It's true: People do poop in ride lines at Disneyland and Disney World to Not The – 187 points –
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If you go during non-peak days and have a general game plan, it's not that bad. You can get a good amount of ride time going if you time your Fastpasses (they're free) good enough.

The pricetag, though, that's on you to decide. I like going, but I wouldn't go more than, like, once... a decade.

Once was enough for a lifetime for me. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't really that much better than most amusement parks, and certainly not worth the price to go back. I can say I've been, and that's enough for me.

How much is it? For the lazy. Like me.

It’s a little over $100 a ticket. I also don’t think fast pass is free anymore.