England's red card offense against Nigeria in the World Cup

freamon@endlesstalk.org to pics@lemmy.world – 627 points –

English colonialism all over again.

Good thing India has an awful football team.

They make up for it at cricket

That they do. Im guessing it’s just a cultural thing because there is no way that 11 humans good at football don’t exist in that massive population.

Did you see the Chinese women's team play? England beat them 6-1

Wow that is a thing right? I have two co-workers from India who are obsessed with cricket. I thought "what a coincidence". I guess not.

Most commonwealth nations are, bar Canada, they got into yank sports instead.

Canada is just British-flavoured America

Canada could have had the British refinement with American technology and French cuisine. Instead they got French technology, British cuisine and American refinement

Bad foul. Red card definitely deserved.

Not a foul. Play had stopped. This was violent conduct.

Oh, if that's the case then an automatic 5 match ban imo. no place for it in the game

Does the one on the ground really need to be smoking?

Depending on how long the other lady has been standing on her, might as well take a quick smoke break.

Time for a quick rendition of "I'm on smoko, leave me alone".

Didn't realize you meant cigarettes at first

Those cheeks though NGL


attraction makes you a weirdo

Anybody who has ever been in a relationship is a weirdo I guess

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Video for those that'd like to see it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfDV\_bTCGUw

Eesh. That video is damning. I don't even watch soccer/futbol and that's pretty egregious in the replay. She pushed off her back, then stepped on it... Not an accident

Here is an alternative Piped link(s): https://piped.video/watch?v=dfDV


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Video not available in my country in the original link and it seems Piped couldn’t get it to work either.

Canadian problems :( and probably Australia too.

So many sports clips straight up not available here.

The piped worked for me in Australia, OG link did not

Alternate link for those of us who got "uploader has not made this video available in your country" errors


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This looks like as if she already knew this is going to be a bad day when she got up in the morning and now she has proof.

At least try to not make it so obvious lol

I love the artists vision of post modern symbolism to depict aggressive colonialism... o wait this is from a dam football game. The world repeats itself.

I dunno, in the full speed, it looks unintentional, like she was getting up and stumbled, and the foot went down. But in slow speed it looks intentional.

I dunno. If the other player had the time to give a "what the shit?" shrug, I feel like it had to be at least long enough to be intentional.

And you can say that football players are dramatic with injury, but I'd expect to see more of a pained scream if that were the case.

If that happened to Neymar, the game would have to go overtime for so long that Michael Ende would sue the FIFA for copyright infringement.

The shrug is before the stomp. In the video she obviously complains when she is stood on, but the commonly shared still is mid-stomp before the player has had time to react to the pain.

It seems like an extra little retaliatory step after the other player held her back. Not sure how the holding back wasn't a foul too.

I disagree, it looks fully intentional at full speed. There's no hint of a stumble, and there's no reason she should need to place her foot down there. She knows exactly where the other player is and chooses to stand / stomp on her.

The officials all agree, it was a definite red card for violent conduct.

Could be, I'm not claiming a magic eye here :)

And I don't know enough about football to claim competence, much less expertise.

If you don't watch it regularly you probably underestimate the body control and awareness the players have. A normal person might accidentally stumble and step on someone else getting up. But, players at that level don't really do that.

This is a top tier comedic foul but nothing will ever top this big Sam situation.

Although she doesn’t seem to mind it.

Timing. She was shrugging due to the outcome of the initial contact in which they both fell, not getting stepped on. She gave the proper "hey, ref, are you seeing this shit?" response after this.

Ayoooo she racist and shit