1 Post – 143 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

I've said this before, but Factorio is genuinely the only thing that has made me lose track of time before. When I'm goofing off into the wee hours of the night, normally I have a vague sense of time passing. I won't know what time it is, but I'll know that it's late and I should probably stop whatever it is I'm doing (and won't). And then I'll look at the clock and it's 2am-- late, but not surprising.

But then came Factorio. This was when I first started playing, around the time I just started making black science packs. I was refitting my bases to work with laser turrets, and making minor modifications here and there like upgrading from 2 saturated belts of iron to 4 and such. Nothing major. I'd just do these things, maybe an hour or two, and head to bed. So you can imagine my surprise when I look at the clock and it was 5:30 AM. I was baffled; I had no idea I'd spent that long modifying my base. Like 7 hours straight, no breaks. And then the exhaustion hit, and I saved and went immediately to bed.

Cracktorio man, the addiction is real.

This is all absurd, obviously, but:

The new subscription can be stacked with a Plus, Gold or Platinum subscription for access to more features, the company notes.

$499 and you don't even get everything there is to get? You still have to pay for more? What in the fuck?

Terraria is like the anti-modern game. They absolutely refuse to evilly monetize their game at all. The playerbase is almost on their knees, begging them to move on from Terraria and make something else (not because Terraria is bad, but they've been at it for over a decade!) and they continue to churn out updates. The fanbase voted for a set of features to appear in Terraria 2, which they then turned around and scrapped, and added it as an update to Terraria. And all their updates are always free. And can't forget about their amazing mod support.

And redigit is just, like, the man.

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"If I say I'll get something done, I'll get it done. No need to remind me every 6 months about it."

Naive, perhaps, but if a company advertises a service, they better fucking deliver on that service. Sure, I wouldn't store all of my important documents solely on a cloud service either, but let's not victim blame the guy here who paid for a service and was not given that service. Google's Enterprise plan promised unlimited data; whether that's 10 GB or 200 TB, that's not for us nor Google to judge. Unlimited means unlimited. And in an article linked in the OP, even customer service seemed to assure them that it was indeed unlimited, with no cap. And then pulled the rug.

And on top of that, according to the article, Google emailed them saying their account would be in "read-only" mode, as in, they could download the files but not upload any. Which is fine enough-- until Google contacted them saying they were using too much space and their files would all be deleted. Space that, again, was originally unlimited.

Judge the guy all you want, but don't blame him. Fuck Google, full stop.

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Calling Devolver Digital the "Cult of the Lamb publisher" is like calling Pixar the "Toy Story 4 creators". It's not untrue, but they're also known for publishing a lot of other things. But I get why they picked this game for the headline, it's in vogue right now.

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we stan wikis moving away from Fandom

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No, they're oat

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If you go during non-peak days and have a general game plan, it's not that bad. You can get a good amount of ride time going if you time your Fastpasses (they're free) good enough.

The pricetag, though, that's on you to decide. I like going, but I wouldn't go more than, like, once... a decade.

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tfw half life 1 gets an update before team fortress 2 does

In all seriousness, very excited to hop in and see what's new, I've never had the opportunity to play some of this content.

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We have a word for that too in English: Tuesday

I'm so incredibly fed up with freebooters, but what can one man do really?

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i hate that almost every moon knight panel posted on the internet is fake

the dracula one hurt the most

On places like 4chan, it's used as a kind of dogwhistle. For example:

My (((neighbor))) came to me the other day, and...

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FPGAs, love the damn things. They're circuits that you can re-program at will after they've been manufactured! If you build, like, a 2-input AND gate, that's all it will ever be. It can only take in 2 inputs and AND them together. But with an FPGA, they're manufactured to be versatile; you "program" the circuit you want to achieve onto the chip, and it will achieve that functionality! You can make a 2-input AND gate, slap it onto a bread board, and have yourself that nifty little AND gate, but if you later decide you wanted it to be a NAND gate, just reprogram the chip and like magic, what was once an AND gate is now a NAND gate. They're great!

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Fun fact: if you were to drink a cup of gasoline, it would have enough calories to sustain you for the rest of your life!

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As a computer engineer who works with FPGAs, thank you. I can't tell you how many times someone comes to me with a CS question and I'm like, I dunno! Ask a CS person! I hardly know Python. [Admittedly, I really should learn.]

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This didn't read like an ad at all. I don't think the company would want to push the fact that they can generate a burning world trade center or epstein's island.

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cool, but what about removable batteries

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But you shouldn't though, you shouldn't allow meat to enter the danger zone (40 °F - 140 °F / 4 °C - 60 °C) while defrosting. The cold meat and warm water yields lukewarm water, and if you let it sit for an hour, that's prime bacteria breeding grounds.

Run the meat over with some cold water and let it sit in a bowl filled with cold water for 30 minutes, and replace the water with new cold water every 30 minutes until defrosted.

The safest way to defrost meat though is in the refrigerator, throw it in there 24-48 hours before you plan on using it and you're golden.

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If you don't see the beauty in the orchestrated beauty of Excel macros and formulae, then there's no helping you.

I don't think the Venn diagram of War Thunder players and aerospace engineers (or whatever) is small at all. I mean, you can't help what you're into, and if you chose to study and/or work with planes, you probably like planes. Enough to play a video game about them. 3 out of the 7 aerospace engineers I know play War Thunder, which is not insignificant. (And 2 of those play KSP.) I mean, why do you think so many engineers in general play Factorio?

Now, within the group of War Thunder && Aerospace Engineers, there are obviously a few morons, as with any group. Enough to risk their jobs, yes, is surprising.

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As far as I understand it, in terms of physiology, aliens could and likely are different-looking than us humanoids. But in terms of biology, our best guesses are that aliens would also be carbon-based and drink water-- not because we're arrogant enough to assume that all life must be like us, but we have no evidence in any direction to prove or disprove that. We have to start somewhere, otherwise we'd be spreading way too thin. That's why we limit our search to Earth-like planets in the Goldilocks zone that could be capable of holding water-- again, not because we know aliens need water, but because if we don't start with that assumption, we'd get absolutely nowhere.

okbuddyphd, shittymobilegameads, pizzacrimes, garfieldwithoutgarfield, just all the really stupid obscure ones that give me a chuckle browsing through.

To me, what you're describing is exactly monogamy, but you're classifying it wrong. Sure, you have a lot of partners before you find your "the one". I've had 3 so far. But that doesn't exclude you from monogamy once you've had your first partner, which is what you brushed off in your first sentence. Monogamy is one partner at a time, not that you find one person at the very beginning and get it right the very first time.

The idea of finding "the one" is, to me, someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with. And it takes a long time to find that person. And there's more than one "the one" out there! I know that sounds contradictory, but come on, there's 8 billion people out there, any set of desirable traits you could write down are shared by who knows how many hundreds of thousands of people. So you date lots of people, get to know lots of people, and then when you find someone who checks all your checkboxes and who you can see living with til death do you part, then you stay with them.

One might say one person for who knows how many dozens of years could get boring, or that one person at a time is too restrictive. To them I'd say, that's fine, you're polyamorous or something of the sort, and that's okay. But to me, having one and just one partner is special. I'm entirely theirs and they're entirely mine (in a romantic way, not a possessive way), and that's just how I like it. I want someone, just one person, I can always rely on to watch a terrible movie with, always have a player two, always rant to or be ranted to, and so on. That's what makes it special. The exclusiveness is part of the charm, I suppose-- it's not just any old person they want, it's me they want. And my feeling is mutual to them.

I don't think I wrote this exactly the way I wanted it to come out, and I mulled over it a couple times, but I hope I got my point across. Everyone's different, and that's okay.

And then there's Yakuza, which requires you to, among many other things:

  • Beat a tough optional opponent not once, not twice, but ten times

  • Learn mahjong

  • Get good at rhythm games

  • Collect and watch softcore pornography

  • Earn tens of millions of Yen in games such as Blackjack, Poker, Roulette, Koi Koi, and many more

  • Get really good at old Sega games such as Outrun and Fantasy Land

  • Compete against children in Slot-Car Racing (unironically a banger minigame)

And so much more.

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The kid's name? Little Bobby Tables.

i think that's the point, it's not a "messy pile", it's actually a completely organized cache; depending on the replacement policy it can appear messy, but you keep the offset and address stored locally for fast access and more hits (i remember that i put some arguably clean socks somewhere in the corner over there)

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I believe WikiHow has staff on hand who draws for these articles. And they mostly trace off stock images, anyway.

Then the arm could slide the magnet upwards to detach, reposition it, and repeat.

This would work, but this is the point where you'd need to involve an external energy source. If you move the truck-magnet-arm system such that the whole system reaches a steady state and the truck has "moved" (relative to an outside observer), to continue any motion, you need to disturb the steady state to reposition the arm and create a new resting point. Doing so would require energy. From a battery, or an engine, or whatever, but you need energy from an external source. And so we're right back to where we started: instead of all this jazz, why not just spend energy to spin the wheels instead?

You gotta learn to read buddy, it says "sisyphus", you know, that piece of paper you get on the first day of class.

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I mean, it's not not a cutting board.


...small concern though: I currently use the rail planner a lot, usually to map out how I want my outposts to look at long distances. If the rail planner, particularly shift + click, is actively looking for rails to snap to, I hope it won't greedily try to snap to rails I don't want it to. I'm sure the devs already have this considered, but I just want to make sure that if I have multi-layer train crossings, and I'm trying to plan them out before I actually build them, that I'm able to path out rails behind an elevated rail without the rail planner assuming I want the rail to connect to the elevated rail. I hope that won't be an annoying issue.

>wireless controller

>open it up, look inside


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I haven't even read the article yet and I'm at full sail.

Edit after reading:

The new rails look gorgeous, and I need those new S-bends immediately. And those smooth curves!

And this:

We have increased the big electric pole range to 32 to go along with this.

is how you know a game dev is in touch with their audience.

Although this confirms my suspicions from last week that 1.1.x maps will be incompatible with the 2.x update, which is a shame but completely understandable. That just means that I have to hurry up and launch my first rocket before that happens! (I swear I'm making actual progress and not just staring blankly at my machines at work)

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It's correct, just a bit confusing to parse at first. Like a garden path sentence, but with commas.

Hell yeah, going around making Windows logos. That's my jam.