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Joined 12 months ago

Talk about a reverse UNO card.

Can we boycot the companies that do this already. I get the AC IP is nice, I've certainly enjoyed my fair share of their games.

But the ad industry is completely getting derailed. What's next ? Watch a 15s promo video every time you want to open te fridge? Watch a promo video before you can open the door?

Have your walls randomly show you ads?

Stop buying their shit. Regardless of how decent the game is. Punish them for the predatory practices. Demand refunds.

But no. People will likely be outraged, and then next game angry and then the next game they'll suck it all up and complain about the good all days.


22 more...

It enticed me to start gaming on Linux. So its definitely doing some enticing

23 more...

Now only 1400$ a month to watch any show at 480p! Upgrade now to 2100$ per month for the high resolution videos? Can't afford it? Just get another job you lazy hobo!

3 more...

Lets get one thing straight.

This is rarely ever the developer and more a business stakeholder forcing you to push the Friday deploy button.

I've had somebody in the business escalating to my team lead, head of development and CIO because i flat out refused to deploy something on Friday at 16h.

So no. This is not the developer making a hard choice. There should be somebody coercing or forcing him to push the deploy button.

11 more...

I had dabbled in gaming on Linux but never made the jump. After reading about recall I spent a week making my choice on OS of choice ( and then I switched a week after :') ).

I'm fully on Linux now. Even if they fully back down from windows recall I dont need an OS that's trying to sell me something based on whatever I do in it.

It was my final straw as well.

Edit: and it hasn't really been bad either. The shader compilation after every gfx driver update is a bit annoying. That's about it.

I'll probably run into something at one point. Like some anti cheat that doesn't work and is preventing me from playing the game.

14 more...

Their publisher decided it. And it's probably in the contract. Apparently it was originally a requirement, but was made skippable when there were login issues.

The only thing they proved by making ot skippable is that it wasnt even necessary at all. The reason they're giving for making it mandatory ( for security and being able to ban for griefing ) is bullshit. Not to mention They're already using a super invasive anti cheat, which apparently isn't capable of catching any cheaters.

1 more...

This would have been less of an issue if it remained enforced from the start. Re-enforcing it after demonstrating it clearly works without makes it look scummy and greedy. People could also easily refund if they didn't agree. Now its too late.

For a lot of people it now looks as: now that the game is a success we want to collect everybody their data as well so we can make even more money.

Tbh, other games just require a 3rd party account without linking them explicitly. This requires an actual link which ( likely ) gives them access to a lot of your steam information which you'd rather NOT give to a corp that doesn't seem capable at guarding people their data.

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I hope gamers will unite. Though it seems far more likely that kids will just buy it because "wooooo hype. Who cares about ads, I already watch a bazillion a day when doomscrolling Instagram".

9 more...

Here's a License change which implies we're datafarming all your assets.

Here's my word that we're absolutely not goijf to be doing that. Trust me bro.

Tuxedo computers could be a good fit I think? It's like system76, but from Germany. You can pick from a few OS including an Ubuntu fork they made ( tuxedo os ). You can tweak the laptop yourself ( different you/CPUs/disk sizes/... ) to fit your use case.


Personally I've never bought there, but a friend of mine has and he's happy with his purchase.

Note: I do not work for them, or am affiliated with them in any way.

2 more...

Disappointed in jetbrains here. What the hell are they thinking. Next up maybe sue some torrent client or the Tor browser because you're able to access jetbrains keys that way.

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Maybe they can sack the studio pre release. That gave some of their other games some more attention /s

What's this? Oh no! The consequences of my actions!

I wish I could actually vote for the pirate party. But I can't here. Didn't show up in the election list. They were 2 or elections ago

1 more...

This. They're definitely barking up the wrong tree here. The problem isn't that government agencies can simply buy it from brokers. The problem is that companies and data brokers can collect all this data in the first place.

110/130 for a game? I'm looking forward to the articles saying gaming is dead because people no longer buy 'premium" games.

Or that people are only interested in free games with lottery and gambling mechanics because nobody is apparently paying 100+ for a game.

And this way you'll be sure the intermediate site isn't also scraping your data.

Sounds more like a "till death do us part" rather than a long time partner to me :/

I was ridiculed for wearing a cheap shirt to my dissertation defense in college by somebody wearing a Hugo boss shirt.

I figured I could buy 10 shirts for the duration of his one shirt. He bent over to tie his shoe and the shirt ripped.

All was well that day.

I agree with the search engine lamenting. In the past I could just paste the terraform resource name in Google and the first hit would be the doc page. Now it doesn't even deliver me with anything useful 90% of the time.

Google search results really are turning/have turned to s***. Ive gotten better search results out of gpt4 than out of google. And all the "best x" or "best alternatives to y" are just clickbait sites nowadays...

Ironically the web worked better without SEO I guess? Either that or all the content just became rubbish to lure people to add infested clickbait sites harvesting information and serving adds.

Very sorry! The complaints ended up in the 'shred' pile instead of the 'to process' pile. Must have been one of the interns.


I still dislike clowns to this day.

5 more...

Maybe ahsoka had one lying on the ship?

6 more...

I'm all for it as long as you keep using your brain. Coworker of mine set something upn on AWS that wasn't working. Going through it I found the error. He said he tried it using chatgpt. He knows how to do it himself, he knows the actual mistake was a mistake, but he trusted Amazon Q when it said the mistake was correct. Even when double checking.

Trust, but verify.

I found it to be a helpful tool in your toolkit. Just like being able to write effective search queries is. Copying scripts off the internet and running them blindly is a bad idea. The same thing holds up for LLMs.

It may seem like it knows what it's talking about, but it can often talk out of its arse too...

I've personally had good results with 3.5 on the free tier. Unless you're really looking for the latest data

Driving 120km/h on the highway, upwind, uphill, airco usage all decrease your battery more than driving in ideal conditions.

The WLTP is a scam number because ( the way I see it ) it's how far your car can drive on a perfectly straight piece of road with a slight breeze from behind in the perfect temperature. Conditions which are never met in real life.

In my old diesel car the usage between 120 and 90 km/h on a highway was neglectable. It's the difference between 5.5/100km and 5.7l/100km.

Driving 90km/h on a highway vs 120 will probably easily make 100km range difference in a Tesla...

There's a button on the Tesla where you fan see the estimated range based on your current power usage as well as what you're losing power too ( acceleration/wind/uphill/... ).

I'm not defending it. It's just not as straightforward because it depends on more than your petrol car.

Tesla model 3 long-range has a WLTP of ~600km. I think the furthest I'd give it is 450-500 in summer and ~ 400-450 in winter ( on a 100% charge). Normally you'd only charge it to 90% to increase battery lifetime unless you're going on long trips.

Not to mention the power your car loses just standing on your porch...

3 more...

Apparently they recently updated the store to no longer sell in unavailable psn regions.

I always thought it was weird try and get your job back that way. Some severance payout I can understand. An conviction of the company and a fine to be paid to you ( the unfairly fired workers ) . also yes.

But your job back? They're going to find a way to fire you legally one way or the other. Or deny you any kind of promotion(title or financially ). Heck, make your life hell while working there. Or include you in the next downsizing they do. Why no just sue for money due to unlawful termination?

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Meanwhile in Belgium:

We have this! You just work your 5 day hours (38) in 4 days!

Of course they got it wrong :'(

I actually discovered some interesting things in google play music back in the day. The play random music button actually had a few golden moments too.

Spotify just..... Feeds me what I'm already listening too. The discover weekly suggestions are usually useless for me.

YouTube music is just worse than GPM too.

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Good thing by then we'll have oracle LLM. You may only use it for writing software. But we'll definitely charge you for answering questions about life the universe and everything.

That'll be all your profit this year minus the C-level bonuses please.

Average CTO: what a steal!

Right. I really need to delete my sleeping twitter account.

Get off the gaming market EA.

I can't believe I'm actually going to have to become a retro gamer. Sigh.

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The company that published the game likely updated the region it can be sold in. Steam just offers a platform.

Steam/valve is literally not to blame at all for any of this. Do you work for epic games or something?

I'm all for putting the blame where it needs to be, but you're just shooting at all parties involved indiscriminately. Like blaming a rental company for a death in a traffic accident because they own the car.

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They dont need to know any commands.

Everything in Linux is point and click. There's an app store where you'll find everything you'll need. You will not need to open the terminal at all. All drivers will get installed through the OS.

Only things which do not work are the keyboard software and stuff to map macros to your keys and/or mouse buttons ans tweak the colours. Like the Razor software.

Distros like Ubuntu, popos, Linux mint are incredibly beginner friendly. There are, without a doubt, others.

They didn't need to know any cmd/powershell commands using windows and they definitely don't need to know how to use a Linux terminal to browse/mail/install software on Linux.

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It's a Jedi ship. It's got a workbench with the materials and tools to build a lightsaber. Is it really that far fetched that she might store a kyber crystal in there somewhere as well?

Or that she has a spare lying around in case she lost one of hers so she can build a new one?

She even has huyang on board. Maybe they flew out and got some at one point. Maybe it's a crystal from a lightsaber she collected from a Jedi that died.

Maybe it's from her original lightsaber.

Plenty of plausible reasons why she could own another crystal.

2 more...

Fucking Asus transformer pad.

Please send it back for free and we'll check if the damage is under warranty. If not you'll need to pay 50$>to get your device back.

FUCK. OFF. Ship it back for free if it isn't under warranty. Or have a contract with a shop nearby that can determine if it's under warranty.

Last time I bought anything Asus.

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Must be the evidence was more damning than the SCT of destroying evidence

The main setup went smooth. I can recommend nobara which is what I used. I tried garuda as well, but it wasn't my style. Personal preference, no hate :).

Most steam games work pretty good ( see protondb ). ( make sure to set your steam settings > compatibility to all games ).

Any game with invasive anti-cheat will likely not work. LoL and valorant come to mind. I think some of the cs2 ones like faceit won't work on Linux. But standard cs2 and competitive work fine.

Battle.net gave me some issues on lutris until I forced it to proton.

Overall I've had a good experience. Sometimes a weird issue if I alt tab ( hots ) that it comes back super tiny. I worked around it by running it windowed fullscreen.

Overall I've no regrets so far. I installed nobara and it's quite user friendly. I've never used a fedora distro before ( more extensive experience with xubuntu/Ubuntu/pop ).

Helldivers 2, heroes of the storm and ff crisis core worked flawlessly.

Hots needs to run full screen ( windowed ) or alt-tab will make the screen tiny for some reason.

So far: no regrets.

When you first play a game it needs to compile the shaders first. So on your initial game there's a few minutes ramp up time. But any next times you start the game should be fine.

6 more...

unintelligible screaming