4 Post – 198 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

aka,, and any username from

That's a very positive spin on quite a shitty situation (especially if goes kaputt)

25 more... deleted their copy of it (due to site rules, and prompted by a concerned Internet citizen)

It's probably the biggest Community in all of Lemmy, so the ramifications will be interesting.

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I changed the link to nbcnews rather than businessinsider - I tested it but the paywall on there is sneaky.

The full memo is:

Dear Vice Team,

As we navigate the ever-evolving business landscape, we need to adapt and best align our strategies to be more competitive in the long term. After careful consideration and discussion with the board, we have decided to make some fundamental changes to our strategic vision at Vice.

We create and produce outstanding original content true to the Vice brand. However, it is no longer cost-effective for us to distribute our digital content the way we have done previously.

Moving forward, we will look to partner with established media companies to distribute our digital content, including news, on their global platforms, as we fully transition to a studio model. As part of this shift, we will no longer publish content on, instead putting more emphasis on our social channels as we accelerate our discussions with partners to take our content to where it will be viewed most broadly.

Separately, Refinery 29 will continue to operate as a standalone diversified digital publishing business, creating engaging, social first content. As you know, we are in advanced discussions to sell this business, and we are continuing with that process. We expect to announce more on that in the coming weeks.

With this strategic shift comes the need to realign our resources and streamline our overall operations at Vice. Regrettably, this means that we will be reducing our workforce, eliminating several hundred positions. This decision was not made lightly, and I understand the significant impact it will have on those affected. Employees who will be affected will notified about next steps early next week, consistent with local laws and practices.

I know that saying goodbye to our valued colleagues is difficult and feels overwhelming, but this is the best path forward for Vice as we position the company for long-term creative and financial success. Our financial partners are supportive and have agreed to invest in this operating model going forward. We will emerge stronger and more resilient as we embark on this new phase of our journey.

Thank you for your continued dedication to Vice and support during this time of transition.

Together, I am confident that we will overcome any challenges and achieve our shared goals.


TempleOS. All other operating systems are sinful.

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I always took the term 'bullshit jobs' to refer to jobs that produce something that society doesn't really require, and typically only exists because they need someone to deal with the output of someone else's bullshit job.

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New home: !

Will probably post to both for a while, until we have some kind of resolution.

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It can certainly seem that way sometimes. Shows like The Handmaid's Tale have been circling the drain of their own premise for a few years now. A big part of it, I think, is that they want to keep their main cast for as long as possible, which limits the options of what can happen.

Give me a mini-series, or even an anthology series, any day.

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Have you perhaps considered blocking the screen with a big piece of cardboard? No coding required.

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It's also surreal (for a different reason), to hear lines like

Why attack Russia? Aren't they our friends now?

from Terminator 2.

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The state of Star Trek on Lemmy:, 122 subscribers, 10 posts, 463 subscribers, 139 posts, 1015 subscribers, 48 posts, 73 subscribers, 5 posts, 157 subscribers, 16 posts, 582 subscribers, 33 posts, 7567 subscribers, 375 posts, 55 subscribers, 15 posts

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This was always an impressive emulator - it was originally made for the Open Pandora (an ARM-based mini-computer not much bigger than a DS). It's always been free for that - it's just, you know, you'd have to own an Open Pandora (I do!)

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Oh boy, the 'true' versions of Communities have started.

Other options would have been to have unpopularopinion@any.other.instance or resurrect the one at

There's also one at exploding-heads, but I assume their version is full of posts about trying out empathy and understanding.

You seem to have stumbled into the Man-O-Sphere. They win when young men watch them, they win when others bring them up to discuss how terrible they are. I shouldn't even know who 'Tate' is.

Good luck unfucking your algorithm.

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True. It might have been better though if the Lemmy devs hadn't been such cheapskates and forked over the 10 bucks it takes to get a domain name that isn't sketchy.

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It's partly an issue of keys. Every fediverse actor has a private key and a public key. When my instance sends this to, it's signed by my private key, and uses my public key to verify it. When sends this comment out, it uses it's own private key to sign it. It can't just re-transmit my comment, because it doesn't have my private key. All it can do is Announce that I've made the comment (and sign the Announce).

Mastodon treats Announces as Boosts, so every post/comment is interpreted as a thing that has boosted, so you get all these un-connected posts appearing. I think it's mostly up to Mastodon to remedy.

It works better if a Mastodon actor posts into a Lemmy community, then you get the mix like you imagine. e.g.: (this particular post was crowbarred into Lemmy via !, but it would be the same if the author had done it.)

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'Cos they were free.

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It's maybe an idea to filter out communities with less than 10 posts.

When I tried it, it gave me a community with 1 post and no comments (there's a lot of dead communities on lemmy, so you might need to do something to increase the chance of an interesting response)

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Star Wars is a mash-up of Sci-Fi and Fantasy - Luke isn't a superhero, he's a wizard (in the same you wouldn't call Gandalf a superhero).

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I just saw the same user on the star trek instance, accusing them of being into 'nerd shit'

It's doubtful they posted to .world with genuine concerns. They just seem like an agent of chaos.

This is too much of a minefield to wade into, but I suppose if you're on blahaj and disagree, transfer your subs to a new instance that federates with both, and you won't notice the difference from before.

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Ooof. That makes me feel better about that time I accidentally brought 'Test Post 1' into production by commenting on it.

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It wouldn't let you log in at all if you didn't. It's devine 2FA.

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Unrelated to your question, but you seem to have ticked the option in your settings that indicate that you are a bot, so anyone with a blanket ban on bots won't see anything you write.

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'Cos it marks the spot where he buried all his treasure, amirite?

Hey, that's not true. They also had posts complaining about trans people existing and Star Trek fans being nerds. Still, it's admirable - in a way - the effect they had: I ask the admins for updates on fixing their technical issues, and get no reply. This guy makes one post, and they all leap into action.

I'm using it right now on

It's beautiful yes, but it's also kinda dumb. Lots of page elements (like the community banner and notifications section) need manually refreshing to show anything, and I need to press 'Go' after changing view (like Subscribed/All or Hot/New) like the web of ancient times. This may just be how it's implemented at endlesstalk, but there's other irritations like not having the option to upload a picture when creating posts, and it not actually doing anything if I change my settings to toggle 'Show NSFW'

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I haven't spent much time with Tildes, but I noticed that they have least tried to address the problems with Reddit, rather than just be clone.

One example is putting the 'Add Comment' button at the very bottom of the screen, encouraging you to read existing comments before you make your own. Another is the use of labels, included 'noise' and 'malice', so that comments can be hidden from other users with a bit more nuance than a downvote, and 'exemplary' - which, if enough people use it - will promote a particularly insightful comment.

It does intrigue me, because I don't think the only issues with Reddit were ads and the actions of a pesky CEO.

Although it can feel like "A link aggregator for people reluctant to click on external links"

Well, personally I use IRC to steal media, but I realise that's not why you're asking.

I suppose the reason people might use it for chat is that it's been around a long time, so there's clients (with endless plugins) that do exactly what people want, and it's all simple, text-based often unencrypted stuff, so it's easy to write bots for (that might notify you of something, for example)

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An interesting thing about Lemmy is that if you delete your comment, it also nukes every comment underneath it. So if you say something, and then people are giving you a hard time about it, and then you go out for a walk and are still annoyed about it, you can self-destruct and take them with you (this isn't based on a true story of course, but if it was, I'd say it's terrible in that it discourages engagement and deletes someone else's actually-correct info, but it's a good way to get over it all)

I'm gonna find this guy's image ... ... nope ... nope ... nope ... nope

Mmm, I'm sure it won't take long. Just have to remember to do it all again for .jpg, .webp, and .png.

Anyway, I'll let you know when I get it.

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log into, ideally from a browser, not an app or a frontend, click your account in the top-right and choose settings. Then it's this one:

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It doesn't look like there's anything official. Closest community is, I guess, !

I watched a video from Gibi ASMR, who's getting tats all over her legs. For the one behind her knee, she spent time after with her leg in a splint, 'cos she was worried that bending her leg would affect the tattoo whilst it was healing.

You could be banned yes, because it would be that would be kicked. To see the effect of this, compare ! with's version of it - - (all the posts by banned user are missing)

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Looks like it. The hubris!

Linux apps:

Lemoa GTK client
Lemonade GTK4 client

Of them, only Servitor is a command-line client. All the links are to GitHub though, I don't any have made their way to Debian repos.

I don't think it's technically impossible - all the information that another site needs to properly interpret some activity is in the JSON that's sent. I get the sense that it might be unrealistic to expect Mastodon to make the necessary changes though. It seems more of a political issue than a technical one.

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