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Joined 11 months ago

It doesn't sound to me like he thought he was above the law. He seemed to know the consequences. He just didn't think that Trump should be above the law. Or, at the very least, above presidential decorum.

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Russians could make bank with a hand rail industry.

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You know. Like a king. The framers were pretty big on that kind of thing.

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Retire? Is that some kind of a car thing?

Well that's fucking terrifying.

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I'm impressed by the idea that people can still afford to live alone.

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He raised prices ahead of stays so it was full-full price.

I didn't see anyone saying that but the correct response is: in the next billing cycle we're going to start charging X amount per month for X amount of traffic or we have to bump you to to the next tier.

If things are so dire that the traffic is causing problems the correct response is to throttle certain domain traffic until it gets figured out in some way.

Pay X amount in 24 hours or we remove you entirely is extortion.

Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch. Pretty hardcore atheist and even I know that one.

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This is correct. We waste a solid 1/3 of the food we produce and import. And we're nowhere close to maxing out our food production. We just prevent people from having access to it.

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Listen NYPD, do you want Spiderman's help or not?

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Do they seriously think an extremely liberal, gay as hell power bottom cannot out-fart almost anyone on the planet?

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Too fucking late. I've already installed Bluefin on two machines and Bazzite on my gaming machine. I'm not going back.

Don't fret. Fear not the terrorist firefighters. We have terrorists at every level and in every position of our social fabric. I'm sure that's going to work out well for everyone.

Estimated $50b in wage theft against workers per year I'm thinking white collar isn't being included.

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And also, extracurricular groups forcing a code of conduct akin to purity tests need to go the fuck away. If they want to exploit the talent and hard work of kids for personal monetary gain, you'd think they'd be less of a dick about it.

Are you suffering from depression? Depression takes a lot of mundane memories away. If you work on mindfulness with some of these basic tasks like showering or cooking, you can improve the retention of your day's events.

it will not go well for him

That may well be, but nothing is really going badly for him, either. At least, not badly enough to make a difference to those of us who are increasingly facing down a hostile, broken country and a civil war because of him.

I want to point out, because I see this chart or something like it a lot. Adobe has an absolute monopoly in the professional design space. None of these programs can remotely come close to the creative suite if you're doing more than tinkering. If you're making memes or doing some personal image manipulation, you can get by with GIMP or something. If you're creating professional art or creating files for print or publication, you need Adobe. It's scary that one corporation holds so much sway over an entire industry but they definitely do.

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How you felt, going bonkers, is roughly how many introverts feel being around people. So, the three years that introverts felt good in the history of... forever, many of us would like to keep that. I just ask that extroverts respect how shitty the workforce is especially for introverts and maybe try to get their social needs met in their personal life and not demand that work time also fit only their needs. At the expense of others.

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Not all polls are meaningless. But there are a ton of meaningless polls that get an inordinate amount of attention. And I believe the overall goal of that is to make people think they're all meaningless.

The classic sloppy reporting tactic of "dozens". Somewhere between 1.5 and 33.3 dozen I guess?

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Great reference. Also, you can do gifs in Lemmy. Not sure if everyone knows that or not.

How many of those posts are about a stick?

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Some of these articles don't seem to get it. Another Trump term potentially removes all rights for many of us. Trans people won't have to worry about healthcare, bigotry, bathrooms, or anything else that they're facing. They will have to hide who they are or risk being rounded up or killed. It will be open season on women, liberals, feminists, atheists, satanists, muslims, people with dark skin or foreign sounding names. Rights don't matter in a dictatorship. There's only fighting or submitting.

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Sorry...shittin' rocks.

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Just like if you're under 35 or not a natural born citizen. He's ineligible. And that's because we don't want 6 year olds, Russian operatives who became a citizen six months ago or traitors who are both Russian operatives and act like 6 year olds.

Did they hear an acorn maybe?

I don't know where you're at, but I take a weekly trip to a greenhouse. I'm not a plant person unless they're plastic, but it really does give a nice vitamin D boost and the smells are usually amazing. Take a stroll, many of them have benches where you can sit and contemplate. Mine even does a Sunday yoga class that you can watch or join. It gets me through the doldrums.

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New Zealanders have all that room after the elves left, so that makes sense.

Full browser might be an overstatement. It was still a web full of Flash at that time. And it caused a pretty major limitation on the browser. If there wasn't an app available, you were often SOL. I do think it sped up the demise of Flash on the web considerably.

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Eh, I'll take it though. I live in a fairly quiet part of town but the street has gotten pretty busy in the last could of years. And visually, I guess the street seems to open up making drivers get... spicy now and then. The fucking motorcycles, man. These noisy fucking middle-aged infants making 130 decibels while only going 15mph make me see red. I'd gladly take the lawn equipment noise.

Informally, I believe this has been resolved by having the state attorney general sign off on most legislation as to its constitutionality. In my state, the attorney general is a shitheel. But, he has called out anti-gay legislation as blatantly unconstitutional and a waste of time and money. The lawmakers want headlines and ALEC money. They don't give two shits about it being lawful or costly or harmful.

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And then six months later than that we'll get some edited bodycam footage.

Anxiety. Which is possibly causing the depression.

Considering how they've exchanged a family dynamic for a corrupt corporate one, they probably just communicate in depositions.

I don't think the framers did. A few at least were leery of a transition of power happening at all. Some figured that a revolution would be necessary frequently. But some members of Congress and some prominent figures at the time were asking Washington to stay. I don't know if anyone officially wanted him to stay until he died but they wanted longer. I assume they didn't have much faith in democracy working well enough.

This is Be Kind Rewind for Internet searches. Love it

Farmers. Farmers' mums.

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