Nikki Haley writes ‘finish them’ on IDF artillery shells during Israel visit to Not The – 725 points –
Nikki Haley writes ‘finish them’ on IDF artillery shells during Israel visit

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Maybe they're involved, but a much bigger player pushing that line of reasoning is the Kremlin. They want to get Trump elected again so he cuts aid to Ukraine.

And work to undermine NATO.

Plus, there's 4 years of new Top Secret info for Trump to turn over to Putin.

You think he'll give up power after four years? He's already actively undermining the US' democracy.

I was talking the last 4 years of Top Secret info created during the Biden administration. Because you know that Biden, unlike Trump, isn't giving away our Top Secret info to Putin. But, Trump will package it all up neatly with a bow, and hand it over to Putin the first chance he gets.