
3 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The same Zuck that is training "AI" off their platform's user data?

So you removed all of the windows 11 from the windows 11, sounds pretty tolerable.

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There can be Jews that are not Zionist? This business is Jewish owned, sure, but maybe they don't support the genocide of children.

Check out the OpenWRT Table of Hardware, it has a list of firmware mod-able off the shelf WiFi routers that work with, you guessed it, OpenWRT. It's rather versatile as it's Linux based and can handle VLANs, multiple SSIDs, and of course, you can change the DNS servers.

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Meh I already threw the game, 2025 will be my year tbh

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Perfect, even more reason for me to keep my gaming rig on Windows 10. Seriously why would anyone consider using 11 at this point when all it is at this point is a glorified reskin with "AI" bits and pieces sprinkled on.

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99% of gamblers quit before they win big 🤑🤑

Haha April fools, right? Right??

Nobody is saying Hamas isn't using civilians as human shields, they're just saying that it doesn't justify bombing civilians...

فلسطين حرة 🇵🇸 Слава Україні 🇺🇦

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It's a version name? The name of their OS is Vanilla OS and it's the second version.

wait wait wait people actually just look up??? like i thought that it was always the second one. i guess the explanation helps, cause I defo didn't see it when I first heard it lol

He's going to JESU 24


I'd recommend an x86 board because as great as the RPI and similar can be, ARM just doesn't have the same support for a lot of things you might want to self host. I personally like to spring for a used thinclient PC off of eBay, because they have about the same resources as a Raspberry Pi but on an x86 platform. With my thin clients I typically install Alpine but a really light Debian install could work as well, and then from there you can go about installing Docker etc for a little homelab. Even better, if you get lucky and get a couple of them you could mess around with clustering them and some light Kubernetes at home. I've got mine running PiHole and Unbound on Alpine to serve my whole house with DNS and it works great. I don't think I've had hardly any downtime issues or anything of that sort.

TL;DR: try a couple cheap thin clients from eBay and you can run some light stuff on them for cheap.

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biggest montana crime of 2023

Their Matrix bridge is open source, and (at least they claim) everything is E2E encrypted. I love Beeper, and as unstable of a service as it is, it's still really great and I fully trust it with my messages. Waited 2 years for this service and I'm gonna use it lol.

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You're technically right but discord really doesn't care as long as you're not doing anything harmful with the client mods. Big YouTubers like No Text To Speech publicly promote and use Vencord and never get banned, I think his server is even a discord partner.

If you want a real fully featured solution, the Home Assistant companion is capable of location tracking and I believe you can send events that push an update, although it may not be accurate. There is also Locate My Device which I'm pretty sure is FOSS and works over SMS, a much lighter solution for your problem but not as convenient with like a Web UI and some such.

Tech enthusiast here! If you say AI in any context of current technology you're either severely uninformed or grifting. There is no AI, it's all machine learning. Adam may have been in the uninformed group, but he's still been more right about "AI" than anyone else recently. Machine learning ≠ Artificial Intelligence, and if you think otherwise, you don't know what you're talking about. Read some of the white papers, and don't use the term AI, please.

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checks out 1000006008

pacman -Sy base-devil ‼️‼️

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I don't care what gender you are, put on the maid outfit

Not an eli5 because I'm still not caught up on it but if my memory serves, RISC-V is an open source architecture for processors, basically like amd64 or arm64, actually I'm pretty sure ARM's chips are RISC derivatives.

Edit: correcting my comment, ARM makes RISC chips, not RISC-V

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but but muh thermodynamics

I think a lot of payment gateways require you to use your legal name, so if someone hasn't gone through all the paperwork legally then your PayPal will have to say whatever is on your birth certificate

Cannibalism happens all the time in nature? Some animals eat their own children, humans are animals that do cannibalism on occasion, yes it's fucked up that we are feeding dead diseased pigs to other pigs but lots of things are fucked up too, and saying that cannibalism doesn't happen in nature isn't helping to solve the issue here.

Idk about the mobile release but wasn't roller coaster tycoon written mostly by hand in assembly? I'm probably wrong but I feel like that could be why, not arbitrary for that game lol

womp womp

Not necessarily a parody but usually these kind of propaganda posters are anti drunk driving, this one is for it.

Thanks for the insight, ElPussyKangaroo

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Their products have become pretty junk as of recent, at least on the consumer side. I hear good things about their enterprise devices.

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Yes other people are suffering, but can we just let people care about things? My dad read Perry's book and felt real emotional attachment to the man, through both their struggles with addiction and mental health. He was completely devastated when we heard about this. Yes there is worse shit to talk about in this world, but Mathew Perry meant a lot to some people, in his acting career and otherwise.

I waited for ~2 years to get onboard and just having the ability to use iMessage on my Pixel 6 has made it worthwile. Plus the tight integration with other services and being able to use it to sync SMS between devices is like Apple level. It's probably not the best service for certain aspects (e.g. privacy, they say it's E2E but who knows what their stack is), but the secret sauce that is the app just ties it all together so well. Plus, they have support built right into that app via a private Matrix Room and a REAL PERSON will respond to almost any query within a couple minutes. I accidentally sent a DM request to the CEO and he replied in like 3 minutes. If you want to skip the line I can give you my invite code so you can try it out.

Doesn't docker have a flag for limiting system usage? Like max mem, cores/threads etc? I swear I remember using something like this before.

I do have an RSS feed! It's https://floridaman7588.me/feed.xml I should probably put it in a more obvious place on my site tho, haha. And thanks for reading!

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there are lots of cheap domain registrar options but if you're looking for a cheap .com I always go for cloudflare, they also offer .org for pretty cheap and many other options as well. The domains other than the common ones are pretty decently priced as well. I migrated all my domains there last year and it's really simple, integrates with their DNS really well and payment is pretty streamlined.

tl;dr, you're right but I'm more concerned about the media and lay people misusing the term, and it just annoys me personally too

I am sorry, I should've been more clear, and I do genuinely appreciate your comment as it is very useful information. I am referring to lay people using the term 'AI'. These institutions and individuals, who I agree are the most trusted on the topic, use the term because it is becoming the term broadly recognized. I have no problem with these people using the term, because they are aware of the context they use it in. I have a problem with people who are not versed in the topic using it, and that is what I agree with Connover on. When the media, and more broadly the general public, use the term AI, they are usually considering it to be a big spooky thing that could come for everyone's jobs, and especially on the Internet the term is used to perpetuate a grift. I don't wish to argue either, I just wanted to append this to clear up what I meant. And don't get me wrong, I'm no expert on the topic, as much as I made it sound like that, I'm just tired of the media and the actual grifters misusing the term without actually understanding the connotations. Artificial Intelligence sounds like something that can replace a human mind, and to some extent, a lot of generative LLMs can do that, but they aren't intelligent, they are just large algorithmic guessing machines, and using AI just feels to me to be misleading in that sense. I know this comes down to personal opinion in the end, at least on my part, but you are right, and I'm just tired of hearing people spout about AI like it's some existential threat as it is now.

Wow that ran on, sorry if you read the whole thing lol. Also you don't gotta reply, I just wanted to clarify what I really meant to say.

Also ETA: sorry I sounded so snarky, I'm just so tired of this whole topic

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As recommended by others, you might want to use a real public domain that you own, and a reverse proxy for split horizon DNS. I personally run Bind9, Unbound, and PiHole as my DNS servers. Bind9 handles split horizon, so if I request my domain internally it gets routed through Bind. Then bind hands it off to PiHole for adblocking, and PiHole makes requests through Unbound set up as a recursive DNS server which doesn't rely on any external DNS. I also use Traefik as a reverse proxy for all of my services. My set up is more complicated than necessary, and if you want just a few local domains, PiHole + a reverse proxy is plenty good for your needs.

this is how my day to day looks word up 😔✊🗣️🗣️‼️