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Joined 4 months ago

Let me ask friend in the CCP to send some of their files over for you to look at, it's all very open and well documented.

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Tag them "shill" so you can save yourself some effort in the future

They're paid to spread disinformation, not understand memes.

Mine did as soon as I saw Lemmy.ml

Yeah, the software is set up so that even if you block an instance you still see comments from their accounts on other instances.

After so many positive experiences with the charming and wholesome company Meta, now this completely out of the blue...

Lemmy.ml is a cancer on the Fediverse. If we want it to survive, we need to cut it off.

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I just ignore any new Google service these days. Unreliability isn't even as much of a concern as privacy.

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"You better watch out!!! We're getting our military crushed, and if you join in we'll get our military even more crushed by you!"

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Thanks Biden.

The Kremlin has been fucking with the US' elections for a decade. Pretty sure they already considered them an enemy.

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This seems to be the sad realpolitik truth. It explains how some of the aid has been given.

Enough to keep grinding down the Kremlin's war machine, not enough to actually take the Kremlin out of the fight.

In a more utilitarian analysis, this might be the best for the greatest number of people. From an empathetic human perspective... it's pretty fucking dark to see young Ukrainian men dying for this. Still better than living under the Kremlin's boot.


They're not, that's just a cover for spreading CCP propaganda.

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The Kremlin is pumping social media full of anti-Biden propaganda, using Israel's genocide as a wedge to split the Democratic vote so they can get Trump elected again.

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Sounds like they're starting to lose control of the narrative at home, so they're trying to push the war away from the border while needing the resources elsewhere.

They sent their troops to dig radioactive trenches in Chernobyl, they don't really care about them.

A temporary improvement in the quality of his posts

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Social media disinformation campaigns from the Kremlin and possibly also the CCP.

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The entire board should go

...to prison.

God I'm tired of Lemmy.ml users

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Maybe they're involved, but a much bigger player pushing that line of reasoning is the Kremlin. They want to get Trump elected again so he cuts aid to Ukraine.

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Hi Dimitri 👋🏼

stay out of conflicts between other nations

Exactly. There's no way Hitler's will try to take Poland. Even if he does, it's not like the Nazis or Japanese would attack the US.

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More trash from Hexbear, what a surprise.

This is way, way worse than Afghanistan. They lost 20k troops in Afghanistan, and a small fraction of the equipment they've lost in Ukraine. How many A-50s and flagships did they lose back then? They're getting literally decimated or worse when you look at lost troops, jets, armor, and ships.

Afghanistan helped destabilize the USSR. Hopefully Ukraine destabilizes Russians current Mafia government and gives the Russians another shot at democracy.

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You're going to be waiting a long time to get reliable numbers out of the CCP.

Plenty of people try Lemmy then promptly leave when they realize it's run by "Marxists" (i.e. people pretending to Marxists as a facade for spreading CCP propaganda).

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They also do this to get kompromat. I suspect the Kremlin has evidence of Trump doing something obscene, and that's one of the main strings they have attached to him.

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The Russian economy is running hot, it's unhealthy and unsustainable. Even that ignores that they overshot their military budget last year and it was actually 6% of GDP.

Also, there will be serious long-term effects due to lack of workers. Millions have fled, died, or been permanently injured, and Russia was already facing a difficult demographic crunch.

They get paid to spread propaganda, not good grammar

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What a wonderful color blue that link is

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Love seeing people spread awareness of bunker fuel. It's absolutely terrible and would be illegal if humans were rational and wanted to survive as a species

A single large ship burning that shit pollutes as much as many millions of cars.

People on multiple subs are sick of their authoritarian propaganda, what a shock I'm so surprised oh wow

I'm just blocking the entire lemmy.ml instance. I've seen consistent problems from them, and nothing worth staying connected with.

Wish I could help you find alternative communities but I'm not sure about the ones you mentioned. They'll grow over time if Lemmy survives.

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The first wasn't coincidental. He said "hey they might murder me" then he died right before testifying.

You're right that they aren't real communists, that's a mask they wear to spread Kremlin and CCP propaganda.

The idea that they're run by the US government is ridiculous, they're full of hateful anti-Western content.

"First, it is imperative that we support Ukraine’s valiant effort to defend itself against Putin’s invasion. If Ukraine falls, it will be a signal to Putin that he can continue to expand his authoritarian aggression against democratic nations" -Bernie Sanders

An actual corporate fascist Kremlin shill?

More like CCP and propaganda enthusiasts

I have you tagged as Kremlin shill, so it's no surprise to see you here trying to get Trump elected.