have my own sayings for both of those scenarios. "The best way to be interesting is to be interested."

I should read this book.

Thank you.

...but I am already in my pajamas.

The message from the Elmo account, the follow-up and the Sesame Street account linking mental health resources is some of the most wholesome stuff I've seen in a while.

It's easy to get in your feelings, and it would've been easy for a social media "win" to play into the doom and gloom or to add to it. Or even to ignore it! But the people responsible for those decisions definitely count as some of Mister Rogers' helpers. I'm grateful for that.

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I'm not trans.

I hate my legal name. I will change it when I'm ready to do the paperwork. Until then, everyone calls me the name I prefer.

I would have been a thorn in this teacher's side. I'm not answering to that name, asshole. I'm not writing it on any documents. I'm allowed to tell you what to call me for whatever reason I want. My mother's best friend, who I was named for, was an abusive fucking cunt to me and every time you say her name I'm reminded of her.

What a douche. Stop policing names. The only names worth policing are the ones that are remarkably dumb.

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Honestly, I'm bi in a hetero relationship currently, and this would summon me like nothing else.

Except maybe masculine crying to Johnny Cash singing "Hurt."

9 more...

I promise you, survivors have been saying this for years.

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That photo of him! Every person in it is so genuinely happy! Brought tears to my eyes.

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That "hit the wall" stuff is always hilariously transparent. It's a self-soothe. "She won't be worth it in a few years anyway so you're not missing out."

I'm 38 and the wall where I stop getting unwanted attention sure never seems to come. Which is disappointing. I'm really looking forward to my crone era.

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I call bullshit.

I do not see brunch anywhere on that list.

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Trigger warning; tough love that takes a form that may seem insulting to women, women-presenting, trans women, nonbinary people, and straight men who hate being lumped in with other, worse straight men. And if anybody can teach me how to mark for spoilers on Boost for Lemmy... I'll add those.

::: spoiler I read likes 3/4ths before my ADHD brain did seven other things but I came back to say something I'm saying all the time to my trans sisters. Which is this;

Unattractive women are invisible.

Cis women have said this for years.

There are obviously people making efforts to rectify that, but the truth is, while many of these uniquely trans experiences are unique... many more are, in my opinion (which is admittedly from a different place) just a reinforcement that this writer is, for better or worse, a woman.

They talk about how hair on cis women is accepted and attractive. This is not the overwhelming truth. I'm as cis as they come, and literally five days ago someone noted I had underarm hair out loud, to my face, as if there was any reality in which I didn't know.

I wish someone would go around telling my trans sisters that what you're experiencing is the womanly reality. People feel comfortable targeting trans women because it's shorthand when they do it for "I want to reject you, and here's a more socially acceptable response aside from not finding you attractive, personally."

If you weren't easily identifiable as trans, you'd be getting rejected for the same bullshit. You're a woman. Many people value you only for whether or not you make their dick hard or their pussy wet, and you're going to have to get used to that. As a badass dominatrix said to me once, "Put on your big girl panties, don't let them see you cry, and get back to work." :::

Eta: attempts at spoiler

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I understand that this is an extremely rare fish sighting, but seeing all these smiling people touching a dead fish they're currently in the water with is so weird and creepy. Don't touch dead things! You don't know why they're dead!

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Never watched the show but I googled her and the problem isn't that she's a fatty. It's that her face shape is so round, so people see more fat than if there.

I'm probably a good 50 pounds heavier but my family has obscenely high cheekbones so even as a fatty I have those hollows in my cheeks that people assume is thin. It's not the weight there, it's bone structure.

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This article is hilarious and I'm already a gym bunny but the idea that I could snap one off is awakening something weird in me.

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Not a lot of them are familiar with irl sports. Which I think helps explain why the ones who are toxic also tend to be the worst.

Since irl sports teaches you that teamwork, supporting each other, and getting your head in the game and focusing on playing it more than being a dick to a teammate are strategies for success.

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So apparently there's foul play.

From this article;

Last summer, under Thai Union, Red Lobster turned $20 endless shrimp into a permanent item on the menu for the first time, instead of its traditional limited-time offer deal. The change cost the company $11 million and cut into Thai Union profit. In its bankruptcy filing, Red Lobster said it is investigating the circumstances of that promotion, which the company’s management opposed.

And then later...

But the company in its bankruptcy filing blamed Thai Union for the losses. Noting that under the guise of a “quality review,” Red Lobster eliminated two of its breaded shrimp suppliers, leaving Thai Union with an exclusive deal. That led to higher costs for the restaurant chain, and did not comply with the company’s typical decision-making process for picking suppliers based on projected demand.

Sounds like Red Lobster got juiced. I've never eaten there, but this is some evil stuff.

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The boyfriend last night was surprised I didn't watch the debate.

"They've both been president. I was paying attention. I know what their presidencies will be like. Why listen to them talk about it?"

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The following comment is NSFW and n=1 and also I wouldn't post it if I wasn't anonymous so here goes. Don't keep reading if you're easily grossed out. Content warning; urine.

Knowing that I had lost my sense of taste from covid, I reviewed the things I could do that not having a sense of taste might benefit from, and I asked my boyfriend (who I'm aware has a mild watersports fetish) if he'd like to take advantage of my lack of sense of taste...

And he did.

And later that night, shortly after our experiment, my sense of taste came back! I don't know if it's a revolutionary treatment for Covid, but if you're desperate...

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If you ask a group of men what's the first thing they would do if they woke up as a woman, almost all of them say something about sex.

If you ask a group of women what's the first thing they would do if they woke up as a man, almost all of them say something about peeing on random objects/in random places.

The thing wooshed on was Epstein didn't kill himself.

22 more...

Sure, they take years to ban things like r/jailbait and all those fascist subs, but people with rooms to jerk off in a step too far.

I have zero interest one way or another in people who have the resources to devote a space to this, or the ego to want to share that space. It's a completely foreign interest to me. But to ban people on the internet for being sexual in a way you don't understand is equally beyond me.

I never comment in politics threads. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth and invites the kind of discourse I try to avoid recreationally.

But I had to reply to you because a) it's weird how much I'm seeing the word "begging" lately, and b) what kind of "begging" should he even do? "Please, please, please vote for me?" And how would that change things at all? Or even help?

24 more...

Yes. Yes he did.

I kind of hate this.

I've known so many trans women who can never reach what they feel is "pretty," so they don't feel like women.

Pretty is an arbitrary, moving goal. Being a woman has nothing to do with being pretty. Lots of unattractive women exist.

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I might be drunk, but "Wrong, it's tea," made me laugh a lot.

Also, this is a Public Awareness Announcement. If you have ADHD and you take stimulant medication, don't mix alcohol. You will experience regret.

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My favorite part of the "before" picture is the 4 mugs.

These things always go this way. Society has seen them before and society will see them again. There's always some Doomsday Cult out there predicting the end, predicting upheaval, appealing to the viewer to make them feel special, sell them this idea that they and only they have seen the truth. The end of the world is July 14th, the end of the world was really September 22nd, come along, feel special, feel fear but exhilaration, and while you do, your money will soon be useless so you may as well give it to me!

And when the dates go by and nothing happens, when enough questions go unanswered, when enough predictions are unfulfilled... eventually the shorn sheep return to their pen, their field, and pretend it never happened. It would be too terrible for introspection, too painful to recognize you weren't special, just another rube. Every relationship you threw away was sacrificed in vain, every dollar you threw at the prophet was just his fee for how good you felt. Like a drug. And just like addiction, you don't ever have to come face-to-face with your victims and your failure, your pride doesn't have to take a hit. Ignore the people who hold you accountable, thrust your head in the sand, it was a misunderstanding, maybe the details were wrong, you never really believed it anyway...

And just like a drug, if you never stop to connect the dots, to come to grips with what it did to you and those you love, when the next hit is offered, you take it. Now, this is a new prophet. This time, it's for real. The world will end on May 8th. I always knew in my heart something was coming, I just listened to the wrong prophet... Got the year wrong. Got the cause wrong. This time it's for real. I want to be special. I've seen the secret truth. The message is for real this time! Last time it was just a test...

The internet amplifies these people, makes them brave, but they've always been there if you knew where to look. It's a fundamental flaw in our species. I don't know if it will ever go away.

I have a disease that is autosomal dominant (and absolutely sucks.) That means only one gene (the one I got from Dad) was needed to give me the disease.

Now I have 2 of these genes. Everybody does. You get one from your mother and one from your father. So I got the bad one from Dad, and a good one from my mother.

It's a super rare disease! If I nail somebody at random in the population, they have 2 good genes they can contribute. My one bad one and one good one flip a coin; our kids could have a bad one from me (and die young) or a good one from me (and be fine!)

But if I nail a brother who had the bad gene, there's a coin flip for both of us. Even if I give a good gene, he might give a bad one! Way more likely the bad thing happens.

(So, so grateful none of my brothers have it so I don't have to get all squicked imagining that but it makes my point.)

Not all bad things are as easy to see as my disease. Lots of them "hide" until you get two bad things. But it's more likely two siblings have similar hidden bad things, which makes it more likely the bad things will show up in their child.

There's an argument to be made that Rocko's Modern Life was not for children, but it aired on Nickelodeon in the afternoon, so we watched it. And this is poignant as hell-

R-E-C-Y-C-L-E Recycle!
C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E Conserve!
Don't you P-O-L-L-U-T-E. Pollute the rivers, sky, or sea. Or else you're gonna get what you deserve

...I still sing it to myself sadly when I read the news sometimes.

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I imagine, with that heritage, every part of you is in constant rebellion against the British!

I think honk transcends linguistic boundaries.