4 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Are we the baddies?

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How on earth does google, the inventor of transformer ends up having to buy up their way into Gpts? Honestly it seems to me that silicon valley is a massive money laundromat

The website and the agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Republic of Finland Suomen.

Where are you guys based? Ultimately there is only one legal jurisdiction that applies here

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This is turning to one of the most amoral 'justified' wars in history

This is an 100 year conflict, all the good guys are dead.

Why do people feel this need to be good/bad. Everybody knows by now how complex is the middle east

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It's hard for AI to beat charlie brooker, it can beat a lot of other people though

The value of gpts is in constant connection and undestanding your context so this is expected. It's also going to be really scary until we can run our own models.

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It's as if Israel wants to create a giant new generation of terrorists. So they can test their new weapons on them. Maybe that's the plan in this festival of cynicism

Newsweek doesn't want celebrities to defend the most basic human right for fear of ... losing followers. The horror

So now that the whole advanced world is supporting (fervently in some cases) this ethnic cleansing, how do we move forward? It is clear that palestinians will not remain the area, the question is whether to kill them all, or to exile them.

Considering that this is a (heavily) US-backed ethnic cleansing , it is only fair that the palestinians be cleansed into Jordan, which is the US protectorate in the area. One can understand why Egyptians (one of the few actual nation-states in the region) don't want 2 million refugees, so there seems to be no other option. The US should come forward and start discussing this. The option to turn millions of palestinians to the EU as refugees is not going to be met with the passivity that the waves of immigrants of syrians, afghans, africans and ukrainians have. I think people can see the pattern here, the continuation of the Cold War, when europe acts as a bulwark for the US , taking all the damage for the shit the US does.

It's not really israeli but US propaganda at this point. On reddit it's clear what s the editorial line of most moderators

Interesting that the same record happened in neighbouring greece. Interesting to see if there are regional dynamics in this? Humans are influenced by their physical surrounding

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armchair reporting from hypothetical Gaza in the universe of spherical cows

of course he will, he wasnt even getting paid

Of course not. It's voluntary tourism and bomb-assisted suicide

he had a right to self defense in the land he occupied

an eye for a large number of eyes, a tooth for a huge number of teeth. isn't that what God commanded?

That s such a cynical admission but also very stupid. In order to kill 1 terrorist, you just created 300. Very smart.

By the same logic btw, a dozen nukes would be enough to ensure that no terrorists survive, until the cockroaches invent molotov cocktails

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the legitimacy of western hegemony is seriously tested here

There are plenty of open source GPTs and they are pretty good. It's only a matter of time

I had to tolerate them only because they came with new PC. I needed all sorts of utilities to reverse my taskbar. I want Win7 back

we are never the baddies!!1

bingo sir. it wont stop until we hear "death to palestinians"

It's obviously not definite. But neither is Israel's evidence , which is the same evidence.

I think israel and the USA know, they have eyes everywhere, satellites, starlink, awacs, drones. There is definitely proof of who did this. Since israel has failed to provide that proof, i tend to believe they want to hide the truth until a later date when it won't matter anymore.

held to higher standard? As if , people are justifying the destruction of synagogues in 1948?

What would be the normal standard then? You are saying it's justified as some kind of retribution? what nonsense is this

Bard is not bad . They must know something we don't know or some other kind of machinations here

you shouldn't do that then

restraint in what?

"Kill 20% less civilians please' . What fuckin dumb rhetoric is this. It's like we live the end of times and words have lost meaning

What kind of restraint can israel have? if hamas was 1% of the population, after all these atrocities it will be 99% of the population. Imagine someone killing your children and then you re supposed to go on living your life because "well shit happened".

Israel has an incentive to exterminate a very large part of the population, especially the young male population before this is over to weaken the next hamas. If they have another plan for post-war life, it's not clear how they imagine life with palestinians near or far.

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How do you know we are real?

good thing that it is tiny so it is not affected by the DSA

Housing definitely plays a role. Or to be more precise, the culture of housing in your neighborhood.

If we all moved near the romani shantytowns, our birth rate would skyrocket 10x

Oof. I got banned on reddit once for saying that stewart is no longer as good as i remember (but it was in a thread about some trans-issue so of course the mods went full hitler).

To be honest i don't understand what he was expecting to happen in such a highly sanitized garden as apple's. It's so clearly not made for him

It's a common justification given, but it's not true. The same happened in almost every advanced european society in the 80s, when things weren't unaffordable. Urbanization is probably the largest contributor to this, because children are absolutely optional in city dwellers.

We should stop pretending we can reverse this trend, and the whole doom-saying around it. Instead southern europe needs to plan for the medium-term future, which necessarily include the transformation/abolition of the unsustainable welfare state paradigm built in the 80s.

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there were . Does dailymotion still even exist?

It's easier than ever to host things now, but EU laws ensure it would be sued to oblivion and die within a month.

Now that biden has left the area the media will change the narrative again because more and more evidence coming forward shows that it wasn't a hamas rocket that did it

and just listen to this sound:

This wouldn't be the first time that either side denies the attack, and months later the truth comes out.

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Who are they overwhelming? The words must have meaning

united states internal news ....

Though TBH i don't understand what qualifies as "world news" here. Lemmy is not american

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This is frivolous and ridiculous.

If europeans had spent as much time building youtube competitors as they spent trying to find holes to litigate, europe would be richer

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